Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Jeudi, le 31 mai


Those of you who were working in the hall at the first of the period last time need to make sure that you can translation the following sentences. People who were here could help you.
Des Phrases a` Traduire (translate English to French)
1. We are going to my grandma's place.(211)  She's at her place (222)
2.  Jacques and Simone are coming from the Orsay Museum with their friends. (232)
3.  Marie is the mother of my father; she's my grandma.
4. They have big dog that is very intelligent
5. I don't have any dogs, but I have an awesome cat!

Lesson 17, Clothing
Verbs finir (278), choisir, vendre (290), mettre (272), porter, penser, trouver, chercher, donner
Past tense: passe' compose' (page 321)  Conjugate avoir + change er to e'
Quizlet--leçon 18 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
Quizlet--leçon 19 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
Quizlet--leçon 20 If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, learn these
If you're interested in taking French 3 next year, don't turn in your textbook at the end of the year.
Instead, review the whole book. You might want to check out the French 2 book, too, and start working through it.

1. (page 204)--e'crivez 5 short phrases of summary in English
    (page 205) 2 short sentences of summary for Le Centre Pompidou and 2 for Le Parc de la V.
2. Venir = to come
   (page 218, ex 2: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 219, ex 3: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 220, ex 5: ecrivez impairs (odd))
   (page 222, ex 6: ecrivez 2, 4)
   (page 223, ex 9: ecrivez 1-3 )

3rd = troisie`me              4th = quatrie`me
Paris arrondissements
Plan (map) de Paris: Les Arrondissments de Paris
Trouvez l'arrondissment de ton monument sur le plan.

HW / Les Devoirs (10 points)
1.Workbook/cahier 133-136; Over the weekend, 140-143. If you don't understand 133-136, do 140-143 instead.

.Des Phrases a` Traduire (translate English to French)
1. We are going to my grandma's place.(211)  She's at her place (222)
2.  Jacques and Simone are coming from the Orsay Museum with their friends. (232)
3.  Marie is the mother of my father; she's my grandma.
4. They have big dog that is very intelligent
5. I don't have any dogs, but I have an awesome cat!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Jeudi, le vingt-cinq

Be completely ready to go.
1. (page 204)--e'crivez 5 short phrases of summary in English
    (page 205) 2 short sentences of summary for Le Centre Pompidou and 2 for Le Parc de la V.
2. Venir = to come
   (page 218, ex 2: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 219, ex 3: ecrivez 1-4)
   (page 220, ex 5: ecrivez impairs (odd))
   (page 222, ex 6: ecrivez 2, 4)
   (page 223, ex 9: ecrivez 1-3 )

3rd = troisie`me              4th = quatrie`me
Paris arrondissements
Plan (map) de Paris: Les Arrondissments de Paris
Trouvez l'arrondissment de ton monument sur le plan.

HW / Les Devoirs (10 points)
1.Workbook/cahier 133-136; Over the weekend, 140-143. If you don't understand 133-136, do 140-143 instead.

.Des Phrases a` Traduire (translate English to French)
1. We are going to my grandma's place.(211)  She's at her place (222)
2.  Jacques and Simone are coming from the Orsay Museum with their friends. (232)
3.  Marie is the mother of my father; she's my grandma.
4. They have big dog that is very intelligent
5. I don't have any dogs, but I have an awesome cat!

HW/Devoirs: Read 242-244 and write down 10 new words and definitions.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mardi, le vingt-deux mai (le vingt-deuxie`me jour de mai)

Be completely ready to go.

HW: Workbook/cahier 133-136; Over the weekend, 140-143. If you don't understand 133-136, do 140-143 instead.

Singular              Plural
mon       ma         mes
ton         ta           tes
son         sa          ses
notre     notre       nos
votre     votre      vos
leur      leur         leurs

3rd = troisie`me              4th = quatrie`me
Paris arrondissements
Plan (map) de Paris: Les Arrondissments de Paris
Trouvez l'arrondissment de ton monument sur le plan.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Lundi, le vingt et un

AUJOUD'HUI, le 21 mai
Pour Reviser (Review)
1.Ecrivez une phrase d'une saison. Ecrivez une phrase tre`s longue en utilisant les mots des pages 89, 100, 106.

2. Adjectifs Possessifs: mon, ton, son; mes, tes, ses; ma, ta, sa, ses
Exercise 6. Page 231: 2, 4, 13, 15
Exercise 10, page 232: 1-8

FRENCH IMMERSION DAY--JUNE 1, periods 6, 7, 8W

Any student with an A, B, or C in French may attend. It's super fun. Ge'nial! Super chouette.
Students who are attending may purchase an immersion day shirt for $8. We need to choose
the color and I'll get that info to M. Zenk.

