Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WORKBOOK (CAHIER) PAGES 62, 63. have it finished when you show up to class next time.
HOMEWORK FOR NEXT MONDAY: Qu-est-ce qu'on fait?
    Memorize the following words and phrases for Monday
   (Pour lundi, memorisez les mots et les phrases suivants (following):

Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
1. Que = that/what
2. On = one (we/you/one/people)
3. Fait = do
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait? = What is it that one does? (What do you do?)
4. Mes = my (plural. Mon frère. Ma soeur. Mes tantes)
5. Tu aimes voyager? = You like to travel/voyage?
6. Allô = hello
7. Un portable = portable phone/cell phone
8. Ici Samantha = here Samantha/Samantha here/this is Samantha
9. Jouer au foot = to play soccer (to play to the soccer)
10. Regarder les videos = to watch videos (to watch the videos).
Remember, nouns in French require "a" or "the" in front of them.
Nouns can't stand alone. Un portable = cell phone. Les videos = videos

2. White boards (pages 74, 75; 98)
3. Ex. 76:3 (all/tout); 76:4 (1,2) 78:8(1-3)
Add sentences to your Halloween cartoons.
Words to use:
aussi = also
et = and
Je n'aime pas le ________.  Il est __(adjective from page 165)__

Halloween vocabulary
Halloween scary characters

Rooms that could be haunted: French House Vocabulary
Adjectives to use when writing stories about Halloween
French Halloween Verbs and Prepositions
Common -ER Verbs that could be used when writing a Halloween story
SPEAKING POINTS. Teach your family these phrases and words and film yourself either teaching or speaking at the table :^)

Dinner table phrases
Dinner table phrases--longer list

This is Halloween in French with English subtitles (Nightmare Before Christmas)

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