Friday, September 28, 2018

Lundi, le premier octobre (say premier, not "le un octobre")


Quizlet Decks for French
   Quizlet Dinner Table French
Quiz Next time (mardi, mercredi) memorise:
  a table, bon appetit, merci/de rien, maim! c'est delicieux

Hand in homework. Donnez-moi les devoirs; Donne-moi
Practice dinner table French in groups of 6. Pratiquez les phrases
Song vocab for quiz Tue/Thur
Talking about people.
page 27. Exercices 1, 2, 3. Speak, then write

Page 37, exercices 
Sentence translations:
1. Who is that?
2. You are talking about who/whom?
3. The American girl. I'm talking about the American girl.
4. Her name is Clarice, she is eighteen years old, and she is very interesting.



Everyone sign up for Duolingo--Mr. Isom's class/ Inscrivez-vous a la classe du professeur
Practice at home/ pratiquez a la maison; pratiquez chez-toi

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Aujourd'hui est jeudi, le vingt-sept septembre, deux mille dix-huit

HOMEWORK: Dinner Table French
Teach someone at home a minimum of 5 words from the handout :)
If someone at home speaks better French than you do, write down what they teach you!

Translate into French
1. My name is __________, and I am ___ years old. I am cool and __(any adjective)__
2. The twenty-seven September
3. Period four has an "interesting"  ;^}  teacher.
4. The lady is my mother and the man is my father. E.C. sentence: They are _+_(adjective)_
5. She has a cousin.
6. I have two brothers
7. You have one sister and she is fifty two years old?!
8. Marie is French, she speaks French, she is thirty-two years old, and she is nice (e.c. if you get it)
9. Me, too! You speak French and you are American
10. Good-bye

All phrases we haven't studied--pages 27, 31
Classroom phrases
Dinner phrases
Homework: Teach someone at home at least five words from the handouts, have them write down the words and/or phrases, and have them sign at the bottom :^)

É è é à ç 

Talking about people.
page 27. Exercices 1, 2, 3. Speak, then write

Page 37, exercices 
Sentence translations:
1. Who is that?
2. You are talking about who/whom?
3. The American girl. I'm talking about the American girl.
4. Her name is Clarice, she is eighteen years old, and she is very interesting.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Mardi, le vingt-cinq septembre, deux mille dix-huit

Memorize the spelling of all verbs studied thus far--Quiz at the first of the period next time!
Anything from prior quizzes is fair game! "It's going well, I'm 43 years old and American," etc.
Parler to speak  Je parle Tu Elle
Etre to be    Je suis  Tu Elle est
Avoir To Have  J'ai   Tu as Elle a

1. Divide into groups/diviser en groupes de quatre
    Quiz one another on numbers, 0-59 using white boards (avec ton tableau blanc, quiz ton ami)
2. Quiz

3. Share your Famous Person presentation
First write

"Tu connais _(name of famous person_)__?  = Do you know
Je connais pas = I don't know (I know not). Technically it is Je NE connais PAS
"Qui est-ce" = Who is it?
"Il s'appelle _(name of famous person_) = His name is _(name of famous person_)
Elle s'appelle
You will all partner up and share your presentation and use those phrases as you start your presentation :)

4. Learn numbers 61-79
5. Learn vocab for Corbeau (quiz next time)
6. Learn French Classroom Phrases 1-6 (quiz next time)

  • Give M. Isom editing privileges
  • Add a second picture of person doing what made them famous
  • State age. J'ai __quatorze_____ ans (in the picture)
  • Add "mon anniversaire est le ____(date) ____________ month, year" 
  • "Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier, mille neuf cents soixante-deux"
  • Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux janvier, mille neuf cents quarante
  • Mon anniversaire est le trois juin, mille neuf cents soixante-dix-neuf

  • Écrive ça: (copie)
    lundi, le vingt-quatre septembre

    1.Write as much as you can introducing someone you know. If I were doing this I would include much of what you've put in your Personne Célèbre presentation. Maybe also use some adjectives
    3 minutes to write as much as you can without using the book or notes 
    3 more minutes using the book (dictionary and pages we've studied)

    2. Talking about people.
    page 27. Exercices 1, 2, 3. Speak, then write

    Page 37, exercices 

    Last time we:     La derière fois nous avons: [the last time we have . . .]

