Monday, January 14, 2019

Lundi, le quatorze janvier, deux mille dix-neuf. C'est l'hiver et il est neuf heures cinquante-six

Le Club de Français!
Mercredi, le seize janvier, après (after) l'école on fait une galette des rois délicieuse dans la salle de class de la cuisine/Wednesday, January 16, after school make delicious galette des rois (king cake) in the culinary room, room 128.
Jeudi, le dix-sept janvier, La Fête des Rois/Boum dans la salle de classe de M. Zenk--101
Jeudi, c'est mon anniversaire, aussi :^)

PAGES 1-111
(All of the things we've studied this year)
Remember: Many of the questions will be extra credit because we have not spent enough time studying lessons 3 and 8 (this is the case for all classes)

Due: Homework: Cahier/WB pages 48, 49; 53, 54; 77-79
Ex. 108:5, 6

Restaurant Skit--Half of the period tomorrow/Wednesday will be spent writing a restaurant skit. If you need extra credit, you may make of movie of the skit. +1/3 grade (e.g. 87% becomes "A")
The skit should demonstrate a command of the majority of the vocabulary and concepts studied this semester.
Example movie: Manger au restaurant--Mr. Isom's  previous French 1 students
Restaurant Skit performed by French teacher

Restaurant Vocabulary and Phrases
Create a Google Doc that your entire group can share and also share it with me so that I can give you feedback :)

1. "At what time do you do French Club and where?"
À quelle heure est-ce que tu fais le club de français et où?
2. Answer the question in French, too. 2h.30
3. "Why do you study French?"
Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies le français?
4. Answer the question in French, too!
5. "What is your dog/cat/brother/sister like (use the word for "how," not "Qu'est-ce que"), and where does he/she/it live?"  "Habiter" = to live in a place
Comment est ton chat, et où est-ce qu'il habite?
6. Answer the question in French, too.

Faire/To do
Ex 110:10; Ex 110:9. Livret de verbes/Verb Flip book 3 sentences of your own

Le temps/the weather
Ex. 65:1, 2. Translate page 64 with partner, then read it taking parts
La date
La saison

Considerez les sites Internet ici pour les 60 min La Lecture, L'Ecriture, L'Ecoute, L'Oral

Lecture/Lire: pour les 60 minutes de la lecture (reading), regardez ce video: 
Methode de francais, transcription 1
Derniere danse, d'Indila  Try writing down/sounding out as many words as you can without reading the lyrics
S.O.S. d'Indila

Restaurant Skit
Manger au restaurant--Mr. Isom's French 1 students
Restaurant Vocabulary and Phrases

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