Monday, October 29, 2018

Lundi, le vingt-neuf octobre

QUIZ 74-78

1. Hi! Do you want to play soccer with me?
2. Yes, of course!
3. And you, mon ami?
4. Yes, thanks, but I prefer to play video games.
5. Does your brother want to play with us?
6. Yes, we/one play with you, today.
7. I'm sorry, but I can't.
8. I must work with my mother.

1. Memorize the spelling of everything in yellow on pages 74, 75, 77, 78
2. Text 30 words to someone (and other person will text 30). All words must be in French.
    Instead of texting you may: Instagram, IM, create a Google Doc, or hand write.
Monday, bring proof that you did this assignment. I would prefer that you print the proof, but you may just show it to me on your phone or on the Chromebook.

Dans ton cahier de la classe (spiral):
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 76:3
Ecrire/Parler Page 76:4 pairs (evens)
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 77:5 pairs(evens)
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 77:7 
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 78:9 impairs(odds)

Finish Interview of new partner. Find out 
1. What they like to do
2. What they don't like to do
3. What they can do

Introduce partners

Write a skit using all of the material on pages 74-78
Make you skit fun! Be creative. You don't have to limit yourself to pages 74-78. For example, your skit might have somebody's weird cousin who visits from the Bronx and he talks with a funky accent.
Your skit must be done in a Google Doc so that we can add to it next week when we learn descriptive words and phrases.

Sing song :)
94:1 Parler 
95:2 Ecrire/Parler

Write Verb Flip Book sentences for verbs aimer, regarder, e'tudier, manger, donner, penser
For ea. verb you must have four sentences: Je  Tu  Elle(il)  On

BONUS for people who made it to the bottom of the blog:
Watch Damon and Jo YouTube videos!
How to Sound Cooler in French
French Filler Words--uh, ya know, so, like, wow
French Slang
Different French Accents

Carmen, de Stromae
Je Veux, de ZAZ

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jeudi, le vingt-cinq/vendredi, le vingt-six

1. Memorize the spelling of everything in yellow on pages 74, 75, 77, 78
2. Text 30 words to someone (and other person will text 30). All words must be in French.
    Instead of texting you may: Instagram, IM, create a Google Doc, or hand write.
Monday, bring proof that you did this assignment. I would prefer that you print the proof, but you may just show it to me on your phone or on the Chromebook.

Write Verb Flip Book sentences for verbs aimer, regarder, e'tudier, manger, donner, penser
For ea. verb you must have four sentences: Je  Tu  Elle(il)  On
donner        to give
Je donne    I give
Tu donnes  You give
Elle donne  She gives
On donne    One/we give *French teenagers say "on" instead of "nous," which means "we"
    "On" means "We"
Je donne un sandwich a` Patrick
Tu donnes un chat et un chien a` ma famille
Ma grand-me^re donne une auto a` moi parce que j'aime c,a
(My grammie gives me a car because I like that)
On donne  les croissants

penser        to think
je pense
tu penses
elle pense
on pense

je pense de Paris
tu penses que tu es cool
elle pense
on pense

Dans ton cahier de la classe (spiral):
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 76:3
Ecrire/Parler Page 76:4 pairs (evens)
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 77:5 pairs(evens)
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 77:7 
Ecrire/Parler(Write it out, then do it orally) Page 78:9 impairs(odds)

Finish Interview of new partner. Find out 
1. What they like to do
2. What they don't like to do
3. What they can do

Introduce partners

Write a skit using all of the material on pages 74-78
Make you skit fun! Be creative. You don't have to limit yourself to pages 74-78. For example, your skit might have somebody's weird cousin who visits from the Bronx and he talks with a funky accent.
Your skit must be done in a Google Doc so that we can add to it next week when we learn descriptive words and phrases.

Sing song :)

Next time: Write Verb Flip Book sentences for verbs aimer, regarder, e'tudier, manger, donner, penser
For ea. verb you must have four sentences: Je  Tu  Elle(il)  On

BONUS for people who made it to the bottom of the blog:
Watch Damon and Jo YouTube videos!
How to Sound Cooler in French
French Filler Words--uh, ya know, so, like, wow
French Slang
Different French Accents

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Mardi, le vingt-trois octobre/ mercredi, le vingt-quatre

  • Cahier/WB 62, 63
  • Memorize spelling of all verbs on pages 74, 75
Bonjour a tous! (hello to all/everybody)
1. Petits tableaux blancs/white boards
"How's it going"; famille; #60-1,000,000; 74/75
2. Quiz
3. Verb conjugation
4. Text or IM penpal
.Le livret de verbes
parler, etre, avoir, faire,
regarder, penser, e'tudier, donner, manger, travailler, habiter, jouer,
FILL IN CARDS FOR VERBS IN ITALICS--Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Name (page 10)

