Monday, October 31, 2016

lundi, le trente et un octobre

Qu-est-ce qu'on fait?
H: Memorize the following words and phrases for Monday
(Pour lundi, memorisez les mots et les phrases suivants (following):

Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
1. Que = that/what
2. On = one (we/you/one/people)
3. Fait = do
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait? = What is it that one does? (What do you do?)
4. Mes = my (plural. Mon frère. Ma soeur. Mes tantes)
5. Tu aimes voyager? = You like to travel/voyage?
6. Allô = hello
7. Un portable = portable phone/cell phone
8. Ici Samantha = here Samantha/Samantha here/this is Samantha
9. Jouer au foot = to play soccer (to play to the soccer)
10. Regarder les videos = to watch videos (to watch the videos).
Remember, nouns in French require "a" or "the" in front of them.
Nouns can't stand alone. Un portable = cell phone. Les videos = videos

This is Halloween in French with English subtitles (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Halloween vocabulary
Halloween scary characters

Rooms that could be haunted: French House Vocabulary
Adjectives to use when writing stories about Halloween
French Halloween Verbs and Prepositions
Common -ER Verbs that could be used when writing a Halloween story
SPEAKING POINTS. Teach your family these phrases and words and film yourself either teaching or speaking at the table :^)

This is Halloween in French with English subtitles (Nightmare Before Christmas)

Dinner table phrases
Dinner table phrases--longer list

Thursday, October 27, 2016

EXAMEN, UNITE 1, mardi/mercredi
Study for the Unit 1 Test!! Be sure that you  know how to pronounce nationalities and that  you know when to use:
Le, la; mon, ma; un, une, toi, moi, 
Je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, elles/ils
Start working on your 60  minutes for:
You may now listen to songs for listening points!
Try Elle me dit (She tells me)
YouTube video: Elle me dit
If you would like, you could listen to it for, say, 15 minutes writing down words and then speak/sing the words for another 15 minutes and count it for both. NOTE: That's 30 minutes, 15 for listening and 15 for Speaking IF you actually sing for those 15 minutes (most people wouldn't do that. You'll have to prove it to me }:^]
15 minutes to prepare, then present for 15
Qu-est-ce qu'on fait?
H: Memorize the following words and phrases for Monday
(Pour lundi, memorisez les mots et les phrases suivants (following):

Qu'est-ce qu'on fait?
1. Que = that/what
2. On = one (we/you/one/people)
3. Fait = do
Qu'est-ce qu'on fait? = What is it that one does? (What do you do?)
4. Mes = my (plural. Mon frère. Ma soeur. Mes tantes)
5. Tu aimes voyager? = You like to travel/voyage?
6. Allô = hello
7. Un portable = portable phone/cell phone
8. Ici Samantha = here Samantha/Samantha here/this is Samantha
9. Jouer au foot = to play soccer (to play to the soccer)
10. Regarder les videos = to watch videos (to watch the videos).
Remember, nouns in French require "a" or "the" in front of them.
Nouns can't stand alone. Un portable = cell phone. Les videos = videos

White boards. Pages 70, 74, 75; 24; 27, 31, 35, 37
La Dictée
Comment vas-tu?
Je ne comprends pas.
Ça va?
Comme ci, comme ça
Tu es française?
Non, je suis anglaise. Je suis de Manchester.
Tiens! Qui est la dame? Tu la connais?
Bien sûr! C'est ma grand-mère! Elle s'appelle Hélène. Elle a soixante-dix-neuf ans.
Now write it in English
How are you doing?
I don't understand.
How's it going?
So so.
You're French? (Are you French?)
Non, I'm English. I am from Manchester.
Hey! Who is the lady? You know her? (use la for her/it when it is a direct object)
Of course/sure! It's my grandmother Her name is Helen. She is seventy-nine.
IDEAS FOR Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking minutes
Lundi, le trente et un octobre

This is Halloween in French with English subtitles (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Halloween vocabulary
Halloween scary characters

Rooms that could be haunted: French House Vocabulary
Adjectives to use when writing stories about Halloween
French Halloween Verbs and Prepositions
Common -ER Verbs that could be used when writing a Halloween story
SPEAKING POINTS. Teach your family these phrases and words and film yourself either teaching or speaking at the table :^)

Dinner table phrases
Dinner table phrases--longer list

Monday, October 24, 2016

Test Tue/Wed

Distribuer les "LOG" pour 60 min. Parler, écouter, écrire, lire (Reading is now required)
mince! (man!/wow!).
READING. Try and type in a word of something you like: shoes (chaussures), bikes (vélo) has neat stuff.
Babar books are great and can be purchased easily. Harry Potter is too hard but . . .