    AUJOURD'HUI: est (is) vendredi, le vingt et un septembre

    Paris, France.  Je suis franc,ais (DON'T CAPITALIZE NATIONALITIES OR LANGUAGES OR DAYS OF THE WEEK, MONTHS)   Je suis de Paris, France.
    Now write each of the days this week starting with Monday
    After the day, write what class you have (j'ai).
    Double space so that next week you can add a sentence telling me how you feel about that day.
    School subjects: anglais, science, chorale, l'histoire, orchestre, mathématiques, éducation physique,
    Lundi, j'ai la classe de français,
    Mardi, j'ai la classe de (of) Anglais 12 [de+anglais=d'anglais. The "e" is dropped]
    Mercredi, j'ai la classe d'Anglais 12, periode six.
    Jeudi, j'ai la classe de French 1
    Vendredi, j'ai la classe avec (with) une (a) personne intelligente
    J'ai quatorze ans (I have 14 years=I'm 14)
    Tu as treize ans? (Have you 13)
    When you leave today, you must say:
    au revoir, a` lundi (see you Monday/at Monday)

    PETANQUE. How to play Pétanque
    M. ZENK (101) et Softball Field

    1.Les Verbes Importants (verb booklet)
    Add a sentence for:
    Parler--"He speaks . . ."
    Etre--"She is + adjective from handout"
    Avoir--He has + age
    2. DVD Greetings: name, nationality, salut, 

    • Give M. Isom editing privileges
    • Add a second picture of person doing what made them famous
    • State age. J'ai __quatorze_____ ans (in the picture)
    • Add "mon anniversaire est le ____(date) ____________ month, year" 
    • "Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier, mille neuf cents soixante-deux"
    • Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux janvier, mille neuf cents quarante
    • Mon anniversaire est le trois juin, mille neuf cents soixante-dix-neuf
    • Mon anniversaire est le sept juin, mille 
    • neuf cents quatre-vingt-neuf
    My birthday is the seventeen January
    Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier
    page 62 has months
    Claude Monet, the artist:
    Born November 14th, 1840
    "Mon anniversaire est le quatorze novembre
    1842 = 1000  8 100's 40
    mille huit cents quarante"
    Shakespeare 1564
    mille cinq cents soixante-quatre
    1967=mille neuf cents soixante-sept
      : Tout sur moi for a famous francophone (French speaking) person
          Artist, Scientist, Athlete, Designer, Historical Figure, etc.
          Share your Tout Sur Moi and Famous French person with me
      Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
         Periode 5 Personne Ce'le`bre
      4. Helpful YouTube videos
      5. Song Corbeau, de Coeur de Pirate
      Vocabulary from song to memorize for NEXT Thur/Fri. Vocabulaire pour le 27/28 septembre:
      FRANCAIScorbeau, coeur, et, deux, par, sans, compter, nos, morts, dans, on, mais
      ANGLAIS raven/crow, heart, and, 2, by without, count, our, dead in, one/we, but
      6. EXERCICES: Page 32 1-4
      7. Tableau blanc (white board) #0-59
      8. Useful phrases for the class
      ******* H O M E W O R K *******
      DEVOIRS: Memorize J'ai, tu as, il a; je suis, tu es, elle est; je parle, tu parles, Pierre parle
      Memoriser les nombres 20-60
      Memorize the spelling of all numbers from 20-59
      Regarder (look at) Page 25
      DEVOIRS 2: 
      • Optional (optionel). Text or write to friends and on Monday show me what you wrote Lundi, montre-moi la conversation texto/SMS
      • Suggested: Memorize10 words from Corbeau
      • 5. Be sure you've mastered all of the things we've already studied
      • Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,ons 1, 2 

      PARLER      TO SPEAK  (page 94)
      Card 2 (skip)
      Card 3
      E^tre             To Be  (84)
      Card 4 skip
      Card 5 
      J'ai quatorze ans = I have 14 years
      Tu as dix-sept ans
      Elle a douze ans 

      Friday, September 21, 2018

      lundi, le vingt-quatre septembre


      É    é    è   ê   À   à   á   â   Ç   ç    ï

      Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
         Periode 5 Personne Ce'le`bre

    • Give M. Isom editing privileges
    • Add a second picture of person doing what made them famous
    • State age. J'ai __quatorze_____ ans (in the picture)
    • Add "mon anniversaire est le ____(date) ____________ month, year" 
    • "Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier, mille neuf cents soixante-deux"
    • Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux janvier, mille neuf cents quarante
    • Mon anniversaire est le trois juin, mille neuf cents soixante-dix-neuf

    • Écrive ça: (copie)
      lundi, le vingt-quatre septembre

      1.Write as much as you can introducing someone you know. If I were doing this I would include much of what you've put in your Personne Célèbre presentation. Maybe also use some adjectives
      3 minutes to write as much as you can without using the book or notes 
      3 more minutes using the book (dictionary and pages we've studied)

      2. Talking about people.
      page 27. Exercices 1, 2, 3. Speak, then write

      Page 37, exercices 

      Last time we:     La derière fois nous avons: [the last time we have . . .]

