Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Following the directions at the following link:


1. Review Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet
Phrases pour lundi et mardi (Monday and Tuesday)
2. Interro (quiz), leçon 1
3. Leçon 2, pages 27,28. Exercices 1, 2, 3
Quizlet--leçon 2
*1. Pages 19, 20 in the workbook/cahier
NOTE: Even if you aren't here the day something is assigned, you can still figure out how to do it quite easily. You are resourceful. Think about it: 1. Pages in the textbook will teach you what you need to do the workbook exercises. Just find the appropriate page. 2. You know other people who are in French 1. Ask them. (Yes, Facebook can actually be a learning aide--wow!)
*2. Find another song and add it to the class anthology. MOST PEOPLE DID NOT SPEND ENOUGH TIME FINDING GOOD SONGS! Listen to 5-10 songs before you make your choice. Remember, a "C" grades is Common work, a "B" Beyond Common, and an "A" is Above Beyond.

Bonus: Here are the days of the week: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

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