Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Les Vacances de Noël sont pres! Aujourd'hui et Jeudi et puis . . . Noël!

1. Montrez-moi les phrases de Replaçant pour le Père Noël
   Ecrivez et Traduisez à láffiche <<Replaçant pour le Père Noël>> :
       La petite fille voudrait une poupée de Barbie.
       Elle coûte quinze euros.
       Les garçons veulent des jeux vidéo.
       Qu'est-ce qu'elle veut?
       La fille de huit ans désire une bicyclette
2. Devoirs/Homework: WB 31, 32, 35, 36
     Flash cards: Quizlet--leçon 3
3. For all exercises, write #1 only
    47:3, 47:4,     50:1, 50:2, 51:3, 51:4, 54:1
4. Sub for Santa
    Divide into groups and figure out what gifts to get
    Decorate box
Dear Mr. Isom,

Thank you for volunteering to host a “Sub for Santa” drive for a Congolese refugee family.  The family you will be sponsoring is a family of 8 from the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo).  It consists of a mom, a dad, and 6 children, ranging in age from 2 to 16.

The parents escaped the war in their home country 17 years ago, fleeing on foot and by boat to a refugee camp in Tanzania.  They lived at the camp in Tanzania for SEVENTEEN YEARS, subsisting mostly on beans and rice rationed to them sparingly.  They raised a niece and nephew whose parents were killed in the war, and had 6 children in the camp, with no hospitals, doctors or running water, and only sporadic electricity.

The family arrived in the United States in June.  They speak Swahili and French, and are quickly learning English.  The kids are adapting well to American life.

Here the kids’ wish list for Santa:

First, as with American kids, Toys are preferable to clothes. Many people have given them clothes.

-Boy-age 16:  VIDEO GAME CONSOLE —a used X Box 1 or Nintendo Switch, plus games.  Especially “FIFA 19.”  Anything soccer related—jersey size L, BIG 5 gift card, Walmart gift card, etc.

 Boy-age 14–More video games compatible with brother’s console, anything Star Wars, LEGO sets (Star wars), sports equipment, nerf guns/weapons.

Boy-age 11- same as above—Nerf, Lego, Star Wars, video games.  Likes learning English—all 3 boys would like full Rosetta Stone English.  Need a laptop for it, though.

GIRL-age 8–
 Needs girlie shirts/leggings/dresses tights in size “8,” (very petite), straightening iron, hair bows/coconut oil and other hair products for African hair.  African-American barbies and clothes.  Mechanical  Moving puppy, other girl toys.  Girl‘s bike.  Girlie scooter. Hatchibles.  Easel and ART SUPPLIES  (paints, brushes, paper, pastels, etc.)  jewelry making kit, craft kits.

Girl-5–Baby Dolls and accessories, mechanical dog or cat, small bike, wagon or scooter,  barbies, etc.  Toy Kitchen, doll cradle. Easy bake oven. Duplo girls’ sets.

Girl-2–  Toddler toys, toy puppies or kittens, baby dolls (preferably African), little tykes slide or basketball, Little People sets, Duplo.

CASH DONATIONS ARE GREAT!  With cash, “SANTA” can purchase the wish-list items and place them under the tree on Christmas Eve!

Please Donate Generously—your donation is their entire Christmas.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Dana Heinzelman
Salem for Refugees representative 
5. Nous chantons Douce nuit Sainte Nuite pour le Club de Fraçais demain :^)
Douce Nuit Sainte Nuit (Silent Night)
Douce nuit Sainte Nuite 
Tout est calme plus de bruit
C'est Noël et là-bas dans le ciel 
Une étoile d'un éclat irréel
Brille au loin sur le monde
Comme un beau rêve infinit 
Douce Nuit Sainte Nuit 
Il est né à minuit
Dans l'étable au milieu des bergers
Et depuis l'univers a chanté
C'est Noël c'est Noël
Que la Paix soit éternelle

Douce            = soft/sweet/calm/nice
plus                = no more/plus/more  Yeah, confusing
bruit                = noise
ciel                  = sky/heavens
étoile               = star       
éclat irréel       = unreal bursting forth of brilliance
brille                = shines
comme            =  like/as
il est né            = he is born (he was born)
depuis             = since
paix                  = peace

Sweet night holy night
All is quiet more noise
It's Christmas and over there in the sky
A star of unreal brilliance
Shines over there on the world
Like a beautiful infinite dream
Sweet night holy night
He was born at midnight
In the stable among the shepherds
And since the universe has sung
It's Christmas it's Christmas
May peace be eternal 

If we have time, French for Cats
Don't forget to do Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (French Club tomorrow counts 30 min)

For home Listening and Reading minutes: Chansons de Noël--YouTube

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