Friday, November 30, 2018


1.  10 min. Homework check. Show substitute pages 67 and 68 in workbook. Send around sign in sheet for students who finished. Write 1 or 2 next to name to indicate whether 1 or 2 pages were completed. Partners verify each others' work.
2.  35 min. Get Chromebooks. Go to and make a deck of all the "Useful Words/Mots Utiles" on pages 89 and 100. Make one flashcard for the word (with definition on back) and a second card of a sentence using the word. There are 17 words, so you will have a total of 34 cards. If you work quickly, challenge yourself by writing long sentences. Help one another if some people are having a hard time.
3. 10 min. Turn to 74 and 78 in the textbook. Quickly review all words and phrases with your partner. Everyone now stands up. Speak French only for 5 minutes discussing things you do and don't do (as well as can and can't do). You don't have to stay put. Go ahead and wander the room :)
4. 15 min. In your spiral, translate the following sentences. Check page 84 for verb conjugations and the page with ways to say where you are (in Europe, on vacation, at home, etc. Page 85?). You may work with a partner anywhere in the room

  • I am in Salem
  • We are not in France 
  • You (familiar) are here with me and Marie
  • Y'all are in class and you study.
  • Thomas is on vacation in France.  He is not in Quebec.
  • Bernard and Louise are at the movies. They are not dining at the restaurant
  • You guys (you plural) aren't at home.
5. FREE TIME. You may read French stories or listen to French music.


3. Exercice 87:6 Students play teacher, rest of class answers
Exercice 88:7; 88:8 Ecrire
Verb Flip Book/Livret de verbes
On the back of each verb card, write one sentence in the negative
          (with ne + conjugated verb + pas)
Exercice 89:9
On the back of each verb card, write one sentence using one of the <<mots utiles>>
on page 89. There are seven words and you have to use each one at least once
Qu'est que c'est game. Page 140
Exercice 100:12
On the back of each verb card, write one sentence using one of the <<mots utiles>> on page 100 There are 10 of these words and 10 -er verb cards.
4. Sentence creation game 
In groups of four, write extra long sentences using words from pages 89 and 100. Isom euros pour les phrases les plus longues :^)
5. Reading

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Jeudi et vendredi, le vingt-neuf et trente novembre

Lundi Quiz: 132, 133

1) Quiz, la page cent trente-deux
Classroom student questions--Quizlet 
Classroom directions--Quizlet 
Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet 
The term goes on the front of the card. The translation goes on the back
ALSO, on the back you need to type (in French) a possible answer to the question
Front of the card                         Translation                        Answer
1.Qui est-ce?                               Who is it                              C'est mon fre`re
2.Comment s'appelle ton ami(e)  What's your friend's name? Elle s'appelle Miranda
3.Quel âge a ton ami?                  How old is your friend?        Il cinq ans
4.Il est comment?/Comment est-il? How is he? (What's he like (personality, looks)
5.Est-ce qu'il est grand ou petit?    Is he tall or short                 Il est petit
6. Il est sportif?EIle est sportive?   Is he athletic?                      Oui, il est sportif
7. Est-ce qu'elle est cool?           Is she cool?                        Mais oui! (of course)
8. Tu penses qu'elle est intelligente? Do you think she's smart? Non, elle est bête
9. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait?                  What does he do?              Il nage et il danse     
10. Est-ce qu'il aime parler francais? Does he like to speak French?  Bien sûr!
11. Write your own question using a verb ( e.g."Does he like to play soccer, or does he prefer to play video games"
12. Write your own question using an adjective from page 165 (e.g. "Is she mean, or is she nice?")
13.Write another question that you think would be important (examples could include things like whether or not they're members of the family, what school they attend, why they are interesting, etc.)
3) 15 minutes speaking. I will count this toward your 60 minutes, which is due next time. 
4) Exercices 
Exercice 85:2
Exercice 87:6
Exercice 88:8
Exercice 89:9
Exercice 89:9
Finish skit about French class. Use at least five of the words from page 132, five of the words on 133 under Quelques objets (some objects), and 5 words from Tu dis at the bottom of page 133.
Consider using words from pages 89, 100, and 144

Amusez-vous bien! (amuse yourselves=have fun!)
3. Exercices 97:5, 6, 7
Inviter = to invite.  Inviter a` = to invite someone to do something
J'invite mon ami a` jouer au foot.
Note: the second verb is in the infinitive because it is "to play soccer"
97:8; 99:11 odd
    4. Homework for November 30: Finish your 60 min Reading, 60 min. of Writing, 60 minutes of Listening, and 60 minutes of Speaking. 
    Hand in all evidence of your work on the 29th/30th

    Tuesday, November 27, 2018

    Mardi, le vingt-sept novembre. Noel est en vingt-huit jours!

