1. QUIZ P. 199
2. Weekend HOMEWORK: 15 POINTS
UTILISEZ AU MOINS 5 VERBES dans le livret de verbes
Use at least 5 of the verbs in the verb flipbook (at left on board).
3. DIRECTIONS. Plan de Paris
4. Translate Essential Sentences
Paris Attractions Video
Paris Attractions Video--en français
Directions Quizlet deck
Another Quizlet deck with pictures
Allez Va
Tournez Tourne
Continuez Continue
Arrêtez Arrête
Passez Passe
Tout droit (straight ahead)
À côté de Next to
C'est à la gauche It's to/on the left
À droite To the right
Helpful words:
D'abord First/To start with
Ensuite Next
Et puis And then
Avant Before
Après After
Jusqu'à Until
Troisième rue 3rd street
Le premier The first
À la prochaine rue At the next street
Faites attention Pay attention
Au direction In the direction
Il y a un café There is a cafe
Au nord to the north of
sud, est, ouest south, east, west
Vers toward
Pas loin Not far
Près de Near
On étudie les monuments de Paris
Paris Monuments
Plan de Paris Interactif/Interactive map of Paris
Essential Sentences. Translate the following:
1. Mark has a Canadian friend.
2. Anita and Sylvie are English/British.
3. Simon and Mathieu are tall.
4. The dogs are interesting.
5. You (plural) are Italians, no?
6. My bedroom is big and it is white.
7. I am American--and you?
8. Your cat is behind your bed.
9. There is an interesting mall in Portland.
10. My students are intelligent and they speak well :^)
More Advanced Sentences. Translate the following:
1. How old is she?
2. Juliette is eleven years old and she is French
3. Do you (plural) speak French?
4. Yes, of course, we speak French!
5. What is your sister like (Asking for a description)
6. She has black hair and blue eyes.
7. She is a good student because she is intelligent and she works a lot.
8. What is that? It's a kind of interesting thing.
9. It's my car. It's blue. Very pretty, isn't it?
10. It's true that French is not very difficult.
Bonus: In my room there is a cage on the desk next to my bed and in the cage is my brother's lizard. (cage is the same word in French).
Passé Composé--Une Dialogue/Sketch
Hier, j'ai donné une invitation à ma petite copine de faire une prommenade en voiture. Nous avons fait ça, et nous avons regardé le Musée de la Science et l'Industrie d'Oregon (OMSI) à Portland. Aussi, j'ai montré à elle Powell's City of Books parce que j'aime beaucoup les livres, et il y a des livres en français là. Nous avons essayé de manger à Coco's Donuts (miam!) mais le restaurant a été fermé. Alors, j'ai mangé avec elle au restaurant Le Pigeon, un resto français. Nous avons beaucoup aimé le restaurant! C'est un restaurant super!
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