Les points de participation pour les billets de 10 euros <<Isom>> que vous avez
En été, étudiez le français avec ces activités:
Resources for Independent Study
Here's all of the info in that document:
To truly learn a foreign language requires more than book study. You must be a self-motivated learner if you really want to master the language. I’ve noticed that top students constantly write down words and phrases that they hear and read, even when they’re not required to. Why not? Additionally, self-motivated learners find opportunities to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing French. Here are some resources to use this summer and throughout your life:
- studentsoftheworld.info (penpals) Get a penpal and write, call, Facetime, or video instant message.Google Hangouts will record (YouTube How To Hangout link)
- Coffee Break French Podcasts--20 min. episodes. Levels French 1-4
Search for it in iTunes Podcast Player. It’s possible to find on the Web, but difficult
- French in Action 145 YouTube Videos--30 min. episodes. Great series. French 1-4
- Practice speaking by Facetiming or calling friends from class. If you force yourselves to do it, it will become second nature and you will learn very fast.
- Start a conversation group! A bunch of South students could start meeting on Saturdays or perhaps attend the Cercle Français (see M. Zenk’s zenk.yolasite.com/ )
- Duolingo.com Great site! Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking
- Listen to French popular music on YouTube.
- Lyricstraining.com Play French songs from YouTube and type lyrics. This site is extremely helpful for listening comprehension
- Watch French movies or Hollywood movies set to French subtitles.
- My new favorite Netflix program is Chef's Table: France, in French with English subtitles
- Babar PDF. Find all sorts of PDF’s online or animated stories on YouTube, such as Goldilocks (Boucle d’or) in French
- All sorts of French stories and tales in French with animation and pictures that facillitate comprehension: Fables and stories
- Watch movies with subtitles set to French
- Listen to music with subtitles. Sometimes they have both French and English subtitles
- Duolingo.com
- French penpal
- Texting pal with other South students
- Some students find French teens to "friend" on Facebook, etc. Check with parents, first
- Duolingo.com
When writing French, use Word Reference. The reason it is SO much better than Google Translate is that they give you example sentences for each definition of the word.
Or simply do a Google search for fancy words and phrases. For example, a search for
"I'm dying to see you" or "I can't wait to see you" gives you the WordReferenceForum answers:
<<je meurs d'envie de te revoir>>. A websearch will also give you any slang words. :^)
Consider keeping your French 1 book over the summer. Be sure to check it back in the very first day of school, though! Some of you might even want to check out the 2nd and 3rd year books so that you can get ahead and not have to work so hard next year.
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