1. French Classroom Phrases (Basics for Communication at Immerision Day)--Quizlet
2. Monument Project Due June 7th/8th Le sept juin.
Paris Monuments
Pick partner
Sign up for monument today
The report--40 points
I would like you to either make a Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Prezi
(but other forms ok)
3. Quiz (same as last week)
Although the final exam is comprehensive, it will be curved down significantly since we will not have not enough time to finish the last three lessons (M. Zenk's classes are in the same boat). There are a number of essential concepts from lessons 18-20 that you must know, however. Here they are:
5. Past tense: I have spoken. J'ai parlé, tu as parlé, nous avons parlé . . . Conjugate avoir + --é
321. Ex 3, 4, 5, 6
Past tense--passé composé (page 321)
--IR verbs (page 277)
The verb finir and standard --ir verb conjugations (finis, finis, finit, finissons, finissez, finissent)
Page 278. Ex. 2, 3
The verb vendre&standard --re verb conjugations (vends, vends, vend, vendons, vendez, vendent)
Page 290. Ex. 9, 11
I give extra credit according to this basic rule of thumb:
Common work is a "C" 6/10 probably
Beyond common work is a "B" 8/10
Above beyond work is an "A" 10/10 and sometimes 12 or 13 if you go nuts
Credit supplementaire 5-10 E.C. Added to Unité 6 Final Exam
1. Cook a French recipe and take pictures (10 points, usually)
a. Find a French recipe (cookbook, Internet, family recipes, etc.)
b. Cook the recipe
c. Take pictures of yourself cooking AND the final product.
d. Type a list of 10 cooking vocabulary words and definitions. It would be neat if you were to find a recipe written in French and translate it.
In the past students have gone bonkers with this assignment and filmed themselves as if they were doing a cooking show. I've even been known to give a bit more than 10 points for groups who dress up and all. Have fun!
2. Watch a French film with English subtitles (5 points, usually)
a. Watch the movie and have a parent or guardian sign a note saying that you watched it.
b. As you watch the movie, make a list of 30 English words from the movie that you think would be good to know in French.
c. Type up the entire list of 30 and write the French for them
Additional E.C. option: Find a movie with both French and English audio tracks AND French and English subtitles. Type a list of 50 words and type the French for all 50.
Le Chef (Netflix)
Au Revoir le Enfants
La Gloire de Mon Père
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