      AUJOURD'HUI: est (is) vendredi, le vingt et un septembre

      Paris, France.  Je suis franc,ais (DON'T CAPITALIZE NATIONALITIES OR LANGUAGES OR DAYS OF THE WEEK, MONTHS)   Je suis de Paris, France.
      Now write each of the days this week starting with Monday
      After the day, write what class you have (j'ai).
      Double space so that next week you can add a sentence telling me how you feel about that day.
      School subjects: anglais, science, chorale, l'histoire, orchestre, mathématiques, éducation physique,
      Lundi, j'ai la classe de français,
      Mardi, j'ai la classe de (of) Anglais 12 [de+anglais=d'anglais. The "e" is dropped]
      Mercredi, j'ai la classe d'Anglais 12, periode six.
      Jeudi, j'ai la classe de French 1
      Vendredi, j'ai la classe avec (with) une (a) personne intelligente
      J'ai quatorze ans (I have 14 years=I'm 14)
      Tu as treize ans? (Have you 13)
      When you leave today, you must say:
      au revoir, a` lundi (see you Monday/at Monday)

      PETANQUE. How to play Pétanque
      LE 3 OCTOBRE
      M. ZENK (101) et Softball Field

      1.Les Verbes Importants (verb booklet)
      Add a sentence for:
      Parler--"He speaks . . ."
      Etre--"She is + adjective from handout"
      Avoir--He has + age
      2. DVD Greetings: name, nationality, salut, 

      • Give M. Isom editing privileges
      • Add a second picture of person doing what made them famous
      • State age. J'ai __quatorze_____ ans (in the picture)
      • Add "mon anniversaire est le ____(date) ____________ month, year" 
      • "Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier, mille neuf cents soixante-deux"
      • Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux janvier, mille neuf cents quarante
      • Mon anniversaire est le trois juin, mille neuf cents soixante-dix-neuf
      • Mon anniversaire est le sept juin, mille 
      • neuf cents quatre-vingt-neuf
      My birthday is the seventeen January
      Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier
      page 62 has months
      Claude Monet, the artist:
      Born November 14th, 1840
      "Mon anniversaire est le quatorze novembre
      1842 = 1000  8 100's 40
      mille huit cents quarante"
      Shakespeare 1564
      mille cinq cents soixante-quatre
      1967=mille neuf cents soixante-sept
        : Tout sur moi for a famous francophone (French speaking) person
            Artist, Scientist, Athlete, Designer, Historical Figure, etc.
            Share your Tout Sur Moi and Famous French person with me
        Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
           Periode 5 Personne Ce'le`bre
        4. Helpful YouTube videos
        5. Song Corbeau, de Coeur de Pirate
        Vocabulary from song to memorize for NEXT Thur/Fri. Vocabulaire pour le 27/28 septembre:
        FRANCAIScorbeau, coeur, et, deux, par, sans, compter, nos, morts, dans, on, mais
        ANGLAIS raven/crow, heart, and, 2, by without, count, our, dead in, one/we, but
        6. EXERCICES: Page 32 1-4
        7. Tableau blanc (white board) #0-59
        8. Useful phrases for the class
        ******* H O M E W O R K *******
        DEVOIRS: Memorize J'ai, tu as, il a; je suis, tu es, elle est; je parle, tu parles, Pierre parle
        Memoriser les nombres 20-60
        Memorize the spelling of all numbers from 20-59
        Regarder (look at) Page 25
        DEVOIRS 2: 
        • Optional (optionel). Text or write to friends and on Monday show me what you wrote Lundi, montre-moi la conversation texto/SMS
        • Suggested: Memorize10 words from Corbeau
        • 5. Be sure you've mastered all of the things we've already studied
        • Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,ons 1, 2 

        LIVRE DES VERBES Card 1
        PARLER      TO SPEAK  (page 94)
        Card 2 (skip)
        Card 3
        E^tre             To Be  (84)
        Card 4 skip
        Card 5 
        J'ai quatorze ans = I have 14 years
        Tu as dix-sept ans
        Elle a douze ans 