Regardez DVD scène 2C
Presentez les photographies de la famille
Know everything from page 1 to page 37 for the exam next time.
(Tu sais tout? C'est nécessaire d'étudier (study))
Ecrivez les "interviews." Jouer pour la classe (perform for the class)
For the interview, use at least one verb from page 95. If you would like, you may use more!
Most verbs are spelled as follows. This is called "conjugation" of verbs
Parler: to speak
Je parle                    Nous parlons
Tu parles                 Vous parlez
Paul parle                Paul et Marie parlent
Great List of ER Verbs 
Pratiquer avec (with) les petits tableaux blancs (White boards)
Mon chat   ____ 7 ans
a. a
b. as
c. est
d. elle est
Comment allez-______, monsieur?
a. il
b. tu
c. toi
d. vous
e. voi

Quel âge as-tu
J'ai quinze ans
Moi, aussi!
Qui est-ce?
C'est une copine.
Elle est canadienne
Elle est mignonne
Je voudrais être son copain

Test Tue/Wed

Aujourd'hui est mardi, le vingt-cinq octobre 

Distribuer les "LOG" pour 60 min. Parler, écouter, écrire, lire (Reading is now required)
mince! (man!/wow!).
You will have to get resourceful to find reading that isn't too difficult. You might be surprised, though, to discover that you can figure out quite a bit of the French site. has some possibilities, too
Regardez DVD scène 2C
Presentez les photographies de la famille
Know everything from page 1 to page 37 for the exam next time.
(Tu sais tout? C'est nécessaire d'étudier (study))
Ecrivez les "interviews." Jouer pour la classe (perform for the class)
For the interview, use at least one verb from page 95. If you would like, you may use more!
Most verbs are spelled as follows. This is called "conjugation" of verbs
Parler: to speak
Je parle                    Nous parlons
Tu parles                 Vous parlez
Paul parle                Paul et Marie parlent
Great List of ER Verbs 
Pratiquer avec (with) les petits tableaux blancs (White boards)

1.Mon chat  a 7 ans
a. a
b. as
c. est
d. elle est
2.Comment allez-vous, monsieur?
a. il
b. tu
c. toi
d. vous
e. voi
3. Je suis de Salem. Et toi
a. la
b. toi
c. merci
4. Jacques, tu es mexicain?
a. américaine
b. mexicain
c. canadienne
d. anglaise
5. Marie est une copine
a. un
c. mon
6. Quel âge a ta soeur
a. ta
b. ton
c. le
d. ça
7. Tu connais mon frère? Il est suisse.
a. Il
b. Elle
c. Le
d. Une
8. Correct/Not correct? Vrai ou faux?
Mon père est canadien.
9. Laure a cinq ans
10. Quel âge as-tu?

1.Mon chat   ____ 7 ans
a. a
b. as
c. est
d. elle est
2.Comment allez-______, monsieur?
a. il
b. tu
c. toi
d. vous
e. voi
3. Je suis de Salem. Et ____
a. la
b. toi
c. merci
4. Jacques, tu es ________
a. américaine
b. mexicain
c. canadienne
d. anglaise
5. Marie est ___ copine
a. un
c. mon
6. Quel âge a ___ soeur
a. ta
b. ton
c. le
d. ça
7. Tu connais mon frère? ___ est suisse.
a. Il
b. Elle
c. Le
d. Une
8. Correct/Not correct? Vrai ou faux?
Mon père c'est canadien.
9. Laure est cinq ans
10. Quel âge as tu?

