Thursday, February 15, 2018

Jeudi, le quinze

Translate the following sentences:
1. I give you a "quiz"   (donner = to give; go ahead and use quiz in French, too)
Je donne un quiz a` toi
2. You speak French very well.  (Tu, not vous)
Tu parles tre`s bien franc,ais
3. Jean doesn't like to eat croissants. (careful! It's two verbs in a row!)
Jean n'aime pas manger les croissants (des croissants)
4. We like to visit Canada.
Nouse aimons visiter (101) le Canada.
5. Do you (tu) invite your friend to the party? (la boum = party)
Est-ce que tu invites ton ami a` la boum? Est-ce que vous invitez votre ami a` la boum?
6. Y'all study a lot.
Vous e'tudiez beaucoup.
7. Pierre and Monique don't sing often.
Pierre et monique ne chantent (98) pas souvent.(106)
8. I am American, but you are French, right?
Je suis (84) ame'ricain, mais tu es francais, n'est-ce pas
 /c'est ca?
9. We are students, but we work at Fred Meyer.
Nous sommes e'le`ves/e'tudients, mais nous travaillons (74) a` Fred Meyer.
10. Caroline and Sophie  are not here because they are eating at Starbucks.
Caroline et Sophie ne sont pas ici/la` parce-qu'elles mangent a` Starbucks.

When you don't understand spoken French, say the following 5 things until you understand:

  • Re'pe'tez, s'il vous plai^t
  • Plus lentement, s.v.p.
  • Encore une fois, svp
  • Pardon, je ne comprends pas
  • Parlez-vous anglais?

Brainstorm SKIT  Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6    50 points       20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON:  Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie

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