        Thursday, September 20, 2018

        jeudi, le vingt septembre


        É    é    è   ê   À   à   á   â   Ç   ç    ï

        AUJOURD'HUI: est (is) vendredi, le vingt et un septembre

        Paris, France.  Je suis franc,ais (DON'T CAPITALIZE NATIONALITIES OR LANGUAGES OR DAYS OF THE WEEK, MONTHS)   Je suis de Paris, France.
        Now write each of the days this week starting with Monday
        After the day, write what class you have (j'ai).
        Double space so that next week you can add a sentence telling me how you feel about that day.
        School subjects: anglais, science, chorale, l'histoire, orchestre, mathématiques, éducation physique,
        Lundi, j'ai la classe de français,
        Mardi, j'ai la classe de (of) Anglais 12 [de+anglais=d'anglais. The "e" is dropped]
        Mercredi, j'ai la classe d'Anglais 12, periode six.
        Jeudi, j'ai la classe de French 1
        Vendredi, j'ai la classe avec (with) une (a) personne intelligente
        J'ai quatorze ans (I have 14 years=I'm 14)
        Tu as treize ans? (Have you 13)
        When you leave today, you must say:
        au revoir, a` lundi (see you Monday/at Monday)

        PETANQUE. How to play Pétanque
        LE 3 OCTOBRE
        M. ZENK (101) et Softball Field

        1.Les Verbes Importants (verb booklet)
        Add a sentence for:
        Parler--"He speaks . . ."
        Etre--"She is + adjective from handout"
        Avoir--He has + age
        2. DVD Greetings: name, nationality, salut, 

        • Give M. Isom editing privileges
        • Add a second picture of person doing what made them famous
        • State age. J'ai _______ ans
        • Add "mon anniversaire est le ____(date) ____________ month, year" 
        • "Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier, mille neuf cents soixante-deux"
        My birthday is the seventeen January
        Mon anniversaire est le dix-sept janvier
        page 62 has months
        Claude Monet, the artist:
        Born November 14th, 1840
        "Mon anniversaire est le quatorze novembre
        1842 = 1000  8 100's 40
        mille huit cents quarante"
        Shakespeare 1564
        mille cinq cents soixante-quatre
        1967=mille neuf cents soixante-sept
        : Tout sur moi for a famous francophone (French speaking) person
            Artist, Scientist, Athlete, Designer, Historical Figure, etc.
            Share your Tout Sur Moi and Famous French person with me
        Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
           Periode 5 Personne Ce'le`bre
        4. Helpful YouTube videos
        5. Song Corbeau, de Coeur de Pirate
        Vocabulary from song to memorize for NEXT Thur/Fri. Vocabulaire pour le 27/28 septembre:
        FRANCAIScorbeau, coeur, et, deux, par, sans, compter, nos, morts, dans, on, mais
        ANGLAIS raven/crow, heart, and, 2, by without, count, our, dead in, one/we, but
        6. EXERCICES: Page 32 1-4
        7. Tableau blanc (white board) #0-59
        8. Useful phrases for the class
        ******* H O M E W O R K *******
        DEVOIRS: Memorize J'ai, tu as, il a; je suis, tu es, elle est; je parle, tu parles, Pierre parle
        Memoriser les nombres 20-60
        Memorize the spelling of all numbers from 20-59
        Regarder (look at) Page 25
        DEVOIRS 2: 
        • Optional (optionel). Text or write to friends and on Monday show me what you wrote Lundi, montre-moi la conversation texto/SMS
        • Suggested: Memorize10 words from Corbeau
        • 5. Be sure you've mastered all of the things we've already studied
        • Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,ons 1, 2 

        LIVRE DES VERBES Card 1
        PARLER      TO SPEAK  (page 94)
        Card 2 (skip)
        Card 3
        E^tre             To Be  (84)
        Card 4 skip
        Card 5 
        J'ai quatorze ans = I have 14 years
        Tu as dix-sept ans
        Elle a douze ans 

        Tuesday, September 18, 2018

        Mardi, le dix-huit septembre

        LE 19 SEPTEMBRE
        CULINARY ROOM (128)
        What day of the week works best for French Club? Wed? Thur? Other?