8. Correct/Not correct? Vrai ou faux?
Mon père est canadien.
9. Laure a cinq ans
10. Quel âge as-tu?

Quel âge as-tu
J'ai quinze ans
Moi, aussi!
Qui est-ce?
C'est une copine.
Elle est canadienne
Elle est mignonne
Je voudrais être son copain

Monday, October 17, 2016

Les petits tableaux blancs (little white boards)
les pages 32, 35, 37
C'est un bon weekend?
Regardez le DVD leçon 3 C

1. Memorize the spelling and definitions of all phrases on page 31
2. Memorize the spelling and definitions of all vocabulary on page 35.
3. Memorize the phrases on page 37 (spelling, too!)
HINT: Many people are incorrectly translating the following:
My mother is forty-three years old. In French you say, "My mother has 43 years."
Ma mère a quarante-trois ans.
HOMEWORK 2: Monday, October 24th you have to know the following:
Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7) Be able to translate all into English.
Quizlet--leçon 2
4. Do Cahier, pages (we will do this later (plus tard) Note: like the word "tardy"
5. Bring 3 photos of family members, friends, or pets (only 3 total, not 9)
6. Write sentences to share with the class telling us who they are, how old they are, and what they're like (an adjective from page 165).
  • Voici mon/ma __(what they are--uncle, cat, etc.)_
  • Il/elle s'appelle __(_name_)
  • Il/elle a _______ ans (write out the number of age) Use the age in the photo
  • Il/elle est _____________ (pick adjective from page 165)
  • CHALLENGE: add words and phrases that we have learned to make your sentences more expressive and conversational. You know words like "very" and "uh. . . ," for example. "A" students do at least a bit of the challenge because their focus and interest in the language just helps them learn it better, which helps on exams, obviously. Also, they receive more participation points:)
  • If you feel so inclined, you may tell me what they are wearing. This is absolutely optional since we don't learn it until next semester for some strange reason. To do this, turn to page 260 and follow the model. Colors are found on page 41, if that interests you.
Voici mon père.
Il s'appelle Dallas
Il a cinquante-sept ans
Il est intelligent et très amusant
Il porte un tee-shirt blanc.

1. #'s 70-100. Practice phone numbers
2. Copy dialogues on  pages 22 (1st half), 26, 30, 34
3. Ex. 37: 3, 4, 5,
4. Ex. 39: 5
Les couleurs (la couleur. Seems like it should be masculine. Oh, well)
40: Quiz each other on colors of the flag
La Belgique: Le drapeau est noir, jaune, et rouge.
French 1  Textbook Quizlet decks--all 20 chapters studied in French 1
Quizlet--leçon 2
Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (les pages 36, 37)
Before doing these exercises orally, write the answers to 1 and 2 for each one.
In groups, write out exercise 3 on page 38

Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7)
Excellent flirting lines in French! 25 Flirting Phrases
Quizlet: How to Flirt in French
     Words to discuss love: L'amitié/L'amour

Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


As you are doing the homework found below, I will call students up to my computer to give them points for the Speaking, Listening, and Writing Projects. For each one, at the top of the first page, write the number of minutes that you worked. Most of you will write 60 min. , others will be honest and write a lower number, and some will write a higher number.
1. Memorize the spelling and definitions of all phrases on page 31
2. Memorize the spelling and definitions of all vocabulary on page 35.
3. Memorize the phrases on page 37 (spelling, too!)
Quizlet--leçon 2
4. Do Cahier, pages
5. Bring 3 photos of family members, friends, or pets (only 3 total, not 9)
6. Write sentences to share with the class telling us who they are, how old they are, and what they're like (an adjective from page 165).
  • Voici mon/ma __(what they are--uncle, cat, etc.)_
  • Il/elle s'appelle __(_name_)
  • Il/elle a _______ ans (write out the number of age) Use the age in the photo
  • Il/elle est _____________ (pick adjective from page 165)
  • CHALLENGE: add words and phrases that we have learned to make your sentences more expressive and conversational. You know words like "very" and "uh. . . ," for example. "A" students do at least a bit of the challenge because their focus and interest in the language just helps them learn it better, which helps on exams, obviously. Also, they receive more participation points:)
  • If you feel so inclined, you may tell me what they are wearing. This is absolutely optional since we don't learn it until next semester for some strange reason. To do this, turn to page 260 and follow the model. Colors are found on page 41, if that interests you.
Voici mon père.
Il s'appelle Dallas
Il a cinquante-sept ans
Il est intelligent et très amusant
Il porte un tee-shirt blanc.