IM or Text/ les textos
French Texting Slang and Texting in French--Quizlet

Notebook check
Out of Class Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening packet

Devoirs/Homework: Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?/What do you do?
  1. Cahier/WB 62 and 63
  2. Memorize spelling of -er verbs for je/tu/il on page 74
     Tue/Wed night, memorize spelling of all words on 74 and 75 including "How to talk about what you like and don't like
  3. Tue/Wed night, Listen to songs and rank them.
     *As you listen, write down 20 words on the handout

French Insults (fairly tame)
Insulting Adjectives (fairly tame)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

1. Listen to songs
Periode 5 Chansons Favorites
Bonjour a tous! (hello to all/everybody)
2. Cahier/WB 62, 63
3. Text or IM penpal
1.Le livret de verbes
parler, etre, avoir, faire,
regarder, penser, e'tudier, donner, manger, travailler, habiter, jouer,
FILL IN CARDS FOR VERBS IN ITALICS--Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Name (page 10)

IM or Text/ les textos
French Texting Slang and Texting in French--Quizlet

Notebook check
Out of Class Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening packet

Devoirs/Homework: Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?/What do you do?
  1. Cahier/WB 62 and 63
  2. Memorize spelling of -er verbs for je/tu/il on page 74
     Tue/Wed night, memorize spelling of all words on 74 and 75 including "How to talk about what you like and don't like
  3. Tue/Wed night, Listen to songs and rank them.
     *As you listen, write down 20 words on the handout

French Insults (fairly tame)
Insulting Adjectives (fairly tame)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Mardi, le seize octobre/Mercredi, le dix-sept

Mardi, le seize octobre/Mercredi, le dix-sept

1. Listen to songs
2. Prepare for quiz over lessons 1, 2

Bonjour a tous! (hello to all/everybody)
Hand in DEVOIR/HOMEWORK--5 points

  • Hey, who that?
  • It's my father.
  • Is he French?
  • No, he is American. He is from Salem. My mother, too.
  • He is very interesting. And the dog it it your dog?
  • Yes, and he is very intelligent. He is twelve years old.
  • Your father is twelve years old!?
  • No, stupid! My DOG is twelve years old.
  • See you tomorrow
  • Goodbye.
  • See you later

Le livret de verbes
parler, etre, avoir, faire,
regarder, penser, e'tudier, donner, manger, travailler, habiter, jouer,
FILL IN CARDS FOR VERBS IN ITALICS--Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Name (page 10)
aller, pouvoir, vouloir, devoir, finir, vendre

IM or Text/ les textos
French Texting Slang and Texting in French--Quizlet

Notebook check
Out of Class Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening packet

Devoirs/Homework: Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?/What do you do?
  1. Cahier/WB 62 and 63
  2. Memorize spelling of -er verbs for je/tu/il on page 74
     Tue/Wed night, memorize spelling of all words on 74 and 75 including "How to talk about what you like and don't like
  3. Tue/Wed night, Listen to songs and rank them.
     *As you listen, write down 20 words on the handout

French Insults (fairly tame)
Insulting Adjectives (fairly tame)

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lundi, le quinze octobre

Bonjour a tous! (hello to all/everybody)
 Tonight (ce soir): Translate the following dialogue. It will take you a little while. Sorry/de'sole'
All words and phrases are found in the book in lessons 1 and 2
I will run the entire dialogue through Google translate, so it you use it, you will be caught.

  • Hey, who that?
  • It's my father.
  • Is he French?
  • No, he is American. He is from Salem. My mother, too.
  • He is very interesting. And the dog it it your dog?
  • Yes, and he is very intelligent. He is twelve years old.
  • Your father is twelve years old!?
  • No, stupid! My DOG is twelve years old.
  • See you tomorrow
  • Goodbye.
  • See you later
Le livre des verbes
parler, etre, avoir, faire, aller, finir, vendre, pouvoir, vouloir, devoir
habiter a, jouer a, donner, penser, etudier, manger, travailler

IM or Text/ les textos
French Texting Slang and Texting in French--Quizlet

Notebook check
Out of Class Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening packet

Devoirs/Homework: Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?/What do you do?
  1. Cahier/WB 62 and 63
  2. Memorize spelling of -er verbs on page 74
     Tue/Wed night, memorize spelling of all words on 74 and 75 including "How to talk about what          you like and don't like
  3. Tue/Wed night, Listen to songs and rank them.
     *As you listen, write down 20 words on the handout

4. Tonight (ce soir): Translate the following dialogue. It will take you a little while. Sorry/de'sole'
All words and phrases are found in the book in lessons 1 and 2
I will run the entire dialogue through Google translate, so it you use it, you will be caught.

