Here's some information on Babar the elephant and his creator, Laurent de Brunhoff:
You now know enough French that you can start learning the language through reading. Babar is the perfect starting point because it is written for small children and the vocabulary is quite basic.
As we read, I would like you to take notes on the handouts, writing down definitions for all vocabulary that is new to you, as well as grammatical concepts, such as the past tense.
Simple past tense: Conjugate avoir + verb with -é at the end in place of the -er.
In other words, "I have spoken." "We have worked"=We worked
J'ai parlé
Tu as voyagé
Elle a chanté
Nous avons travaillé
Vous avez dîné
Ils ont dansé
We swam
Nous avons nagé
Jacques et Jill ont marché
Nous avons regardé
Vous avez regardé
Elle a joué
avoir conjugations
There is a second past tense that is formed by adding -ais, ait, ions, iez, aient to the verb.
This past tense is used for habitual actions in the past, such as "When I was little, I played tennis."
"Quand j'étais jeune, je jouais au tennis."
Belle, grand, petit, bon, mauvais
Translate the following phrases into French:
Regardez les pages 165, 168, 175
(Adjectives like belle, jeune, bon, grand, follow the nouns
they modify)
B.A.G.S.--Beauty, Age, Goodness, Size
1. I like the amusing book.
J'aime le livre amusant.
2. We talk with some cute girls.
Nous parlons avec des filles migonnes.
3. That's a big pencil!
C'est un grand crayon
4. Jacques and Marie have a little, yellow car.
jacques et marie ont une petite voiture jaune
a yellow car=une voiture jaune (adj. follows)
une petite voiture jaune (Adjectives like belle, jeune, bon, grand, follow the nouns
they modify)
B.A.G.S.--Beauty, Age, Goodness, Size
5. You (plural) don't like the white window, isn't that right?
Pratiquer (practice) les verbes
être, faire, avoir, parler,
Belle, grand, petit, bon, mauvais
Quizlet decks made by former students:
Basic verbs, page 75--danser, chanter, etc.
Verbs with pictures
Classroom objects
Les Personnes
Les Personnes--2
La nourriture--un croissant, je veux, etc.
Les adjectifs qui précèdent le nom
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