Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bienvenue à Notre Classe de Français!

Welcome to our French class!
The words "bienvenue à notre classe de français" literally translate as "well came to our class of French," by the way.

This BLOG is my "website" for our class.  Here you will find:
  • My posts, which you can comment on
  • Handouts for the course
  • Assignments
  • Projects
  • Learning resources
  • and links to all sorts of other cool (chouette) stuff. (And if you find something cool, tell me, and I'll add it)
When I was you age and signed up for my French1 class, I was thrilled.  It seemed to me that I was going to learn a secret language that would enable me to enter a new world where I could speak my new code language with friends.  And a new world it is!  It's important to realize that the French-speaking world is different from the world you are growing up in, and this new language will give you access to that world and it's marvelous way of looking at life.

In what ways is the French world different from my world here in Salem?  I think that it's fair to say that the French value quality of life over quantity of things that can be earned in life, as is exemplified by the fact that they have a 35-hour work week instead of our 40 hours, and they spend 14% of their disposable income on  food, nearly three times our 5%.  And why is this?  They want to eat delicious food and won't settle for the mediocre stuff we find in most of our supermarket aisles.  There are many other differences that you will see between yourselves and the various peoples of the French-speaking (francophone) world, and you will see more and more of this as the year progresses.

Let me just end by saying that I love teaching French.  The thing that I like most about it is that by the end of the year, I can look at all of you and say, "Wow, all of the French that these guys speak was learned in my class."

So, let's embark upon this new adventure together!

Here are a few things that I'd like you to do before tomorrow's class:

  1. Read our class syllabus: French 1 Syllabus.  Then I'd like you to read it, sign it, and use gentle prodding to convince your parent or guardian to sign it.  Return by Friday, please.
  2. Watch how to set up a Google Blog, which is found at this YouTube link: How to set up a blog
  3. You need to have  your blog created by Monday. 
  4. Find a dictionary to buy or download an app for your computer or phone. Here are two to consider buying:  Pocket Dictionary      Student Dictionary     You're not required to buy a dictionary, but it is HIGHLY recommended. You may also use a dictionary app on your phone in class. Here's the thing, though: some of you will probably lose phone privileges so . .  .                 
  5. Go to the bookkeeper and pay for the French 1 workbook. 
  6. Check out Duolingo.com This a a VERY cool website and phone app that teaches you French. You will receive +4 exta credit points at the end of the semester for each level you master. Sign up now, if you're interested. If you talk an immediate family member into learning French on Duolingo, I'll give you an extra 2 points for each level that person does so long as you, yourself, have done that level.

Words and phrases learned today:
Bonjour!                                                      Hello
Je m'appelle Monsieur Isom                          My name is Mister Isom (I myself call, literally)
Comment tu t'appelles?                                 What's your name?
Il s'appelle                                                    His name is
Elle                                                              She/her, in this case
S'il vous plaît                                                Please
Merci                                                           Thank you
Levez-vous                                                  Stand up (levitate yourself!)
Asseyez-vous                                               Sit down
Je comprends                                               I understand (comprehend)
Je ne comprends pas                                    I don't understand
Chouette                                                      cool, groovy
Quel âge as-tu?                                           What age are you?
Excusez-moi, j'ai oublié                                Excuse me, I forgot
enchanté                                                      enchanted (nice to meet you)
Au revoir                                                     Goodbye

List of Useful Classroom Phrases
and this Quizlet deck: Useful Classroom Phrases
and this more complete list: French Classroom Phrases

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