    Memoriser 133 "Tu dis . . ."
    Finish skit about French class. Use at least five of the words from page 132, five of the words on 133 under Quelques objets (some objects), and 5 words from Tu dis at the bottom of page 133.
    Consider using words from pages 89, 100, and 144
    Amusez-vous bien! (amuse yourselves=have fun!)
    1) Quiz, la page cent trente-deux
    Classroom student questions--Quizlet 
    Classroom directions--Quizlet 
    Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet 
    The term goes on the front of the card. The translation goes on the back
    ALSO, on the back you need to type (in French) a possible answer to the question
    Front of the card                         Translation                        Answer
    1.Qui est-ce?                               Who is it                              C'est mon fre`re
    2.Comment s'appelle ton ami(e)  What's your friend's name? Elle s'appelle Miranda
    3.Quel âge a ton ami?                  How old is your friend?        Il a cinq ans
    4.Il est comment?/Comment est-il? How is he? (What's he like (personality, looks)
    5.Est-ce qu'il est grand ou petit?    Is he tall or short                 Il est petit
    6. Il est sportif?EIle est sportive?   Is he athletic?                      Oui, il est sportif
    7. Est-ce qu'elle est cool?           Is she cool?                        Mais oui! (of course)
    8. Tu penses qu'elle est intelligente? Do you think she's smart? Non, elle est bête
    9. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait?                  What does he do?              Il nage et il danse     
    10. Est-ce qu'il aime parler francais? Does he like to speak French?  Bien sûr!
    11. Write your own question using a verb ( e.g."Does he like to play soccer, or does he prefer to play video games"
    12. Write your own question using an adjective from page 165 (e.g. "Is she mean, or is she nice?")
    13.Write another question that you think would be important (examples could include things like whether or not they're members of the family, what school they attend, why they are interesting, etc.)
    3) 15 minutes speaking. I will count this toward your 60 minutes, which is due next time. 
    4) Exercices 
    Exercice 85:2
    Exercice 87:6
    Exercice 88:8
    Exercice 89:9

    3. Exercices 97:5, 6, 7
    Inviter = to invite.  Inviter a` = to invite someone to do something
    J'invite mon ami a` jouer au foot.
    Note: the second verb is in the infinitive because it is "to play soccer"
    97:8; 99:11 odd
    4. Homework for November 30: Finish your 60 min Reading, 60 min. of Writing, 60 minutes of Listening, and 60 minutes of Speaking. 
    Hand in all evidence of your work on the 29th/30th

    Monday, November 26, 2018

    Lundi, le vingt-six novembre. Noel est en vingt-neuf jours!

    Memoriser 133
    Write phrases for all vocab on page 

    Qui est-ce? 
    Comment s'appelle ton ami(e)
    Quel a^ge a ton ami?
    Comment est-il?/Il est comment?
    Est-ce qu'il est grand ou petit?
    Elle est sportive?
      Oui, Simone est sportive
      Non, Claire n'est pas sportive
      Non, Isabelle est timide (or other adjective)
    Est-ce qu'elle est cool?
      Oui, je pense qu'elle est super!
    Qu'est-ce qu'il fait?
    Est-ce qu'il aime parler francais?

    3. Exercices 97:5, 6, 7
    Inviter = to invite.  Inviter a` = to invite someone to do something
    J'invite mon ami a` jouer au foot.
    Note: the second verb is in the infinitive because it is "to play soccer"
    97:8; 99:11 odd

    2. Listen to the song Carmen, de Stromae
     Get out your lyrics and sing along!
    3. Homework: Have a texting conversation with someone discussing a picture. 
    Include the following:
    • A physical description
    • A description of personality
    • Something he or she (or they) do
    • Something he or she (or they) likes to do
    • A creative sentence of your own 
    4. Homework for November 30: Finish your 60 min Reading, 60 min. of Writing, 60 minutes of Listening, and 60 minutes of Speaking. 
    Hand in all evidence of your work on the 29th/30th

