Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Le treize novembre

CLUB DE FRANCAIS AUJOURD'HUI! Jeux de societe (board games)

HOMEWORK: Memorize all classroom phrases for test Friday.
The test will be French to English, only
EXIT SLIP: Comment dit-on (how do you say/how says one). Pronounced "ko ma dee tone"
As you leave, ask me how to say a word that would be useful for you to know

Hints: J'ai 14 ans = I have 14 years; Tu as 15 ans = you have 15 years; Elle a = she has
Un = a/une = a       Le = the/La = the   Les = the plural

1. I have a blue book-- page 41 for colors and or dictionary at back of the book for "book"
J'ai un livre bleu.
2. You have a French cousin (girl) --family members page 35
Tu as une cousine francaise
3. She has a Japanese father and a French mother --nationalities, page 167
Elle a un pere japonais et une mere francaise
See page 133
1. I have a red (40) sack/backpack. (133)
J'ai un sac rouge
2. You have a Swiss uncle (167, 35)
Tu as un oncle suisse
3. He has a Mexican father and Canadian mother. (167, 35)
Il a un pere mexicain et une mere canadienne
4. Your sentence

I Would Like to Buy a Hamburger--Steve Martin as Inspector Clouseau

Classroom Phrases--Student Says
Classroom Phrases--Teacher Says

Practice agreement
Classroom furniture --page 144
C'est une chaise brune --page 41 for colors
C'est ________  ____
C'est un _______ ________ page 165 for adjectives describing people's personalities
(he's a nice boy/it's a nice boy)
J'ai un _______ ________ page 165 for adjectives describing people's personalities

Clouseau Interrogates the Staff--Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau
How German Sounds Compared to Other Languages (French, Italian, Spanish, English)

Exit slip. Tell me something you like to do and something you don't like to do (page 74)
Ex. J'aime parler francais; je n'aime pas diner a McDo.
Ex. Je n'aime pas jouer au baseball, mais (but) j'aime bien jouer au basket.

1. I have a blue book.
J'ai un livre bleu. (See pages 133,40)
4. I have a red pencil
J'ai un crayon rouge.
2. You have a French cousin (female). (167, 35)
Tu as une cousine francaise
5.You have a Mexican dog.
Tu as un chien mexicain.
3. He has an American father and a French mother.
Il a un pe`re ame'ricain et une me`re franc,aise
6.She has a Swiss grandfather and a Canadian grandmother. (167, 35)
Elle a un grand-pere suisse et une grand-mere canadienne.

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