Monday, October 19, 2015

lundi, le dix-neuf octobre

Go to room 101 in Howard Street at 2:30 and we will have elections for president and vice-president of the French club. We will also listen to music and look at some neat learning apps and sites.
Grade pages 23, 24 in cahier. Homework = pages 25-28 in the cahier

I did not assign homework for tonight, so I recommend that you review the words from
Quizlet--leçon 1
and Quizlet--leçon 2
By now you should also have learned
Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet
although we haven't covered "tu as un crayon à me prêter? (you have a pencil to loan me?)
or "J'ai besoin d'un partenaire" (I have need of a partner). Go through the deck tonight.
Others to consider and master at your own pace:
Classroom directions--Quizlet
This is the best deck because 1. It has pictures and 2. The phrases are very important. I will be using these phrases to conduct class the second 6 weeks :^ }
Classroom student questions--Quizlet (This one has about five phrases not in other decks)

Song of the week: Elle me dit by Mika (Leah Stavrianeas)

Halloween scary characters
Dinner table phrases
Dinner table phrases--longer list
Conversational words and phrases for realistic conversation
1000 Most Common French Words, in order Babel website
More useful phrases found at Babel, too (most the same as Quizlet)
Words every serious French student should know
234 French Phrases (234!!) That's only one per day

Halloween (weird, but fun)

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