Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Aujourd'hui, nous sommes mardi, le cinq juin, deux mille dix-huit

Write a long letter to a friend using as many of the things we have studied as you can:
Grammar, Expressions, Vocabulary, Adjectives (165) and Verbs
Write fluid, long sentences. Double check your grammar
Discuss at least one of the following: Shopping, Food, Family
Start with Cher/Che`re/Salut/Bonjour mon ami
End with Amitie's/Cordialement/ Mes since`res salutations les plus distingue's
Models: 190, 252, 244, 226

Exercise 5, page 261
A+B+C and try using one of the following words in each sentence:
est-ce que
parce que
avec, de, ou pour
au printemps

Write a long letter to a friend using as many of the things we have studied as you can:
Grammar, Expressions, Vocabulary, Adjectives (165) and Verbs
Write fluid, long sentences. Double check your grammar
Discuss at least one of the following: Shopping, Food, Family
Start with Cher/Che`re/Salut/Bonjour mon ami
End with Amitie's/Cordialement/ Mes since`res salutations les plus distingue's
Models: 190, 252, 244, 226

Les ve^tements
1. En hiver, je porte un manteau parce qu'il fait froid.
2.Au printemp, mon fre're porte un polo parce-qu'il fait frais.
3. ma famille aime l' ete parce que nous allons  a la piscine
ma famille aime l' ete parce que nous pouvons
aller a la piscine

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