Monday, September 26, 2016

Mardi, le vingt-sept septembre

Classroom directions--Quizlet (weeks 3, 4)
Mémorisez 1-12 (asseyez-vous . . . levez-vous)
Know all 12 for a quiz Monday, October 3rd (apprendre par coeur pour un interro/quiz lundi)
Know all 24 for Monday, October 10th 

Introductions: Je suis   I am
Tu es     you are
Il est      he is

Nous sommes we are
Vous êtes   you are
Elles sont   they (girls) are

Describing words (adjectives)
Je m'appelle Jacques. Je suis "intéressant"
My name is Jack. I am . . . uh . . . "interesting"

Watch Discovering French textbook DVD introduction
Take notes (new words for "congratulations," for example)

Learn phrases for next Monday
Homework: Workbook, pages 3,4 (due Thur/Friday)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Jeudi, le vingt-deux septembre

Michelle, by the Beatles
"Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble"
1. HOMEWORK #1: HOMEWORK #1 French Classroom Phrases  Memoriser les mots et les phrases #10-20 pour lundi (quiz over all phrases Monday. You have to be able to spell them correctly)
Aussi, les numéros 1-10: un, deux, trois, quatre . . . dix
2. Consider doing MONDAY'S HOMEWORK #2: Cahier, les pages 3-4
3. MONDAY'S HOMEWORK #3 Watch entire 8 min. video: L'alphabet français
Remember, you can do homework during lunch or after school in the library on their computers
La chanson de l'alphabet ("alfa bay")/Alphabet ("alfa bay") song
La chanson #2

4. Ecrivez les phrases et les numéros sur les tableaux blancs (on the white boards)
See page 84 in the textbook
être = to be
je suis     I am          nous sommes     we are
tu es       you are      vous êtes           you guys are
il est       he is          elles sont            they are
5. Ecrivez les phrases de la description/Write sentences describing people
Tournez à la page 165 et écrivez deux phrases describing yourself:
Je suis méchant. Je suis bête. (you can't do those ones!)
Now do the same for Tu
Now do the same for Il; for elle, for nous; for vous; for elles; for "Jacques et Michèle"
If you don't understand how this works, read page 84 in your spare time (lunch, etc.). We will study this more later. But learn it now! Why not, I say.
6. Regardez l'emission Téléfrançais/watch the French Canadian kids' show Téléfrançais
Téléfrançais  Write as many words and phrases as you can
Every 6 weeks you will receive 50 pts. for 1 hr. Speaking Projects: Lunchtime French, Google Hangout, or Monday (library)/Friday (room 101, Howard St), French club (30 minutes/meeting)

Every 6 weeks you will receive 50 pts. for Writing Projects: Penpal (400 words); text messages (write them or do screen shots or . . .); Write a story

Every 6 weeks you will receive 50 pts. for 1 hr. Listening Projects:Coffee Break French (3 episodes), French in Action (2 episodes), or Children’s French cartoons
Coffee Break French
   lesson 1
Write words and phrases from Lesson 1 in your journal
(ecrivez les mots et les phrases de leçon 1 dans le cahier de la classe)   lesson 2
   lesson 3
   lesson 4
Practice sentences for quiz. Let's wait until Monday for the quiz since we haven't had enough time to study, yet. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

French Classroom Phrases  Memoriser les mots et les phrases #10-20 pour lundi (quiz over all phrases Monday. You have to be able to spell them correctly)
Aussi, les numéros 1-10: un, deux, trois, quatre, 

Memorize and practice
to be
I am         we are
you are     you guys/y'all are
he is         they are

être = to be
je suis     I am          nous sommes     we are
tu es       you are      vous êtes            you guys are
il est       he is          elles sont            they are

Coffee Break French
   lesson 1
Write words and phrases from Lesson 1 in your journal
(ecrivez les mots et les phrases de leçon 1 dans le cahier de la classe)   lesson 2
   lesson 3
   lesson 4
Practice sentences for quiz. Let's wait until Monday for the quiz since we haven't had enough time to study, yet. 