    Thursday, November 15, 2018

    Jeudi et vendredi, le quinze et seize novembre

    1.Homework check--10 points
    2. Practice speaking, 10 minutes. I will count this toward your speaking points!
    Ask different members of the class about pictures of theirs. You will start with basic questions, such as name, age, place they live, and then move into adjectives describing them and questions about things they do, like to do, prefere to do, and can't do.
    Copy the following, if you don't already have them memorized:
    Qui est-ce? Comment s'appelle le garc,on/la fille/la dame/l'homme (page 27)
    Quel a^ge a-t-il?/Quel a^ge a-t-elle?
    Est-ce qu'il est grand ou petit?
    Est-ce qu'elle est __(adjective from 139) __?
    Je pense qu'elle est__(adjective from 139)
    Elle est 
    3. Exercices 97:5, 6, 7
    Inviter = to invite.  Inviter a` = to invite someone to do something
    J'invite mon ami a` jouer au foot.
    Note: the second verb is in the infinitive because it is "to play soccer"
    97:8; 99:11 odd

    2. Listen to the song Carmen, de Stromae
     Get out your lyrics and sing along!
    3. Homework: Have a texting conversation with someone discussing a picture. 
    Include the following:
    • A physical description
    • A description of personality
    • Something he or she (or they) do
    • Something he or she (or they) likes to do
    • A creative sentence of your own 
    4. Homework for November 30: Finish your 60 min Reading, 60 min. of Writing, 60 minutes of Listening, and 60 minutes of Speaking. 
    Hand in all evidence of your work on the 29th/30th

    For extra practice: Common verbs, pages 74, 75
    Start learning "mots utiles" (useful words) on page 100

    BONUS--Cool stuff:
    French Slang
    verlan--a French pig Latin, of sorts
      Inverting syllables. Parler a` l'envers. *Verlan*

    Tuesday, November 13, 2018


    1. Write a description of someone you know and bring a picture next time.
    Physical description, things they do, like to do and don't like to do, etc. 10pt.
    2. Tuesday's/Wednesday's HW: Livret de Verbes/Verb Flipbook:
      Ecrivez quatre phrases pour les verbes dans le livret
         Write four   phrases  for     the verbs  in the flipbook
            1. Je, 2. Tu, 3. Person's name, 4. On
            Verbes: parler, aimer, e'tudier, manger, travailler, penser, donner, habiter a` montrer, demander
             Verbs: to like, to live   to study  to eat   to work  to think, to give, to live    to show,   to ask
    3. HW for 30 Nov/Devoir pour le 30 nov.:
       Finish all logs for 60 min Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours
    Aujourd'hui, le huit et neuf novembre:
    1. QUIZ
    2. Write the following exercises and then practice with partner (orally)
    Ex. page 139:2   139:1
    Reviser/Review page 27, 139, 138, 74, 77, 78, 40, eye color
    3.Finish introducing your partner to the class, if you haven't already done it.
        Add a sentence stating their hair color.
           You can even say, "Elle est assez brune" which means that she's "rather brown haired"
           Add a sentence stating their eye color
    Start homework:
     Livret de Verbes/Verb Flipbook:
      Ecrivez quatre phrases pour les verbes dans le livret
         Write four   phrases  for     the verbs  in the flipbook
            1. Je, 2. Tu, 3. Person's name, 4. On
            Verbes: aimer, habiter a`, e'tudier, manger, travailler, penser, donner, montrer, demander
             Verbs: to like, to live     to study   to eat     to work    to think, to give, to show, to ask
       Write a description of someone you know and bring a picture next time.
    5. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours
    Listen to the song Carmen, de Stromae
     Get out your lyrics and sing along!
    Ex. 94: 1
    Ex. 96: 4
    92. Translate in class notebook/spiral. Traduire dans le spiral.
    Answer questions in complete sentences.
    1. C'est vrai, Beatrice aime danser. Elle adore danser!
    It's true, Beatrice likes to dance. She loves to dance (adores dancing)
    125: Translate the entire page
    Describe the picture of her mother and her sister Celine. Write as much as possible in 5 minutes. Consider the following: Describe the sister"s height, hair color, eye color, and age. State her name and write one of more statements about her personality (page 165 and handout).
    Repeat for mother (see page 11 to give her a name). Make up something that they could be doing.

