Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Jeudi, le 31 mai


Those of you who were working in the hall at the first of the period last time need to make sure that you can translation the following sentences. People who were here could help you.
Des Phrases a` Traduire (translate English to French)
1. We are going to my grandma's place.(211)  She's at her place (222)
2.  Jacques and Simone are coming from the Orsay Museum with their friends. (232)
3.  Marie is the mother of my father; she's my grandma.
4. They have big dog that is very intelligent
5. I don't have any dogs, but I have an awesome cat!

Lesson 17, Clothing
Verbs finir (278), choisir, vendre (290), mettre (272), porter, penser, trouver, chercher, donner
Past tense: passe' compose' (page 321)  Conjugate avoir + change er to e'
Quizlet--leçon 18 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
Quizlet--leçon 19 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
Quizlet--leçon 20 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, don't turn in your textbook at the end of the year.
Instead, review the whole book. You might want to check out the French 2 book, too, and start working through it.

1. (page 204)--e'crivez 5 short phrases of summary in English
    (page 205) 2 short sentences of summary for Le Centre Pompidou and 2 for Le Parc de la V.
2. Venir = to come
   (page 218, ex 2: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 219, ex 3: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 220, ex 5: ecrivez impairs (odd))
   (page 222, ex 6: ecrivez 2, 4)
   (page 223, ex 9: ecrivez 1-3 )

3rd = troisie`me              4th = quatrie`me
Paris arrondissements
Plan (map) de Paris: Les Arrondissments de Paris
Trouvez l'arrondissment de ton monument sur le plan.

HW / Les Devoirs (10 points)
1.Workbook/cahier 133-136; Over the weekend, 140-143. If you don't understand 133-136, do 140-143 instead.

.Des Phrases a` Traduire (translate English to French)
1. We are going to my grandma's place.(211)  She's at her place (222)
2.  Jacques and Simone are coming from the Orsay Museum with their friends. (232)
3.  Marie is the mother of my father; she's my grandma.
4. They have big dog that is very intelligent
5. I don't have any dogs, but I have an awesome cat!

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