French 1  Textbook Quizlet decks--all 20 chapters studied in French 1
Quizlet--leçon 2
Ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (les pages 36, 37)
Before doing these exercises orally, write the answers to 1 and 2 for each one.
In groups, write out exercise 3 on page 38

Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7)
Excellent flirting lines in French! 25 Flirting Phrases
Quizlet: How to Flirt in French
     Words to discuss love: L'amitié/L'amour

Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Learn phrases for next Monday Classroom directions--Quizlet 
Homework: Workbook/cahier, pages 7,8,12 (due Thur/Friday)

Excellent flirting lines in French! 25 Flirting Phrases
Quizlet: How to Flirt in French
     Words to discuss love: L'amitié/L'amour

Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7). You have to be able to say them and write them in French, although spelling will not be graded harshly.
Lunchtime French Discussion Topics 
French foods; bring food; culture
Places to visit; French trip 2019
Slang; flirting language
Sports; World Cup, tennis,

Classroom directions--Quizlet (weeks 3, 4)
Mémorisez  (apprendre par coeur pour un interro/quiz lundi, le 10.)
Know all 24 for Monday, October 10th 
White boards--numbers 20-60

voici; voilà
Out of class practice is due next Wednesday!

Speaking--1 hr.
Writing--1 hr.
Listening--1 hr.Learn French Fast

Episode 2
Téléfrançais episode 1
Téléfrançais is a fun TV show made in the cheesy days of the 70's
Téléfrançais episode 2Introductions: Je suis   I am
Tu es     you are
Il est      he is

Nous sommes we are
Vous êtes   you are
Elles sont   they (girls) are

Describing words (adjectives)
Je m'appelle Jacques. Je suis "intéressant" 
My name is Jack. I am . . . uh . . . "interesting"

Watch Discovering French textbook DVD introduction
Take notes (new words for "congratulations," for example)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Heads up: Tuesday, October 18th you have to know the following Classroom survival phrases--Quizlet (weeks 6,7). You have to be able to say them and write them in French, although spelling will not be graded harshly.
Lunchtime French Discussion Topics 
French foods; bring food; culture
Places to visit; French trip 2019
Slang; flirting language
Sports; World Cup, tennis,

Classroom directions--Quizlet (weeks 3, 4)
Mémorisez  (apprendre par coeur pour un interro/quiz lundi, le 10.)
Know all 24 for Monday, October 10th 
White boards--numbers 20-60

voici; voilà
Out of class practice is due next Wednesday!

Speaking--1 hr.
Writing--1 hr.
Listening--1 hr.Learn French Fast

Episode 2
Téléfrançais episode 1
Téléfrançais is a fun TV show made in the cheesy days of the 70's
Téléfrançais episode 2Introductions: Je suis   I am
Tu es     you are
Il est      he is

Nous sommes we are
Vous êtes   you are
Elles sont   they (girls) are

Describing words (adjectives)
Je m'appelle Jacques. Je suis "intéressant" 
My name is Jack. I am . . . uh . . . "interesting"

Watch Discovering French textbook DVD introduction
Take notes (new words for "congratulations," for example)

Learn phrases for next Monday
Homework: Workbook, pages 7,8,12 (due Thur/Friday)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Lundi, le trois octobre

Classroom directions--Quizlet (weeks 3, 4)
Mémorisez 1-12 (asseyez-vous . . . levez-vous)
Know all 12 for a quiz Monday, October 3rd (apprendre par coeur pour un interro/quiz lundi)
Know all 24 for Monday, October 10th 

Learn French Fast Xtranormal videos
Episode 2
Téléfrançais episode 1
Téléfrançais is a fun TV show made in the cheesy days of the 70's
Téléfrançais episode 2Introductions: Je suis   I am
Tu es     you are
Il est      he is

Nous sommes we are
Vous êtes   you are
Elles sont   they (girls) are

Describing words (adjectives)
Je m'appelle Jacques. Je suis "intéressant" 
My name is Jack. I am . . . uh . . . "interesting"

Watch Discovering French textbook DVD introduction
Take notes (new words for "congratulations," for example)

Learn phrases for next Monday
Homework: Workbook, pages 3,4 (due Thur/Friday)