Jeudi, vous avez un <<quiz>> sur toutes les 28 mots et les phrases--francais-anglais
Thursday, you have a quiz over all 28 words and phrases--you just have to be able to understand the spoken French and write the English word or phrase.
Les Devoirs: 39, 40 (les devoirs mardi soir: 48, 49; 53, 54; jeudi soir: 43, 44; 48,49; 55-58
5. Le Livre--Exercice 51:4, 54:1 #7-9, 54:2 #71-3 Ecrire et Parler 55:3, #1, 2 Ecrire et Parler
Quizlet--leçon 3
Brainstorm SKIT Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6 50 points 20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON: Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie
-----------------------------------Due Tuesday, March 6 50 points 20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON: Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie
OPTIONALStart getting ready for Valentine's Day
Preparez-vous pour le jour de St. Valentin
French Valentine's Day Phrases
Advanced Valentine's Day Phrases
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