Thursday, November 14, 2019


EXIT SLIP/PHRASE POUR SORTIR (sentence to leave):
Dans ma chambre, j'ai (describe something in your room)
Ex. Dans ma chambre, j'ai un petit lit
Ex. Dans ma chambre, j'ai deux livres inte'ressants.

1. Add a second song to the music anthology. This time, it cannot be a cover of an American song
10 points. To find a good song, you're going to need to do a bit of work. Try searching for "best French songs 2010" and other years, like 2015, 2016, 1999, 1996. Or type, French singer similar to __(your favorite American singer)__. Famous singers: Tal, Francis Cabrel, Coeur de Pirate, Stromae, Indila, Celine Dion, Maitre Gims, M.C. Solar, Zaz, Paradis, Fabien, Goldman
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period
Due Sunday, midnight/Dimanche, minuit/23h59
2. Memorize words beau, belle, joli(e), grand(e), petit(e), bon/bonne, mauvais(e) for test Monday
3. WB 109, 110


1. Finir (finish) le plan de ta chambre/room map
2. Adjectives that come before the noun (page 175)
Usually, adjectives come after the word they are describing
EXCEPTIONS! Some adjectives come before the word they are describing
Beau handsome
Belle beautiful
Joli pretty
Bon good
Bonne good
Mauvais bad
Grand big/tall
Petit small/short

B  Beauty           Une belle fille. Un beau chien.
                           A beautiful girl. A handsome dog.
A Age                 Un nouveau (new) crayon. Une vieille dame (an elderly woman)
                            A new pencil.                     An old woman
G Goodness       Bon chat! Mauvais chien! Non, Sophie, non!!! Mauvais chien.
                          Good cat!  Bad dog! No, Sophie, no!! BAD DOG!
S Size                Une grande voiture (a big car).  Un petit stylo.
                          A big car.                                   A little pen.

3. Verbs
4. Verb conjugation


1) Add to map of your room:
Descriptions of things
    5 things: It's a (_color, page 40_) (__object page 144__)
       Ex. C'est un lit brun
             C'est une porte blanche
  Other describing word
     5 things:  It's a (_adj. page 165)_) (__object__)
       Ex. C'est un chat mignon
             C'est une chaise inte'ressant
  Anther describing word from page 175
Do Exercice 176:5; 176:4

Look up words for two new things we don't know the words for. Use Word Reference
Add them to your map
ex. Les lumieres de Noel; Ma bicyclette

Describe your room to a partner

White boards

Notebook sentences

WB 107, 108

EXIT SLIP Monday/PHRASE POUR SORTIR, Lundi (sentence to leave):
J'aime ________, mais je prefere ____________ (page 74)
ex. J'aime travailler, mais je prefere voyager.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Le treize novembre

CLUB DE FRANCAIS AUJOURD'HUI! Jeux de societe (board games)

HOMEWORK: Memorize all classroom phrases for test Friday.
The test will be French to English, only
EXIT SLIP: Comment dit-on (how do you say/how says one). Pronounced "ko ma dee tone"
As you leave, ask me how to say a word that would be useful for you to know

Hints: J'ai 14 ans = I have 14 years; Tu as 15 ans = you have 15 years; Elle a = she has
Un = a/une = a       Le = the/La = the   Les = the plural

1. I have a blue book-- page 41 for colors and or dictionary at back of the book for "book"
J'ai un livre bleu.
2. You have a French cousin (girl) --family members page 35
Tu as une cousine francaise
3. She has a Japanese father and a French mother --nationalities, page 167
Elle a un pere japonais et une mere francaise
See page 133
1. I have a red (40) sack/backpack. (133)
J'ai un sac rouge
2. You have a Swiss uncle (167, 35)
Tu as un oncle suisse
3. He has a Mexican father and Canadian mother. (167, 35)
Il a un pere mexicain et une mere canadienne
4. Your sentence

I Would Like to Buy a Hamburger--Steve Martin as Inspector Clouseau

Classroom Phrases--Student Says
Classroom Phrases--Teacher Says

Practice agreement
Classroom furniture --page 144
C'est une chaise brune --page 41 for colors
C'est ________  ____
C'est un _______ ________ page 165 for adjectives describing people's personalities
(he's a nice boy/it's a nice boy)
J'ai un _______ ________ page 165 for adjectives describing people's personalities

Clouseau Interrogates the Staff--Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau
How German Sounds Compared to Other Languages (French, Italian, Spanish, English)

Exit slip. Tell me something you like to do and something you don't like to do (page 74)
Ex. J'aime parler francais; je n'aime pas diner a McDo.
Ex. Je n'aime pas jouer au baseball, mais (but) j'aime bien jouer au basket.

