Monday, November 30, 2015

Aujourd'hui est lundi, le trente novembre

It's time to learn days of the week.
lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche
Moonday, Marsday, Mercury day, Jupiter day, Venus day, Saturn day, Lord's day
(The days of the week are named after the planets in French and English)
Quizlet leçon 4 A
Writing and listening activities in workbook:
Lesson 4B
Truly interesting blog entry explaining the origin of the words used for months and days of the week in French. And, yes, the article is in French!
Assignment: Write down 20 words minimum that you learn from reading the article. Some will be words you figure out on your own; others will be words I define for you.
L'origine du nom des mois et des jours

Aujourd'hui (today):
Write a letter to someone in this class or to a person you know. Include the following:
Cher (name)  = dear _______      For girls, it's Chère (name) 
Tell them your name
And your age
Your birthday, day of the week this year, and month 
(Mon anniversaire est samedi, le dix-sept janvier)
State your astrological sign (see below)
   Here is a link to a description of your personality based on your sign!
Write one sentence describing yourself (le page 165)
Something you like to do (J'aime ______) (le page 74)*
Tell how many brothers and sisters you have and your pets 
Describe one of these people/animals (le page 165)
Tell the astrological sign of one of the people or animals (!)
Sincerely = Amitiés

Learn the Zodiac in French... les Signes du zodiaque..
Aries BélierTaurus Taureau Gemini GémeauxCancer CancerLeo LionVirgo ViergeLibra BalanceScorpio ScorpionSagittarius SagittaireCapricorn CapricorneAquarius VerseauPisces Poissons
The French say, "Je suis Gémeaux."I am Gemini.Je suis né sous le signe du Taureau.
I was born under the sign of Taurus.

*Honors level challenge: Figure out how to say that it makes sense that you like to do what you do because people with your sign are supposed to have a certain personality!
"C'est logique parce que. . . (it is logical/makes sense because . . .)
"C'est ironique parce que. . . (it is ironic because . . .)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Aujourd'hui est jeudi, le dix-neuf novembre

1. Dictée (

Write a letter to someone (or make it up). Include the following:
Cher (name)  = dear _______      For girls, it's Chère
Your name
Your age
Something you like to do (J'aime ______) (le page 74)
Ask them how old they are
Tell how many brothers and sisters you have and your pets (if you don't have any of these, make up a pet)
Describe one of these people/animals (le page 165)

Thursday, November 12, 2015


It's time to learn days of the week:
lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche
Moonday, Marsday, Mercury day, Jupiter day, Venus day, Saturn day, Lord's day
(The days of the week are named after the planets in French and English)
Quizlet leçon 4 A
Aujourd'hui (today):
1. Interro(quiz):
Leçons 1, 2, 3
HOMEWORK: Know how to spell all of the vocabulary from lesson 3
2. Finish homework in cahier (workbook), pages 39, 40
3. Learn money and how to say "prête-moi"
4. Work on skit
5. Listen to music

Monday, November 9, 2015


French Popular Music--4th Period   20 POINTS
Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 les pages 50, 51.

Assignment, part 2 Due Wednesday, November 3, at 11:55 PM.
Listen to all of the songs other students posted. Do everyone the courtesy of listening to at least 15 seconds of their song. Next to your favorite song, you need to write your name and #1 in parentheses (Isom, 1)  Next to your second favorite, write (Name, 2).  Then you need to find another song that no one has voted #1 or #2, and write a short comment, such as “I like this one, too”(Isom, this one sounds like Coldplay!).
due Thursday, November 4, at 11:55 PM.
Both classes should consider listening to the songs selected by the other period!

In class today:
French Restaurant Vocabulary 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


French Popular Music--4th Period
Assignment, part 2 Due Wednesday, November 3, at 11:55 PM.
Listen to all of the songs other students posted. Do everyone the courtesy of listening to at least 15 seconds of their song. Next to your favorite song, you need to write your name and #1 in parentheses (Isom, 1)  Next to your second favorite, write (Name, 2).  Then you need to find another song that no one has voted #1 or #2, and write a short comment, such as “I like this one, too”(Isom, this one sounds like Coldplay!).
due Thursday, November 4, at 11:55 PM.
Both classes should consider listening to the songs selected by the other period!

In class today:
French Restaurant Vocabulary 

Activity 1: Review flash cards for leçon 3
Quizlet--leçon 3
Activity 2: Listening comprehension for workbook, lesson 3
Activity 3: 
Today we will be watching a video that introduces one of my favorite French learning tools, a series of videos that teach students the language through immersion.
French in Action Introduction
Body language and intonation
oh-là-là! (=oh, man!/oh, wow!)  The intonation is similar to the Awkward Voldemort Laugh

As you watch the video, try to learn the words that are briefly taught. They don't give enough time for you to thoroughly learn them, but you might be surprised at how much you learn if you really pay attention and write what you hear. If you learn 5 new words, that's good progress for a day.
Take out a sheet of paper. I want you to write down as many words as you can.
You will have to use your own set of phonetics for most of the words. You could write "bonjour" as bone joor, for example, or "comment t'appelles-tu" as "ko mah ta pell too"--you get the picture.
At the end of the period you will hand in your paper for 5 points.

HOMEWORK: Memorize the spelling and gender (masculine/feminine) of the first 17 flashcards from Lesson 3. You were already supposed to learn most of them over the weekend, so don't complain too much!
Quizlet--leçon 3
5 point quiz tomorrow! If you don't have Internet access tonight, just study from the book.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Activity 1: Review flash cards for leçon 3
Quizlet--leçon 3

Activity 2:
Today we will be watching a video that introduces one of my favorite French learning tools, a series of videos that teach students the language through immersion.

French in Action Introduction

As you watch the video, try to learn the words that are briefly taught. They don't give enough time for you to thoroughly learn them, but you might be surprised at how much you learn if you really pay attention and write what you hear. If you learn 5 new words, that's good progress for a day.
Take out a sheet of paper. I want you to write down as many words as you can.
You will have to use your own set of phonetics for most of the words. You could write "bonjour" as bone joor, for example, or "comment t'appelles-tu" as "ko mah ta pell too"--you get the picture.
At the end of the period you will hand in your paper for 5 points.

HOMEWORK: Memorize the spelling and gender (masculine/feminine) of the first 17 flashcards from Lesson 3. You were already supposed to learn most of them over the weekend, so don't complain too much!
Quizlet--leçon 3
5 point quiz tomorrow! If you don't have Internet access tonight, just study from the book.

Optional: work on some of the vocabulary below:

By now you should also have learned
Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet
although we haven't covered "tu as un crayon à me prêter? (you have a pencil to loan me?)
or "J'ai besoin d'un partenaire" (I have need of a partner). Go through the deck tonight.
Others to consider and master at your own pace:
Classroom directions--Quizlet
This is the best deck because 1. It has pictures and 2. The phrases are very important. I will be using these phrases to conduct class the second 6 weeks :^ }
Classroom student questions--Quizlet (This one has about five phrases not in other decks)

Song of the week: Elle me dit by Mika (Leah Stavrianeas)