  • Hey, who that?
  • It's my father.
  • Is he French?
  • No, he is American. He is from Salem. My mother, too.
  • He is very interesting. And the dog it it your dog?
  • Yes, and he is very intelligent. He is twelve years old.
  • Your father is twelve years old!?
  • No, stupid! My DOG is twelve years old.
  • See you tomorrow
  • Goodbye.
  • See you later
French Insults (fairly tame)
Insulting Adjectives (fairly tame)

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jeudi/vendredi, le quatre/cinq octobre, deux mille dix-huit



Find a French song on the Internet and create a link to it here:

1. L'exercice 32:2; Ex. 36:1, 2 (mon, ma, ton, ta)
2. Fill in the following chart with your people and animals from pages 27 and 35
As you do so, write a three word sentence saying "My ____ is __(_adj. from handout)
Ex:  Un cousin est intelligent; Le chat est gentil; Mon oncle est bizarre, ton chien est                             a cousin is intelligent; the cat is nice; my uncle is weird; your dog is  
         amusant; son ami est sympathique; ma tante est sportive; sa soeur est timide  
         amusing/funny; his/her friend is nice; my aunt is athletic; his/her sister is timid
Boys                                                      Girls
A/an        Un  chien est cool.            Une fille est me'chante (a girl is mean)
The          Le  chat est mignon (cute) La
My           Mon oncle est bizarre       Ma tante est belle
Your        Ton  __ __ __________     Ta ___ __ _________  
Her          Son ___ __ _________     Sa ___ __ _________ 
His           Son ___ __ _________     Sa ___ __ _________
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son          oncle         His/Her sister=Sa soeur  Her uncle = son oncle
In real conversation it's not actually as frustrating as you might think. The sentence before will probably mention the names of the people:
Tu connais Monique? Son oncle est intelligent. 
3. Share your sentences with members of the class
4. Les nombres 60-79 (page 29) Ex. 29:5 Ecrire (write) ET Parler avec (with) un partenaire
Reviser (review) spelling of family members and pets (35)
How to say "my brother/my sister" in French (36)
5. Learn how to ask how old someone's dad, mom, etc.  is (37)

6. Prepare for homework.
La chanson pour la semaine prochaine/
     The song for week next (next week)
Le Festin (Ratatouille)
Words you must (tu dois) learn (apprendre)for (pour) quiz next Thur/Fri are in bold. Other words will be extra credit (in case you didn't notice on the last quiz, there's lots of extra credit from songs!)
1.Le Festin. les reves des amoureux 2.sont comme le bon vin
The feast.     Dreams of lovers   are (plural. They are like good wine
             ils 3.donnent de joie ou bien du chagrin
they (dreams) give            joy or   lots of grief
volant en chemin       tout ce que peux
flying along the way           all that I can
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie = for nothing is free in life

White boards/petits tableaux
See Quizlet deck



Mardi/mercredi, le deux/trois octobreMr. Isom's French Class Quizlet Decks

Here's what we're doing today/
Aujourd'hui on:  (on=one and is used for "we"; one is/on est)
Hand in homework--Show that you taught 5 words from Dinner Table French to someone
Quiz: Dinner Table French
Write the French words and English equivalents
E.C. Words from Corbeau
Workbook/Le cahier
P. 1 Lesson 1, A, section 2 C, D, E, F
P.5 Lesson 1, part B, A
P. 9 Video scene C, Section 1 A, B, C, D, E, F

Ex. 32:2
Boys/masculine words             Girls/feminine words
A/an        Un                                        Une
The          Le                                         La
My           mon                                     Ma
Your         ton                                       ta

Her          son                                       sa
His           son                                       sa
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son frere             His sister=Sa soeur

Ex. 36:1, 2
Les nombres 60-79 (page 29)
spelling of family members and pets (35)
How to say "my brother/my sister" in French (36)

How to ask how old someone's dad is (37)

Monday, October 1, 2018

Mardi/mercredi, le deux/trois octobre

Here's what we're doing today/
Aujourd'hui on:  (on=one and is used for "we"; one is/on est)
Hand in homework--Show that you taught 5 words from Dinner Table French to someone
Quiz: Dinner Table French
Write the French words and English equivalents
E.C. Words from Corbeau

Workbook/Le cahier
P. 1 Lesson 1, A, section 2 C, D, E, F
P.5 Lesson 1, part B, A
P. 9 Video scene C, Section 1 A, B, C, D, E, F

Ex. 32:2
Boys/masculine words             Girls/feminine words
A/an        Un                                        Une
The          Le                                         La
My           mon                                     Ma
Your         ton                                       ta

Her          son                                       sa
His           son                                       sa
Note: it is the WORD that determines the gender of these little words
His brother=Son frere             His sister=Sa soeur

Ex. 36:1, 2
Les nombres 60-79 (page 29)
spelling of family members and pets (35)
How to say "my brother/my sister" in French (36)

How to ask how old someone's dad is (37)