1. I have a blue book.
J'ai un livre bleu. (See pages 133,40)
4. I have a red pencil
J'ai un crayon rouge.
2. You have a French cousin (female). (167, 35)
Tu as une cousine francaise
5.You have a Mexican dog.
Tu as un chien mexicain.
3. He has an American father and a French mother.
Il a un pe`re ame'ricain et une me`re franc,aise
6.She has a Swiss grandfather and a Canadian grandmother. (167, 35)
Elle a un grand-pere suisse et une grand-mere canadienne.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Aujourd'hui, nous sommes vendredi, le huit novembre

Aujourd'hui, nous sommes vendredi, le huit novembre
Today, we are Friday, the 8 November (today is. Like "We're in the 8th day of November")

Exit slip: Nous sommes sensas! (or use another adjective describing awesomeness)
Optional: point to someone else and say something about them. "She's smart."
"He's awesome"

1. Memorize the spelling of nationalities on page 167. Nationalities Test Wednesday
2. Add another song to our class anthology of favorite French music! 
3. Practice the adjectives "amusant"-"sportif" with these flash cards:
Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives  Just review the adjectives. You don't have to learn the phrases, but they're fun and you should try to commit them to memory.


Nous sommes = we are. 
I am         You are     He/she is     We are
Je suis      Tu es        Il/elle est      Nous sommes
The verb TO BE is ETRE, and it is irregular, meaning that it changes depending upon the subject
So does TO BE. I am, you are, she is, we are,          y'all are, they are
              ETRE  je suis, tu es, il est, nous sommes, vous etes, elles sont
Write your own sentence using nous sommes
(nationality, personality, coolness, etc.)

Exercices (PARLER )165: 4, 166: 5

*Exercices (ECRIRE)167: 7 168: 9
little        chalk boards  white (see?! the word "white" comes after "boards"
but in English, it's white boards. And in French, the word "white" has to have an "s"
Practice adjective placement

Notebook sentences

Ecrivez: Write a sketch/skit of 20 lines of people who meet at a party. Use at least 5 of the phrases in this flash card deck: Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives
En classe:
15 minutes--les textos/texting
Follow the format below, substituting in different people (page 27 and page 35) and different adjectives (pages 165 and 139)
Start off with one person in your group typing sentence #1 (Ma copine est petite.)
Then, each person writes a similar sentence of their own. 
Ex. 1. Mon ami est blond.
Then move on to sentence 2 with one person in your group typing sentence
#2 (Mon chien est grand et il est beau.)
Then, each person writes a similar sentence of their own. 

Ex. 2.  Mon cochon (pig) est petit, et il est mignon. (See pages 175 and 187 for other animals)

Repeat for sentences 3, 4, and 5.

Model sentences:

1. My girlfriend is little.

Ma copine est petite.

2. My dog is big, and he is handsome.

Mon chien est grand, et il est beau.

3. Your sister is young; your father is not young.

Ta soeur est jeune; ton pere n'est pas jeune.

4. The cat is timid; the dogs are not timid.

Le chat est timide; les chiens ne sont pas timides.

5. My cousin is very mean; she is not nice

Ma cousine est tres mechante; elle n'est pas gentille.

Ecrivez: Write a sketch/skit of 20 lines of people who meet at a party. Use at least 5 of the phrases in this flash card deck: Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives
En classe:

Find a popular French Song and post it here: 
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period
Finish Popular Music assignment
AND try to finish Out of Class Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Due in one week (mercredi, le 6 novembre)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mercredi. le six novembre

Practice the adjectives "amusant"-"sportif" with these flash cards:
Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives  Just review the adjectives. You don't have to learn the phrases, but they're fun and you should try to commit them to memory.

