Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Restaurant Skit
Manger au restaurant--Mr. Isom's French 1 students
Restaurant Vocabulary and Phrases

De jour en jour
Un rendez-vous  (appointment/meeting/get together/date)    un recard = date, too
L'heure=Time/the hour

A quelle heure est le film?

HOMEWORK/Les Devoirs:
Ecrivez les exercices 5 et 6 a' la page 59
4 points

SKETCH/SKIT--Restaurant scene
Due Tuesday, March 10 (40 points)
You have specific requirements, but remember, highest scores go to groups who demonstrate creativity of thought. Have fun! Make your skit interesting and/or funny.

Basic Requirements:

  • Film the movie
  • 2 minutes minimum
  • Order food at a restaurant
  • Engage in small talk about the following:
  • What you do
  • Another person (friend or family member)
  • The weather
  • Anything else that interests you

You and at least one partner will visit a fictitious restaurant, 
have a conversation, including small talk, order food, and leave.

You must include the following:
*Tu as faim/soif? (page 45/49)
*Vous de'sirez? (page 49)
*C,a fait combien? (page 53)
Small talk:
*Le temps (65)
*L'heure (page 56)
*Les amis/la famille
*What you like to do (74 and 78) or want to do on Saturday, etc.
*E^tre (84) (could be used with adjectives on 165, but doesn't have to be)
*At least one word from page 89
*At least one word from page 100
*At least one word from page 89
*Pourquoi (106)
*Parce que (106)
*Une expression ave <<qui>> (108)
*Faire (110)
*1 adjective (165)


Monday, February 26, 2018

Lundi, le vingt-six fe'vrier

De jour en jour
Un rendez-vous  (appointment/meeting/get together/date)    un recard = date, too
L'heure=Time/the hour

A quelle heure est le film?

HOMEWORK/Les Devoirs:
Ecrivez les exercices 5 et 6 a' la page 59
4 points

SKETCH/SKIT--Restaurant scene
Due Tuesday, March 3 (40 points)
You have specific requirements, but remember, highest scores go to groups who demonstrate creativity of thought. Have fun! Make your skit interesting and/or funny.

You and at least one partner will visit a restaurant, have a conversation, including small talk, order food, and leave.
Film your skit.
You must include the following:
*Tu as faim/soif? (page 45/49)
*Vous de'sirez? (page 49)
*C,a fait combien? (page 53)
Small talk:
*Le temps (65)
*L'heure (page 56)
*Les amis/la famille
*What you like to do (74 and 78) or want to do on Saturday, etc.
*E^tre (84) (could be used with adjectives on 165, but doesn't have to be)
*At least one word from page 89
*At least one word from page 100
*At least one word from page 89
*Pourquoi (106)
*Parce que (106)
*Une expression ave <<qui>> (108)
*Faire (110)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mardi, le vingt fe'vrier, deux mille dix-huit

Here's a Google Doc with the vocabulary from the skit
and This Restaurant Skit is a Cartoon
Here's a video showing how an adult would order a meal in France:
Eating Out
Dictée Unite 5 pre-exam
Sentences to Translate from English to French
Here's a Google Doc with the vocabulary from the skit
Here's a video showing how an adult would order a meal in France:
Eating Out

Planet Name      French Word  English Word
1. Moon          1. lundi            Monday
2. Mars            2. mardi            2.Tuesday
3.                       mercredi
7. Sun

1. We eat a croissant.
Mangeons un croissant
2. Simone and Jean speak Spanish.
Simone et Jean parlent espagnol
3. Y'all work a lot.
Vous travaillez beaucoup.
4. She swims often.
Elle nage souvent.
5. You sing with your sister.
Tu chantes avec ta soeur.
6. I don't understand. Repeat slowly, please. Thank you. You're welcome
Je ne comprends pas. Repetez svp lentement, svp.. Merci. De rien.

Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier (M. Isom)
L'anniversaire de Caden est le trois octobre.
L'anniversaire d'Andrew est le sept juin.
Je suis ne' le dix-sept janvier, mille, neuf cents soixante-deux
Je suis ne' le le sept juin, deux mille trois.
Je suis ne'e (girls) le sept juin, deux mille trois.
65:1 Ecrivez et parler
65:2 Parler
Chromebooks: Set up Quizlet account
Set up Duolingo account
Download Word Reference

Homework 1:
53, 54

Homework 2:
Make Quizlet Deck for Verb Conjugations
6 cards, one for each of the 6 conjugations (je, tu, il/elle/Marie, nous, vous, ils/elles Pierre et Marie)
For each card, write the French conjugation AND a short sentence using the word
On the BACK, write the English for that conjugation and the English translation of the sentence.