    Thursday, November 8, 2018

    JEUDI/VENDREDI, le huit et neuf novembre

    1. Write a description of someone you know and bring a picture next time.
    Physical description, things they do, like to do and don't like to do, etc. 10pt.
    2. Tuesday's/Wednesday's HW: Livret de Verbes/Verb Flipbook:
      Ecrivez quatre phrases pour les verbes dans le livret
         Write four   phrases  for     the verbs  in the flipbook
            1. Je, 2. Tu, 3. Person's name, 4. On
            Verbes: parler, aimer, e'tudier, manger, travailler, penser, donner, habiter a` montrer, demander
             Verbs: to like, to live   to study  to eat   to work  to think, to give, to live    to show,   to ask
    3. HW for 30 Nov/Devoir pour le 30 nov.:
       Finish all logs for 60 min Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours
    Aujourd'hui, le huit et neuf novembre:
    1. QUIZ
    2. Write the following exercises and then practice with partner (orally)
    Ex. page 139:2   139:1
    Reviser/Review page 27, 139, 138, 74, 77, 78, 40, eye color
    3.Finish introducing your partner to the class, if you haven't already done it.
        Add a sentence stating their hair color.
           You can even say, "Elle est assez brune" which means that she's "rather brown haired"
           Add a sentence stating their eye color
    Start homework:
     Livret de Verbes/Verb Flipbook:
      Ecrivez quatre phrases pour les verbes dans le livret
         Write four   phrases  for     the verbs  in the flipbook
            1. Je, 2. Tu, 3. Person's name, 4. On
            Verbes: aimer, habiter a`, e'tudier, manger, travailler, penser, donner, montrer, demander
             Verbs: to like, to live     to study   to eat     to work    to think, to give, to show, to ask
       Write a description of someone you know and bring a picture next time.
    5. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Boucle d'Or et les Trois Ours
    Listen to the song Carmen, de Stromae
     Get out your lyrics and sing along!
    Ex. 94: 1
    Ex. 96: 4
    92. Translate in class notebook/spiral. Traduire dans le spiral.
    Answer questions in complete sentences.
    1. C'est vrai, Beatrice aime danser. Elle adore danser!
    It's true, Beatrice likes to dance. She loves to dance (adores dancing)
    125: Translate the entire page
    Describe the picture of her mother and her sister Celine. Write as much as possible in 5 minutes. Consider the following: Describe the sister"s height, hair color, eye color, and age. State her name and write one of more statements about her personality (page 165 and handout).
    Repeat for mother (see page 11 to give her a name). Make up something that they could be doing.

    Monday, November 5, 2018

    mardi et mercredi

    HOMEWORK/DEVOIR for tonight: Prepare for quiz retake next time (exactly the same as before. *See the sentences from the test at the bottom of the Blog)

      WE ARE MAKING   C R E P E S !  (do you know where the accent is supposed to go?)
    Note: Coming to French club will count toward your 60 minutes of required Speaking time for 
    this 6 weeks. Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening logs will be due November 30!
    You also receive +5 extra credit points for attending French Club

    1. White boards (20 minutes) Divide into groups of 4 and take turns playing teacher and quizzing the other 3 team members on material from pages 74-78 in the text. You may quiz them on other things, too. Help one another. I want everyone to ace the test next time!

    2. Write the following exercises and then practice with partner (orally)
    Ex. page 139:2   139:1

    3.Introducing your partner to the class
        Add a sentence stating their hair color.
           You can even say, "Elle est assez brune" which means that she's "rather brown haired"
    4. Everyone takes turns standing up and introducing their partners

    5. Listen to the song Carmen, de Stromae
     Get out your lyrics and sing along!

    1. Hi! Do you want to play soccer with me?
    2. Yes, of course!
    3. And you, my friend?
    4. Yes, thanks, but I prefer to play video games.
    5. Does your brother want to play with us?
    6. Yes, one plays with you, today.
    7. I'm sorry, but I can't.
    8. I must work with my mother.

    For extra practice: Common verbs, pages 74, 75
    BONUS--Cool stuff:
    French Slang
    verlan--a French pig Latin, of sorts
      Inverting syllables. Parler a` l'envers. *Verlan*

    Thursday, November 1, 2018

    le premier novembre/le deux novembre

    Text 30 words to a partner (or write a 60 word dialogue together (or alone))
    Discuss what you can and can't do (pages 74-78)
    Either print out what you said or bring in your phone and show me at the first of class.

    1. Go over homework from last time (flip book "regarder, manger, e'tudier")
    2. Share example sentences on the board
    3. Finish ex. 2, page 95
    4. Review Quizlet deck French Connecting Words
    Start Homework/Devoirs


    French Slang
    verlan--a French pig Latin, of sorts
      Inverting syllables. Parler a` l'envers. *Verlan*