Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28--Presque le printemps

Quiz over lesson 9 tomorrow.

Translate the following dialog into French:  Most words are found on page 184
Say!  André, I like your computer.  Loan me your compuuter ("it" is "le")(page 147)
Dis-donc, J'aime  . . . 
Prête-moi ton ordinateur

(OR "Loan me the computer, please" (see page 53)
No, I don't have a computer. (page 156) It is my sister's computer. 
Non, je n'ai pas d'ordinateur.  C'est l'ordinateur de ma soeur
(show possession by saying "de ma soeur")
J'ai un ordinateur
Je n'ai pas d'ordinateur
("any".  In other words, sentences in the negative always require "de" even though the affirmative might be "un" or "une," or "des"

The cat is on your bed.  What's it's name?  How old is it?  Is the cat mean?(page 165)
Le chat est sur ton lit.
Qu'est-ce qu'il s'appelle?
Quel âge a-t-il?
Est-ce que le chat est méchat

No, she isn't mean.  She's a cute cat, isn't she?(165)
What is that? (page 140)
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Quoi?  (comment=huh, as in you didn't hear it)
That, over there.
Ça, là-bas
I don't know.
Je ne sais pas
It's a book, isn't it?
C'est un livre, n'est-ce pas
Uh, no, it is a notebook
Euh, non, c'est un cahier.
There is a CD, too (page 100)
Il y a un CD, aussi

Thursday, February 21, 2013

21 février

Incomplete homework (10 pts.).  Quite a few of you need to still find a song on YouTube and post it on the class Google Doc.  The following people have done it.  All the rest of you will need to do it tonight.  I'm extending the deadline for the second part (rank favorites) to Sunday night at 11:55
Have done it: Rubi, Samantha, Karla, Helen, Macie, Olivia, Molly (10 pts. each.)

Today we will use iPads to film interviews of one another.  Yay!  This will be fun!
Write out the dialog with answers using your handout.  You don't have to do it in this order.  It would be kind of funny to have an entire conversation with someone and not find out their name until the end!
20 points.  10 both interviews complete, 5 grammar and pronunciation, 5 craftsmanship
Comment t’appelles-tu ?       Quel âge as-tu?
As-tu un frère ou une sœur ?     Il/ Elle s’appelle comment ?     Il/ Elle a quel âge?
Il/ Elle est comment ? (what's he like?)       (see page 165)
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ?
Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas faire ?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ta chambre?  "Il y a . . ."  (consider using sur, devant, etc.)
Add something of your own.  Get creative with 
Here are some fun words and phrases:
Salut (hi)
Dis-donc (tell me now)     Tiens! (hey!)       Zut!
Euh . . . (uh)             Alors . . . (so . . .) 
Vraiment? (really?)     Oh, là là!
Now, repeat, switching places. 
So, write two dialogs.
Now you will interview each other and film it.  You can do it two ways:
The interviewer films the interviewee; someone films you both
Have fun with this!  Film it in a cool location--at a locker, going down the stairs, next to a cool background; do some acting and use props.  
Finish by the end of the day and save on the iPad and, if you can, upload it to YouTube

Short quiz (5 pts.) tomorrow at the very first of the period.  Don't be late.  
Know all words on page 165, masculine and feminine forms

Friday, February 15, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13th
Great Valentine's Day Song:
Comme des Enfants by Coeur du Pirate
version with English lyrics: Comme des Enfants

Let's take a look at some French  Valentine's wishes.  Here are some standard ones:

French love words in French slang
Je t'aime

Write down 5 phrases you didn't know before class started
J'ai le béguin pour toi
I have a crush on you 
Tu es chic
You're classy/chic/sophicated/elegant/cool
Tu as du chien
Literally, "you have some dog"!  A combination of "you're hot" and "you're classy"
Mon chéri/Ma chérie = darling/cherished one
Mon chou               = my cabbage (term of endearment!)
Mon petit chou        = my little cabbage (my little cabbage)
Mon cocot/ ma cocotte = honey (literally 9X13 casserole dish!)

