Thursday, April 5, 2018

1.Tell me what day it is and say something about what you would like to do today
2. Write an 8 word (min) sentence using the verb "faire"
Revisons (review) les pages: 53, 61, 62,78,84, 87
EXAMEN, UNITE 2, mardi, le 9 avril! Beaucoup de points!
Ecoutez la musique et ecrivez 20 mots (au moins/at least)
8 points for bringing a list of 20+ words from a song/songs you listened to
How to do it:
YouTube: search for a French song (even type "best French songs 2018")
After you have found a song, do a second search for it, but this time include the title of the song AND "French and English lyrics." Most likely you will find a version with subtitle to read. Then:
Listen to the song and pause frequently, writing down words. Here are some songs that students have found:
La Musique Pre'fe're'e de la Classe
Elle me dit

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