Due Tuesday, March 10 (40 points)
You have specific requirements, but remember, highest scores go to groups who demonstrate creativity of thought. Have fun! Make your skit interesting and/or funny.
Basic Requirements:
- Film the movie
- 2 minutes minimum
- Order food at a restaurant
- Engage in small talk about the following:
- What you do
- Another person (friend or family member)
- The weather
- Anything else that interests you
You and at least one partner will visit a fictitious restaurant,
have a conversation, including small talk, order food, and leave.
You must include the following:
*Tu as faim/soif? (page 45/49)
*Vous de'sirez? (page 49)
*C,a fait combien? (page 53)
Small talk:
*Le temps (65)
*L'heure (page 56)
*Les amis/la famille
*What you like to do (74 and 78) or want to do on Saturday, etc.
*E^tre (84) (could be used with adjectives on 165, but doesn't have to be)
*At least one word from page 89
*At least one word from page 100
*At least one word from page 89
*Pourquoi (106)
*Parce que (106)
*Une expression ave <<qui>> (108)
*Faire (110)
*1 adjective (165)
LAST NAME, First Name
Today is the first of March Aujourd'hui, c'est le premier mars
Example d'un sketch/skit
1. Julie, what would you like to eat today?
Julie, qu'est-ce que tu voudrais (would like)/veux (want) manger aujourd'hui?
2. When are you eating?/At what time do you eat?
A quelle heure est-ce que tu manges?/vous mangez?
3. Who is that? It's my brother and he is sixteen years old.
Qui est-ce? C'est mon fre`re et il a seize ans.
4. How much does a hamburger cost at McDo?
Combien cou^te un hamburger a` McDo?
Texting shorthand by Lore'dana et Caroline
tu fais quoi = tfk/tfq
coucou=cc (hi/peekaboo)
c'est= c
t'es ou= t ou (tu es ou`)
c,a va= cv
je t'aime = jtm
M/mr =merci
DR = de rien
G = J'ai
ajd = aujourd'hui
pcq = parce-que
pourquoi = pq/pk
quelqu'un = qq1
quelque chose = qq chose
mdr = mort de rire (die of laughing = lol)
mais = ms
jamais = jms
je ne sais pas = jsp
c'est tout = c'est tt
20 Common Texting Abbreviations
French Texting Abbreviations
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