Tu es chouette
Tu es bizarre, mais j'aime ça
You're weird, but I like that
Tu veux être mon Valentine?

Je veux être avec toi.
I want to be with you.
Tu es ma joie de vivre.
You are the joy of my life.
Je rêve de toi jour et nuit.
I dream of you day and night.
Je t'aime de tout mon cœur.
I love you with all my heart.
Êtes-vous fatigué d'être si belle ?
Are you tired of being so beautiful ?
Je t’aime plus que tout.
I love you more than anything.
Avec toi, tous mes jours sont beaux.
Si l’amour devait avoir un visage, il porterait le tien.
If love had a face it would be yours.
Si j’étais une abeille et toi une fleur, je passerai mon temps à butiner ton cœur.
If I was a bee and you a flower, I would spend my time looking for the nectar in your heart.
Je suis tombé en amour avec toi.
I have fallen in love with you 
Je suis folle de aimer a la folie avec toi
I am mad about you. (I am crazy of loving to folly with you)
J'ai trouvé la perle (I have found the pearl)
J’ai trouvé l’oiseau rare (I have found the rare bird)

On the less serious side:

Parce que tu es dans ma vie,
Je suis comme un animal tourmenté
Because you're in my life,
I am like a tormented animal
Les roses sont rouges
les violettes sont bleues
C'est pourquoi j'aime tu
(technically not grammatically correct, but it's cute)

Tu est du chien
Tu est de la gueule
You are striking and elegant.

Tu veux être mon petit chou?

Have you ever had someone say this to you?
"Wow, you speak French?  Oh, say something in French.  It's such a romantic language!
When they say that, I like to say something that's not at all romantic, just to be funny (and they'll think that it sounds romantic!)

Le français est poetique.
Très poetique, romantique.
Voila un example pour toi, mon amour
Un carte de voeux pour cet jour:
Quand je te regarde, mon amie especialle,
Je pense a quelque chose que tu dois savoir.
C'est un chien deguetant, un chien très laid,
Et ça, mon amour, c'est mon poème d'éternité!

French is poetic
Very poetic, romantic
Here's an example for you, my love,
A greeting card for this day:
"When I look at you, my special friend,
I think of something you should know.
It's a disgusting dog, a very ugly dog,
And that, my love, is a poem for eternity!

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8, 2013

And so we embark upon a second semester of French, learning a new language that will enable us to speak of new things.  I've always liked to think of learning a second language in terms of learning a secret language, almost a code of sorts that enables us to talk about things that most people simply don't understand. 

One of the reasons that a new language does this is that a different languages have their own unique ways of expresing things, so the experience of speaking and hearing that language is simply different.  For example, French is typically thought to be a beautiful sounding language, even the language of love.   Many English speakers enjoy saying "Je t'aime" because it sounds more intimate than "I love you."  The words flow off the tongue in a lyrical, melodious way.  In French I can even insult a non-French speaker and he or she will think I'm saying romantic things: "En regardant ton visage, je me rappelle d'un chien très laid."  Or perhaps, "Il faut que j'aille au toilettes, s'il vous plaît."

Along these lines (the true romance of the language, that is), let's head into the Valentine's Day season by listening to a great song that Sam introduced me to.  Here it is:

Comme des Enfants  by Coeur de Pirate

Class today:
Interview one another and introduce your partner (en français, bien sûr!)
Generate ideas for fun French Valentine's Day cards
Listen to Comme des Enfants
Homework:  1) Text: xc .6; 143.7; 145.9; 146.13

1. Don't talk; be quiet please.
2. Take out a pencil and write on a sheet of paper.
3. Bring me a book and read it.
1. ne parle pas; tais-toi, s'il te plaît
2. Prends un crayon et écris sur une feuille de papier.
3. apporte-moi un livre et lis le.