        AUJOURD'HUI (today):
        1. Greetings: Bonjour, salut (teenagers), la BISE (pretty good friends and family)
            Leaving: au revoir, a` lundi, a` demain, a` plus (a` plus tard), bonne journe'e
            *DVD Greetings
        QUIZ:  #s

        2. HOMEWORK: 
        • 1. Be able to write the English for: Pardon, je ne comprends pas. Repetez, s'il vous plait. Plus lentement, SVP. Comment ca s'ecrit? Parlez-vous anglais? E.C. if you can spell them.
        • 2. Memorize p. 94, je parle, tu parles, il parle; J'ai quatorze ans, tu as quinze ans?
        • J'ai quatorze ans = I have 14 years (37)
        • **Flip book. Livret des verbes
        • 3. Optional (optionel). Text or write to friends and on Thursday show me what you wrote Jeudi, montrez-moi la conversation texto/SMS
        • 4. Memorize 5 words from Corbeau
        • Make list of animals from page 187 (Notebook) un Corbeau=raven, un tigre, etc.
        • 5. Be sure you've mastered all of the things we've already studied
        • Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,on 1, 2 
        3. Tout sur moi for a famous francophone (French speaking) person
            Artist, Scientist, Athlete, Designer, Historical Figure, etc.
            Share your Tout Sur Moi and Famous French person with me
        Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
           Periode 5 Personne Ce'le`bre
        4.Tout sur moi for yourself
        5. Setting up your Google account Favorites:
            Word Reference French, Duolingo, Quizlet, Coffee Break French
        6. Numbers 0-19
        7. Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,on 1, 2 STUDY! ETUDIEZ! :^}
        8. Helpful YouTube videos
        9. Song Corbeau, de Coeur de Pirate
        Vocabulary from song to memorize for NEXT Thur/Fri. Vocabulaire pour le 20/21 septembre:
        corbeau, coeur, et, deux, par, sans, compter, nos, morts, dans, on, mais
        raven/crow, heart, and, 2, by without, count, our, dead in, one/we, but
        10. Verb Flash Card Deck

        Card 1
        PARLER      TO SPEAK  (page 94)
        Je parle        I speak
        Tu parles      You speak
        Il/Elle parle   He/she speaks
        Paul parle     Paul speaks 

        Je parle anglais 
        Tu parles _______

        Card 2 (skip)
        Card 3
        E^tre          To Be  (84)
        Je suis         I am 
        Tu es           You are
        Il/Elle est      He/she is
        Simone est   Simone is

        Je suis ame'ricain. Je suis de Salem
        Je suis intelligent et cool.
        Tu es franc,ais? Tu es bizarre.
        Write a second sentence with "tu es" 
        plus an adjective from the handout
        Tu es bizarre (weird)
        Tu es stupide (stupid)
        Tu es moche (ugly)
        card 4 skip
        Card 5 
        J'ai          I have      Je + ai = J'ai  (page 152)
        Tu as       You have
        Il/Elle a    He/she has
        Eric a       Eric has

        J'ai quatorze ans = I have 14 years
        Tu as dix-sept ans

        Mardi, le dix-huit septembre

        LE 19 SEPTEMBRE
        CULINARY ROOM (128)
        What day of the week works best for French Club? Wed? Thur? Other?

        AUJOURD'HUI (today):
        1. Greetings: Bonjour, salut (teenagers), la BISE (pretty good friends and family)
            Leaving: au revoir, a` lundi, a` demain, a` plus (a` plus tard), bonne journe'e
            *DVD Greetings
        2. HOMEWORK: 
        • 1.Cahier (Workbook) Pages 3,4, 7, 8
        • 2. Memorize how numbers 0-19 are written (memoriser comment c,a   s'e'crit) 
        •     White boards--numbers (petit tableau blanc--les nume'ros)
        • 3. Optional (optionel). Text or write to friends and on Monday show me what you wrote
        • 4. Start memorizing 10 words from Corbeau
        • 5. Be sure you've mastered all of the things we've already studied
        • Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,on 1, 2 
        3. Tout sur moi for yourself
        4. Tout sur moi for a famous francophone (French speaking) person
            Artist, Scientist, Athlete, Designer, Historical Figure, etc.
            Share your Tout Sur Moi and Famous French person with me
        Type your Famous Person presentation in the document found here:
        5. Setting up your Google account Favorites:
            Word Reference French, Duolingo, Quizlet, Coffee Break French
        6. Numbers 0-19
        7. Quizlet Deck Lesson/lec,on 1, 2 STUDY! ETUDIEZ! :^}
        8. Helpful YouTube videos
        9. Song Corbeau, de Coeur de Pirate
        Vocabulary from song to memorize for NEXT Thur/Fri. Vocabulaire pour le 20/21 septembre:
        corbeau, coeur, et, deux, par, sans, compter, nos, morts, dans, on, mais
        raven/crow, heart, and, 2, by without, count, our, dead in, one/we, but
        10. Verb Flash Card Deck