  • Parler (98)
  • Habiter
  • E'tudier
  • Travailler
  • Donner
  • Penser
  • Manger
  • E^tre (84)
  • Faire (110)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Jeudi, le quinze

Translate the following sentences:
1. I give you a "quiz"   (donner = to give; go ahead and use quiz in French, too)
Je donne un quiz a` toi
2. You speak French very well.  (Tu, not vous)
Tu parles tre`s bien franc,ais
3. Jean doesn't like to eat croissants. (careful! It's two verbs in a row!)
Jean n'aime pas manger les croissants (des croissants)
4. We like to visit Canada.
Nouse aimons visiter (101) le Canada.
5. Do you (tu) invite your friend to the party? (la boum = party)
Est-ce que tu invites ton ami a` la boum? Est-ce que vous invitez votre ami a` la boum?
6. Y'all study a lot.
Vous e'tudiez beaucoup.
7. Pierre and Monique don't sing often.
Pierre et monique ne chantent (98) pas souvent.(106)
8. I am American, but you are French, right?
Je suis (84) ame'ricain, mais tu es francais, n'est-ce pas
 /c'est ca?
9. We are students, but we work at Fred Meyer.
Nous sommes e'le`ves/e'tudients, mais nous travaillons (74) a` Fred Meyer.
10. Caroline and Sophie  are not here because they are eating at Starbucks.
Caroline et Sophie ne sont pas ici/la` parce-qu'elles mangent a` Starbucks.

When you don't understand spoken French, say the following 5 things until you understand:

  • Re'pe'tez, s'il vous plai^t
  • Plus lentement, s.v.p.
  • Encore une fois, svp
  • Pardon, je ne comprends pas
  • Parlez-vous anglais?

Brainstorm SKIT  Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6    50 points       20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON:  Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie

Monday, February 12, 2018

mardi, le treize


Translate the following sentences:
1. I give you a "quiz"   (donner = to give; go ahead and use quiz in French, too)
2. You speak French very well.  (Tu, not vous)
3. Jean doesn't like to eat croissants. (careful! It's two verbs in a row!)
4. We like to visit Canada.
5. Do you (vous) invite your friend to the party? (la boum = party)
6. Y'all study a lot.
7. Pierre and Monique don't sing often.
8. I am American, but you are French, right?
9. We are students, but we work at Fred Meyer.
10. Caroline and Sophie are not here because they are eating at Starbucks.

When you don't understand spoken French, say the following 5 things until you understand:

  • Re'pe'tez, s'il vous plai^t
  • Plus lentement, s.v.p.
  • Encore une fois, svp
  • Pardon, je ne comprends pas
  • Parlez-vous anglais?
YOU WILL HAVE A QUIZ OVER THESE FIVE PHRASES NEXT TIME (I will say the English and you will write the French. Yes, spelling counts!)

Foreign exchange student introductions

Correct your last quiz

Classroom directions--Quizlet Les mots et les phrases
Jeudi, vous avez un <<quiz>> sur toutes les 28 mots et les phrases--francais-anglais
Thursday, you have a quiz over all 28 words and phrases--you just have to be able to understand the spoken French and write the English word or phrase. Les Devoirs: 39, 40 (les devoirs mardi soir: 48, 49; 53, 54; jeudi soir: 43, 44; 48,49; 55-58
5. Le Livre--Exercice 51:4,    54:1 #7-9, 54:2 #71-3 Ecrire et Parler  55:3, #1, 2 Ecrire et Parler 
Quizlet--leçon 3 

Start getting ready for Valentine's Day
Preparez-vous pour le jour de St. Valentin
French Valentine's Day Phrases
Advanced Valentine's Day Phrases 

Brainstorm SKIT  Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6    50 points       20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON:  Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie

Thursday, February 8, 2018

lundi, le douze fe'vrier

 Classroom directions--Quizlet Les mots et les phrases
Jeudi, vous avez un <<quiz>> sur toutes les 28 mots et les phrases--francais-anglais
Thursday, you have a quiz over all 28 words and phrases--you just have to be able to understand the spoken French and write the English word or phrase.
 Les Devoirs: 39, 40 (les devoirs mardi soir: 48, 49; 53, 54; jeudi soir: 43, 44; 48,49; 55-58
5. Le Livre--Exercice 51:4,    54:1 #7-9, 54:2 #71-3 Ecrire et Parler  55:3, #1, 2 Ecrire et Parler 
Quizlet--leçon 3 
Brainstorm SKIT  Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6    50 points       20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON:  Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie
OPTIONALStart getting ready for Valentine's Day
Preparez-vous pour le jour de St. Valentin
French Valentine's Day Phrases
Advanced Valentine's Day Phrases 

1.Classroom student questions--Quizlet --1-10  Comment--comment dit-on
3. Pour lundi: Classroom directions--Quizlet Les mots et les phrases #1-5
4. Les Devoirs: 31, 32; 34, 35
5. Le Livre--Exercice 51:4,    54:1 #7-9, 54:2 #71-3 Ecrire et Parler  55:3, #1, 2 Ecrire et Parler 
Quizlet--leçon 3
Brainstorm SKIT  Film a restaurant scene at a "restaurant"
Film is to be 4-8 minutes long
Plan in English. Try to include the majority of the phrases and concepts from unit 2 and unit 3
Due Tuesday, March 6    50 points       20 for script, 30 for video
CHANSON:  Je Sais, de Sh'ym
Toute la vie
OPTIONALStart getting ready for Valentine's Day
Preparez-vous pour le jour de St. Valentin
French Valentine's Day Phrases
Advanced Valentine's Day Phrases