Find a French song on the Internet and create a link to it here:
1. L'exercice 32:2; Ex. 36:1, 2 (mon, ma, ton, ta)
2. Fill in the following chart with your people and animals from pages 27 and 35
As you do so, write a three word sentence saying "My ____ is __(_adj. from handout)
Ex: Un cousin est intelligent; Le chat est gentil; Mon oncle est bizarre, ton chien est a cousin is intelligent; the cat is nice; my uncle is weird; your dog is
amusant; son ami est sympathique; ma tante est sportive; sa soeur est timide
amusing/funny; his/her friend is nice; my aunt is athletic; his/her sister is timid
Boys Girls
A/an Un chien est cool. Une fille est me'chante (a girl is mean)
The Le chat est mignon (cute) La
My Mon oncle est bizarre Ma tante est belle
A/an Un chien est cool. Une fille est me'chante (a girl is mean)
The Le chat est mignon (cute) La
My Mon oncle est bizarre Ma tante est belle
Your Ton __ __ __________ Ta ___ __ _________
Her Son ___ __ _________ Sa ___ __ _________
His Son ___ __ _________ Sa ___ __ _________
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son oncle His/Her sister=Sa soeur Her uncle = son oncle
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son oncle His/Her sister=Sa soeur Her uncle = son oncle
In real conversation it's not actually as frustrating as you might think. The sentence before will probably mention the names of the people:
Tu connais Monique? Son oncle est intelligent.
3. Share your sentences with members of the class
4. Les nombres 60-79 (page 29) Ex. 29:5 Ecrire (write) ET Parler avec (with) un partenaire
Reviser (review) spelling of family members and pets (35)
How to say "my brother/my sister" in French (36)
5. Learn how to ask how old someone's dad, mom, etc. is (37)
6. Prepare for homework.
La chanson pour la semaine prochaine/
The song for week next (next week)
Le Festin (Ratatouille)
Words you must (tu dois) learn (apprendre)for (pour) quiz next Thur/Fri are in bold. Other words will be extra credit (in case you didn't notice on the last quiz, there's lots of extra credit from songs!)
1.Le Festin. les reves des amoureux 2.sont comme le bon vin
The feast. Dreams of lovers are (plural. They are like good wine
ils 3.donnent de joie ou bien du chagrin
they (dreams) give joy or lots of grief
volant en chemin tout ce que peux
flying along the way all that I can
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie = for nothing is free in life
White boards/petits tableaux
See Quizlet deck
The feast. Dreams of lovers are (plural. They are like good wine
ils 3.donnent de joie ou bien du chagrin
they (dreams) give joy or lots of grief
volant en chemin tout ce que peux
flying along the way all that I can
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie = for nothing is free in life
White boards/petits tableaux
See Quizlet deck
Mardi/mercredi, le deux/trois octobreMr. Isom's French Class Quizlet Decks
Here's what we're doing today/
Aujourd'hui on: (on=one and is used for "we"; one is/on est)
Hand in homework--Show that you taught 5 words from Dinner Table French to someone
Quiz: Dinner Table French
Write the French words and English equivalents
E.C. Words from Corbeau
Workbook/Le cahier
P. 1 Lesson 1, A, section 2 C, D, E, F
P.5 Lesson 1, part B, A
P. 9 Video scene C, Section 1 A, B, C, D, E, F
Aujourd'hui on: (on=one and is used for "we"; one is/on est)
Hand in homework--Show that you taught 5 words from Dinner Table French to someone
Quiz: Dinner Table French
Write the French words and English equivalents
E.C. Words from Corbeau
Workbook/Le cahier
P. 1 Lesson 1, A, section 2 C, D, E, F
P.5 Lesson 1, part B, A
P. 9 Video scene C, Section 1 A, B, C, D, E, F
Ex. 32:2
Boys/masculine words Girls/feminine words
A/an Un Une
The Le La
My mon Ma
Your ton ta
Her son sa
His son sa
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son frere His sister=Sa soeur
Ex. 36:1, 2
Les nombres 60-79 (page 29)
spelling of family members and pets (35)
How to say "my brother/my sister" in French (36)
How to ask how old someone's dad is (37)
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