Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Clothing: Les vêtements

Choose a French-speaking country (francophone)
Then answer these questions in French:

1. Tell us about one animal they have. Have fun--pick something exotic. One of the reasons I'm having you do this assignment is so that we can compile a list of animals.
For example,"There are lemurs in Madagascar."
2. Describe the animal for one or two sentences.
"It is a small black and white animal." (You can do better, by the way)

3. One interesting place to visit (monuments, etc.)
"The Island of Moorea in Tahiti is very beautiful!"
4. Tell us something interesting about it.
"The artist Gauguin, Van Gogh's friend, lived there" (keep verbs in present tense)
5. One interesting fact about the country

"There are one hundred eighteen islands in French Polynesia!"

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