Pour Reviser (Review)
1.Ecrivez une phrase d'une saison. Ecrivez une phrase tre`s longue en utilisant les mots des pages 89, 100, 106.
2. Adjectifs Possessifs: mon, ton, son; mes, tes, ses; ma, ta, sa, ses
Exercise 6. Page 231: 2, 4, 13, 15
Exercise 10, page 232: 1-8
FRENCH IMMERSION DAY--JUNE 1, periods 6, 7, 8W
Any student with an A, B, or C in French may attend. It's super fun. Ge'nial! Super chouette.
Students who are attending may purchase an immersion day shirt for $8. We need to choose
the color and I'll get that info to M. Zenk.
shirt- https://goo.gl/forms/k4UwiDj7CVp6dG933
The link is also available on the home page of my blog- zenk.yolasite.comR
1. Exercises from the textbook. Write out answers and hand in at the end of the period:
Page 210, Exercise 7, 1-10 (just answers)
211, Ex 8
211, Ex. 9
Hand in
The remainder of the time is to work with your partner on your
Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
NOTE: Definitely do NOT use Google Translate for your French sentences.
If it sounds slightly weird, I will type in the original sentence (I can guess)
and see if the plagiarized sentences comes up. Not that any of you would do that.
HOMEWORK (5 pts): page 212, ex 10 (these 5 points include HW from Monday)
HOMEWORK (5 pts): Translate the following sentences from English to French:
1. You are annoying! Go away/get out of here! (see pages 206, 165)
2. Would you (plural) like to go to French Press and eat crepes? Yes, let's go! (206)
3. Mr. Zenk's students are going ("go") to France in summer.
4. We are going to go to France in two thousand twenty.
5. To whose house are you going? (word for word in the book!)
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French Te^te, Epaules, Genoux, et Pieds
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
j'ai deux yeux, deux oreilles, un bouche, un nez
I have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
Le Jour d'immersion est (va e^tre) le premier juin, les periods 5, 6, 7
Il y a des jeux (games). Pour gagner (win), memorisez beaucoup de vocabulaire
des animaux, Quizlet Animaux (36); Animaux (60)
les parties du corps humain (te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds) corps avance'
les couleurs
les regions et villes de la France
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