Tuesday, January 19, 2016


HOMEWORK: 103:5 Write 1/2 page. Extra credit (1-5 points) for students who go beyond the mark and write more than is required. SOME OF YOU REALLY NEED EXTRA CREDIT!
You should (not required yet) memorize être (to be) conjugations on 84 and review vocabulary on 89 (you should already know these). Since the Final is coming up so soon, you might also want to memorize the rest of the words on page 106 (pourquoi(why), parce que (because), etc.We will cover these next week, as well as the "qui"(who) expressions on 108 and the verb "faire"(to d0o) on 110. That's it for the semester.
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89: 9,10
Written ex. in workbook for lesson 6

Translate the following sentences:
1. I am here with my friend who calls himself Jacques
2. How many cousins do you have? Seventy-nine!
3. Hey! What time is it? A quarter to three.
4. Do you want to swim over there?
5. No, I'm sorry, I have to dine with my mother at MacDo.
6. You live in Salem? In summer, what is the weather like?
7. Do Jean and Renée study a lot? No, because they play tennis.
8. Jean-Claude eats a steak and fries at the cafe because he is very hungry
9. When do you (plural) swim? In summer, when it's hot?
10. You don't want to study, right?(isn't that right?) Ok!

Learn vocabulary in leçon 8!! (no quiz on it yet, mais, peut-être un peu d'extra credit . ..

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