Friday, December 12, 2014

C'est vendredi! Ecoutons et étudions la musique

Try this AWESOME learning tool. It's a karaoke site, more or less, but you type instead of singing.     I literally think that it's the single best learning tool I've found for foreign language.   Papaoutai on Lyricstraining

1. QUIZ/EXAMEN/INTERROGATION --sentences (phrases) from Friday. (Les phrases que nous avons étudié)
2. Spoken exercises from the book, 3-5, page 76;
3. write ex. 6, page 75 and 2, page 76.
HOMEWORK: Memorize all verbs on pages 74 and 75 for tomorrow!

3rd period:
Chanter: to sing (camryn ronnow)
1. La chorale chante très bien. = the choir sings very well.
Gagnger: To win (Joanna Wattimena)
2. Vous méritez de gagner. = You deserve to win.
Briller: To glitter (Srikar Susarla)
3.Tout qui brille n’est pas or. = all that glitters is not gold
4.voulez-vous aller nager? You want to go swimming?
Débrouiller = to manage, cope, or get by (Mia Lindsey)
Il se débrouille bien en français. = He gets by fairly well in French.

5.Tu parles français?  Oui, je me débrouille
Here's our class Google Doc for verbs ending in -er (3rd period)
Here's our class Google Doc for verbs ending in -er (4th period)

4th period:
détester: To detest/hate/dislike (Marcee)  
Je déteste la tomate pelure quand c’est cuit = I dislike the tomato skin when it’s cooked.
Chanter: To Sing (Alan)
Joshi chante dans (in) la classe et dans la douche. = Joshi sings in the class and in the shower.
Ma mère va acheter du lait = My mom is going to buy some milk
Ma mère achète
Pleure: To cry. (Ishaan)
Quand elle chante, je pleure dans la douleur. = When she sings, I cry in pain.
déshonorer: to dishonor/disgrace (Giovanna)
Je pense que Taco Bell déshonore la nourriture mexicaine.= I think that taco bell is a dishonors/disgraces Mexican food. GRAMMAR: Adjectives come after the verb (usually)         
                                                                           English: Mexican (adjective) food (noun)
                                                                           French: Nourriture (noun)) mexicaine (adj)

Etudiez la chanson Papaoutai by (par) Stromae
Papaoutai, Official Video
Papaoutai, Video with Lyrics
      Lyrics, side by side French and English
Pentatonix cover of Papaoutai
Phrases we will study next week:
Où t'es? Papa, où t'es?                                     Where are you, Daddy?
(Where you is Daddy, where you is?)
Tout le monde sait                                              Everybody knows
(All the world knows)
Comment on fait des bébés                              How babies are made
(how one makes some babies)
Mais personne sait                                            But nobody knows
(But nobody knows)
Comment on fait des papas                             How daddies are made
(how one makes some daddies)
Monsieur je-sais-tout                                        Mr. Know-it-all
(Mister I know all)
en aurait hérité, c'est ça.                                  We have inherited, that's it
(some have inherited, that is that)

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