The link is also available on the home page of my blog- zenk.yolasite.comR

1. Exercises from the textbook. Write out answers and hand in at the end of the period:
Page 210, Exercise 7, 1-10 (just answers)
211, Ex 8
211, Ex. 9
Hand in
The remainder of the time is to work with your partner on your

Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
NOTE: Definitely do NOT use Google Translate for your French sentences. 
If it sounds slightly weird, I will type in the original sentence (I can guess) 
and see if the plagiarized sentences comes up.  Not that any of you would do that.

HOMEWORK (5 pts): page 212, ex 10 (these 5 points include HW from Monday)
HOMEWORK (5 pts): Translate the following sentences from English to French:
1. You are annoying! Go away/get out of here! (see pages 206, 165)
2. Would you (plural) like to go to French Press and eat crepes? Yes, let's go! (206)
3. Mr. Zenk's students are going ("go") to France in summer.
4. We are going to go to France in two thousand twenty.
5. To whose house are you going? (word for word in the book!)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French Te^te, Epaules, Genoux, et Pieds
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
j'ai deux yeux, deux oreilles, un bouche, un nez
I have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)

Le Jour d'immersion est (va  e^tre) le premier juin, les periods 5, 6, 7
Il y a des jeux (games). Pour gagner (win), memorisez beaucoup de vocabulaire
des animaux, Quizlet Animaux (36)Animaux  (60)
les parties du corps humain (te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds) corps avance'
les couleurs
les regions et villes de la France

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Jeudi, le dix-sept

FRENCH IMMERSION DAY--JUNE 1, periods 6, 7, 8W

Any student with an A, B, or C in French may attend. It's super fun. Ge'nial! Super chouette.
Students who are attending may purchase an immersion day shirt for $8. We need to choose
the color and I'll get that info to M. Zenk.

The link is also available on the home page of my blog-

1. Exercises from the textbook. Write out answers and hand in at the end of the period:
Page 210, Exercise 7, 1-10 (just answers)
211, Ex 8
211, Ex. 9
Hand in
The remainder of the time is to work with your partner on your

Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
NOTE: Definitely do NOT use Google Translate for your French sentences. 
If it sounds slightly weird, I will type in the original sentence (I can guess) 
and see if the plagiarized sentences comes up.  Not that any of you would do that.

HOMEWORK (5 pts): page 212, ex 10 (these 5 points include HW from Monday)
HOMEWORK (5 pts): Translate the following sentences from English to French:
1. You are annoying! Go away/get out of here! (see pages 206, 165)
2. Would you (plural) like to go to French Press and eat crepes? Yes, let's go! (206)
3. Mr. Zenk's students are going ("go") to France in summer.
4. We are going to go to France in two thousand twenty.
5. To whose house are you going? (word for word in the book!)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French Te^te, Epaules, Genoux, et Pieds
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
j'ai deux yeux, deux oreilles, un bouche, un nez
I have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)

Le Jour d'immersion est (va  e^tre) le premier juin, les periods 5, 6, 7
Il y a des jeux (games). Pour gagner (win), memorisez beaucoup de vocabulaire
des animaux, Quizlet Animaux (36)Animaux  (60)
les parties du corps humain (te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds) corps avance'
les couleurs
les regions et villes de la France

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mardi, le 15 mai

1. Exercises from the textbook. Write out answers and hand in at the end of the period:
Page 210, Exercise 7, 1-10 (just answers)
211, Ex 8
211, Ex. 9
Hand in
The remainder of the time is to work with your partner on your

Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
NOTE: Definitely do NOT use Google Translate for your French sentences. 
If it sounds slightly weird, I will type in the original sentence (I can guess) 
and see if the plagiarized sentences comes up.  Not that any of you would do that.

HOMEWORK (5 pts): page 212, ex 10 (these 5 points include HW from Monday)
HOMEWORK (5 pts): Translate the following sentences from English to French:
1. You are annoying! Go away/get out of here! (see pages 206, 165)
2. Would you (plural) like to go to French Press and eat crepes? Yes, let's go! (206)
3. Mr. Zenk's students are going ("go") to France in summer.
4. We are going to go to France in two thousand twenty.
5. To whose house are you going? (word for word in the book!)