Exercices 165: 4, 166: 5
Notebook sentences

Ecrivez: Write a sketch/skit of 20 lines of people who meet at a party. Use at least 5 of the phrases in this flash card deck: Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives
En classe:

15 minutes--les textos/texting
Follow the format below, substituting in different people (page 27 and page 35) and different adjectives (pages 165 and 139)

Start off with one person in your group typing sentence #1 (Ma copine est petite.)
Then, each person writes a similar sentence of their own. 
Ex. 1. Mon ami est blond.
Then move on to sentence 2 with one person in your group typing sentence
#2 (Mon chien est grand et il est beau.)
Then, each person writes a similar sentence of their own. 
Ex. 2.  Mon cochon (pig) est petit, et il est mignon. (See pages 175 and 187 for other animals)
Repeat for sentences 3, 4, and 5.

Model sentences:
1. My girlfriend is little.
Ma copine est petite.
2. My dog is big, and he is handsome.
Mon chien est grand, et il est beau.
3. Your sister is young; your father is not young.
Ta soeur est jeune; ton pere n'est pas jeune.
4. The cat is timid; the dogs are not timid.
Le chat est timide; les chiens ne sont pas timides.
5. My cousin is very mean; she is not nice
Ma cousine est tres mechante; elle n'est pas gentille.

Ecrivez: Write a sketch/skit of 20 lines of people who meet at a party. Use at least 5 of the phrases in this flash card deck: Phrases utilisant les adjectifs/Phrases using adjectives
En classe:

Find a popular French Song and post it here: 
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period
Finish Popular Music assignment
AND try to finish Out of Class Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Due in one week (mercredi, le 6 novembre)


Monday, November 4, 2019

Lundi, le uatre novembre

Find a popular French Song and post it here: 
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period
Finish Popular Music assignment
AND try to finish Out of Class Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Due in one week (mercredi, le 6 novembre)


1. My girlfriend is little.
2. My dog is big and he is handsome.
3. Your sister is young; your father is not young.
4. The cat is timid; the dogs are not timid.
5. My cousin is very mean; she is not nice

Exercices 165: 4, 166: 5

Friday, November 1, 2019

Vendredi, le premier novembre


Exit slip: C'est effrayante! (it's frightening!); terrifiante! (terrifying)
La momie est terrifiante
My cat is terrifying!  Mon chat est terrifiant!  Le chat/mon chat
Ma soeur est terrifiante! La soeur/ma soeur
The monster is frightening! Le monstre est effrayant. La fille est effrayante

Find a popular French Song and post it here: 
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period
Finish Popular Music assignment
AND try to finish Out of Class Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. Due in one week (mercredi, le 6 novembre)
Monday you must show me two of the four hours worth of work.


1. Go over Monday's assignment
Translate the following:
(double-space, writing the English and the French)
  1. How old are you? Uel A^ge as-tu?
  2. I am nineteen years old J'ai dix-neuf ans
  3. How old is your sister? uel a^ge a ta soeur
  4. How old is she?  uel a^ge a-t-elle?
  5. My grandmother is the mother of my father. Ma grand-me're est la me're de  mon pe're.
  6. Ninety-four minus (moins) fifty-nine is thirty-five. uatre-vingt-uatorze moins cinuante-neuf est trente-cin 
  7. You know Simone? She is French. tu connais Simone? Elle est franc,aise
  8. She is athletic and she is cute. Elle est sportive et mignonne
  9. He is nice and he is funny. Il est gentil et il est amusant/dro^le
  10. See ya later. See you Wednesday! A` plus. a` mercredi 

2. Go over the test:

3. Exercises in spiral:
165:3. 165:4
175 178
Write a description of someone using two words from page 139, one from 178, and two from 165
Write a description of an animal from p. 187 using 2 words from p. 139, 1 from 178,  2 from 165
You may also find other words to describe your animal (colors are on 41)

4. Reading Writing, Speaking, Listening
Read WB 25-28 and write down all words you don't know and look them up
Read textbook 122 and write down all words you don't know and look them up
You may read any other parts of the book for Reading minutes.
Writing: you may text your friends in French and discuss your family, animals, etc.
To prove that you did this, you will need to copy your entire discussion, email it to yourself, and then print that. Or you could take screenshots of your conversation and print them.
Find a popular French Song and post it here: 
     Popular Music, 6th Period
     Popular Music, 8th Period