Thursday, June 7, 2018

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The drop down menu will take you to "Easy Accents." Click and follow directions

Devoirs/HW for this weekend:
Write a long letter to a friend using as many of the things we have studied as you can.
Follow the directions on the handout, which is here, too, if you lose yours:

Writing a Letter

Grammar, Expressions, Vocabulary, Adjectives (165) and Verbs
Write fluid, long sentences. Double check your grammar
Discuss at least one of the following: Shopping, Food, Family
Start with Cher/Che`re/Salut/Bonjour mon ami
End with Amitie's/Cordialement/ Mes since`res salutations les plus distingue's
Models: 190, 252, 244, 226

1. I think that your pants are rather cool, but they are a bit out of fashion.
Je pense que ton pantalon est  assez  cool, mais il est un peu de'mode'.
2. What do you think of the red car that my grandparents give/gave me for my birthday?
Qu'est-ce que tu penses de la voiture rouge que mes  grand-parents  donnent moi pour mon annivewrsaire?
3. There is a big store in Paris where we are going to buy some French clothes because they are very interesting and cool and we are, uh, cool, right?!
Il y a un grand magasin a` Paris ou` nous allons acheter des ve^tements franc,ais  parce qu'ils sont tre`s inte'ressants et cool et nous sommes, euh . . ., cool, n'est-ce pas? 

Ecrivez La Lettre

La derniere fois (last time)

Exercise 5, page 261
A+B+C and try using one of the following words in each sentence:
est-ce que
parce que
avec, de, ou pour
au printemps

Write a long letter to a friend using as many of the things we have studied as you can:
Grammar, Expressions, Vocabulary, Adjectives (165) and Verbs
Write fluid, long sentences. Double check your grammar
Discuss at least one of the following: Shopping, Food, Family
Start with Cher/Che`re/Salut/Bonjour mon ami
End with Amitie's/Cordialement/ Mes since`res salutations les plus distingue's
Models: 190, 252, 244, 226

Les ve^tements
1. En hiver, je porte un manteau parce qu'il fait froid.
2.Au printemp, mon fre're porte un polo parce-qu'il fait frais.
3. ma famille aime l' ete parce que nous allons  a la piscine
ma famille aime l' ete parce que nous pouvons
aller a la piscine

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