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French Te^te, Epaules, Genoux, et Pieds
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)
j'ai deux yeux, deux oreilles, un bouche, un nez
I have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose
te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds (feet)

Le Jour d'immersion est (va  e^tre) le premier juin, les periods 6, 7, 8
Il y a des jeux (games). Pour gagner (win), memorisez beaucoup de vocabulaire
des animaux, Quizlet Animaux (36); Animaux  (60)
les parties du corps humain (te^te e'paules, genoux, et pieds) corps avance'
les couleurs
les regions et villes de la France

Friday, May 4, 2018

Lundi, le sept mai, deux mille dix-huit

Donnez-moi: 'Unite' 4, Vocabulaire et Phrases
Devoirs: Chercher le mot, unite' 4 (l'affiche)
Demain: EXAMEN, l'Unite' 4

Pour reviser/pratiquer/e'tudier:
Traduisez les phrases suivantes:
1. "We like rap because it's interesting (165)"
2. "My sister has an Italian bike (142). It's a beautiful (175))Guerciotti."
3. "We are traveling with some (155) cousins."
4. "You (plural) have aunts but you don't have any (156) uncles."
5. "In Europe, children don't often (100) eat at McDonalds."
6. "Mondays (in general)(159)), Pierre and Monique have eight interesting (166) classes."
7. "Jean and Simone are French; Simone and Michelle aren't Canadian(167)."
8. List five adjectives that come before the noun they modify (adjective and noun) (ex: jolie voiture (175))
9. List five adjectives that follow the noun they modify (noun and adjective) (ex: une voiture rouge)
10. "We play hide and go seek, we look for the Eiffel Tower, and we find it" (+ "la" in front of "find")

Unite' 5:

Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
Project vocabulary:
Regarde les examples a` la page 195. Tu peux/vous pouvez copier des phrases
C'est ici que
____ est situe'
C'est un endroit + adjectif
il y a

Voici (here is/this is)
_________ est construit(e) au seizie`me sie`cle.
Pourquoi est-ce que ______ s'appelle _________?
_____ est un lieu de
On trouve ice

Loin de (far from)
N'est pas loin de
Pre`s de (near)
Au nord de (to the north of); au sud de, a` l'ouest de, a` l'est de
Il est dans la rue ___
Devant _____, il y a
un endroit (a place)

Pour aller au/a` la . . .
Ensuite (then)
Puis (and then)
Et apr`es c,a (and after that)

Regardez a` gauche/a` droite
On peut (on can/we can)
Beaucoup a` faire (lots to do)

Final Project: Les Monuments de Paris
Reportage sur les monument de Paris
Tu peux travailler avec un partenaire!

a.     History of place

b.    What there is to visit/do there

c.     What district is it in-

i.                Un arrondissement- district
ii.              Add –leme to a number to make the –nd, -rd, -tgh (ex:14thieme) exception 1st- 1er

d.    Where is it in relation to another monument in Paris- in a full sentence
e.      Try to incorporate parts of b in French (c&d MUST be in French)

Nom:                                             Monument:                                                       /40

(location and vicinity in French, English text written carefully, edited not only copied and pasted)                                                                                                    /15            

-Information(conclusive, informative, extensive, thoroughly researched)         /12

-Preparation/Effort                                                                                                  /6

Presentation (neat, creative, easy to follow, both group members involved)            /7

Project vocabulary:
Regarde les examples a` la page 195. Tu peux/vous pouvez copier des phrases
C'est ici que
____ est situe'
C'est un endroit + adjectif
il y a

Voici (here is/this is)
_________ est construit(e) au seizie`me sie`cle.
Pourquoi est-ce que ______ s'appelle _________?
_____ est un lieu de
On trouve ice

Loin de (far from)
N'est pas loin de 
Pre`s de (near)
Au nord de (to the north of); au sud de, a` l'ouest de, a` l'est de
Il est dans la rue ___
Devant _____, il y a
un endroit (a place)

Pour aller au/a` la . . .
Ensuite (then)
Puis (and then)
Et apr`es c,a (and after that)

Regardez a` gauche/a` droite
On peut (on can/we can)
Beaucoup a` faire (lots to do)

Extra pour vous amusez:
Les Animaux (l'animal) Quizlet Deck
Des Phrases Pour la Maison Quizlet
Dinner Table Phrases and Vocabulaire--Di^ner a` la Maison Quizlet
French Food--La Nourriture

