Thursday, January 21, 2016

 Quizlet--leçon 6  Quizlet--leçon 7  Quizlet--leçon 8


89: 9,10
Then speak with partner

Play conjugation game
3 -er verbs  (page 98)
être             (page 84)
faire            (page 110)

Now write your own sentences using the following words:
  1. Pourquoi (106)
  2. Parce que
  3. Souvent (100)
  4. quand (106)
  5. Est-ce que = do . . .
  6. Qu’est-ce que = What do . . .
  7. Qui (108)
  8. Combien/combien de (how many of . . .)
  9. Je dois/tu dois (I have to/must)
  10. Beaucoup (lots)
  11. Peut-être ("maybe")
  12. Ne + verb + pas (Je n'aime pas les frites parce que . . . je ne sais pas.)
  13. Je ne fais pas attention quand le prof parle)
  14. Fais (I do or you do) or other form of faire (page 110)
  15. A “faire” expression (110
  16. Something you like to do (or someone else likes) Aimer + verb in the infinitive (page 101)
AND use the verb "être" (page 84). You will figure out a way to fit it in with the other sentenc es that you are writing.
YES! You have to write 15 sentences. And you may use more than one of these words or phrases in the same sentence. If you do that, you will have to write other sentences, too, of course. E.C. for extra good work! (By the way, only 15 people in  this class have A’s or B’s. Do the E.C.)
Written exercises for leçon 8 (and 6 and 7 if you haven't done them)
YES, that's a lot of homework, but you do have an entire weekend and a final coming up.

Workbook: listening exercises for 6, 7
Spoken exercises from text: 86:3; 87:5; 97:5,6; 101:15, 103: speak exercise 4
Bonus: I need = Tu as besoin de (You have need of)
Quand est-ce que tu nages avec ton ami?
Combien est-ce que téléphone ta mère?/ton père/ta soeur BUT ton amie (you don't want two vowels in a row so even though it's a girl, you have to say "ton")

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