Translate into French:
1. Hi, how are you?/How's it going?
Salut. C,a va?/Comment c,a va? Comment vas-tu/ comment allez-vous?
2. My name is __________ and I am ________ (adjective).
Je m'appelle _________ et je suis __________(add "e" if you're a girl)
3. What is your name?
Comment t'appelles-tu (inversion)/Comment tu t'appelles
4. How old are you?
Quel a^ge as tu?
5. Are you from Salem, too?
Tu es de Salem, aussi?
6. Hey, what day is it? 
Tiens! Quel jour est-ce?
7. Today, we are Tuesday, the ten April, two thousand eighteen
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes mardi, le dix avril, deux mille dix-huit.
8. And what time is it?
Et quelle heure est-il?
9. It's a quarter past nine in the morning.
Il est neuf heures et quart du matin.
10. Are you hungry?
Est-ce que tu as faim?/As-tu faim? Tu as faim?
11. Would you like to eat with me at French Press Coffee (ne traduis pas)
Est-ce que tu voudrais manger/di^ner avec moi a` French Press Coffee?
voudrais-tu "   "/Tu voudrais "    " (with a question mark intonation at the end)
12. Yes, of course! I'm hungry and I'm thirsty.
Oui, bien su^r! J'ai faim et j'ai soif.
13. Serveur(waiter): What would you like? (desire)
Vous de'sirez?
14. I would like a sandwich and an orange juice, please.
Je voudrais un sandwich et un jus d'orange, s'il vous plai^t.
15. How much does the sandwich cost?
Combien cou^te un sandwich?/le sandwich
16. Four euros fifty, sir.
Quatre euros cinquante, monsieur.
17. What's the weather like tomorrow?
Quel temps fait-il demain?
18. It rains and it's bad weather.
Il pleut et il fait maivais.
19. Darn! I don't like that, but it is spring. OK.
Zut. Je n'aime pas c,a,  mais c'es le printempts. C,a va.
20. I prefer summer when I can swim with my friends.
Je prefere l'e'te' quand je peux nager avec mes amis
mon, ma, mes. ton ta tes son sa ses

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jeudi, le 3 mai (il nous reste 15 jours!)

Faites L'Unite' 4, Vocabulaire et Phrases

Traduisez les phrases suivantes:
1. "We like rap because it's interesting."
2. "My sister has an Italian bike. It's a Guerciotti."
3. "We are traveling with some cousins."
4. "You (plural) don't have any uncles."
5."In Europe, children don't work a lot."
6. "Mondays (in general), Pierre and Monique have eight classes."
7. "Jean and Simone are French; Simone and Michelle aren't Canadian."
8. List five adjectives that come before the noun they modify (noun and adjective) (ex: jolie voiture)
9. List five adjectives that follow the noun they modify (noun and adjective) (ex: une voiture rouge)
10. "We play hide and go seek, we look for the Eiffel Tower, and we find it" (+ "la" in front of "find")

Les Animaux (l'animal) Quizlet Deck
Des Phrases Pour la Maison Quizlet
Dinner Table Phrases and Vocabulaire--Di^ner a` la Maison Quizlet
French Food--La Nourriture

Translate into French:
1. Hi, how are you?/How's it going?
Salut. C,a va?/Comment c,a va? Comment vas-tu/ comment allez-vous?
2. My name is __________ and I am ________ (adjective).
Je m'appelle _________ et je suis __________(add "e" if you're a girl)
3. What is your name?
Comment t'appelles-tu (inversion)/Comment tu t'appelles
4. How old are you?
Quel a^ge as tu?
5. Are you from Salem, too?
Tu es de Salem, aussi?
6. Hey, what day is it? 
Tiens! Quel jour est-ce?
7. Today, we are Tuesday, the ten April, two thousand eighteen
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes mardi, le dix avril, deux mille dix-huit.
8. And what time is it?
Et quelle heure est-il?
9. It's a quarter past nine in the morning.
Il est neuf heures et quart du matin.
10. Are you hungry?
Est-ce que tu as faim?/As-tu faim? Tu as faim?
11. Would you like to eat with me at French Press Coffee (ne traduis pas)
Est-ce que tu voudrais manger/di^ner avec moi a` French Press Coffee?
voudrais-tu "   "/Tu voudrais "    " (with a question mark intonation at the end)
12. Yes, of course! I'm hungry and I'm thirsty.
Oui, bien su^r! J'ai faim et j'ai soif.
13. Serveur(waiter): What would you like? (desire)
Vous de'sirez?
14. I would like a sandwich and an orange juice, please.
Je voudrais un sandwich et un jus d'orange, s'il vous plai^t.
15. How much does the sandwich cost?
Combien cou^te un sandwich?/le sandwich
16. Four euros fifty, sir.
Quatre euros cinquante, monsieur.
17. What's the weather like tomorrow?
Quel temps fait-il demain?
18. It rains and it's bad weather.
Il pleut et il fait maivais.
19. Darn! I don't like that, but it is spring. OK.
Zut. Je n'aime pas c,a,  mais c'es le printempts. C,a va.
20. I prefer summer when I can swim with my friends.
Je prefere l'e'te' quand je peux nager avec mes amis
mon, ma, mes. ton ta tes son sa ses