REMEMBER: this 6-weeks  you all have to spend 1 hour in French conversation.
Who would like to be in a French conversation group on Wednesdays during 1st lunch?
Also, you could come to French club if you would rather (3 times). We will meet this Thursday right after school in the Culinary Arts room. 2:30-3:30. We will be making crêpes (pronounced krehp, NOT crapes)

French Classroom Phrases  Memoriser les mots et les phrases #10-20 pour jeudi/vendredi (quiz over all phrases Thur/Fri. You have to be able to spell them correctly)

Apporte ton cahier demain (bring your workbook tomorrow)

Livre: Exercices 2, 3, 4
#'s 10-20(à la page 21)

For free French lessons, go to this link:Coffee Break French
Coffee Break French is an award-winning podcast that teaches the language much the same way we have been learning these first few days. After a few episodes you begin speaking realistic conversational French.
You may use these podcasts for the listening portion of your out-of-class project (3 20 minute episodes)

I would like all of you to sign up for Duolingo, as well. Get the app on your phone--it's free. Duolingo is similar to Rosetta Stone and teaches writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The app is even able to tell if  your accent is close to accurate!
Everyone also needs to create a Blog for the class. To learn how to do this, go to the following link:

How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Monday, September 19, 2016

French Classroom Phrases  Memoriser les mots et les phrases #10-20 pour jeudi/vendredi (quiz over all phrases Thur/Fri. You have to be able to spell them correctly)

Apporte ton cahier demain (bring your workbook tomorrow)

Livre: Exercices 2, 3, 4
#'s 10-20(à la page 21)

For free French lessons, go to this link:Coffee Break French
Coffee Break French is an award-winning podcast that teaches the language much the same way we have been learning these first few days. After a few episodes you begin speaking realistic conversational French.
You may use these podcasts for the listening portion of your out-of-class project (3 20 minute episodes)

I would like all of you to sign up for Duolingo, as well. Get the app on your phone--it's free. Duolingo is similar to Rosetta Stone and teaches writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The app is even able to tell if  your accent is close to accurate!
Everyone also needs to create a Blog for the class. To learn how to do this, go to the following link:

How to Create a Blog on Blogger
French Classroom Phrases  Memoriser les mots et les phrases #10-20 pour jeudi/vendredi (quiz over all phrases Thur/Fri. You have to be able to spell them correctly)

Apporte ton cahier demain (bring your workbook tomorrow)

Livre: Exercices 2, 3, 4
#'s 10-20(à la page 21)

For free French lessons, go to this link:Coffee Break French
Coffee Break French is an award-winning podcast that teaches the language much the same way we have been learning these first few days. After a few episodes you begin speaking realistic conversational French.
You may use these podcasts for the listening portion of your out-of-class project (3 20 minute episodes)

I would like all of you to sign up for Duolingo, as well. Get the app on your phone--it's free. Duolingo is similar to Rosetta Stone and teaches writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The app is even able to tell if  your accent is close to accurate!
Everyone also needs to create a Blog for the class. To learn how to do this, go to the following link:

How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Thursday, September 15, 2016

For free French lessons, go to this link:Coffee Break French
Coffee Break French is an award-winning podcast that teaches the language much the same way we have been learning these first few days. After a few episodes you begin speaking realistic conversational French.
You may use these podcasts for the listening portion of your out-of-class project (3 20 minute episodes)

I would like all of you to sign up for Duolingo, as well. Get the app on your phone--it's free. Duolingo is similar to Rosetta Stone and teaches writing, reading, listening, and speaking. The app is even able to tell if  your accent is close to accurate!
Everyone also needs to create a Blog for the class. To learn how to do this, go to the following link:
How to Create a Blog on Blogger

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Aujourd'hui est mardi, le treize (13th) septembre

Bonjour, classe!
1.Quiz Thur/Friday:
The first 9 terms from the French Classroom Phrases Quizlet deck, plus the following words:
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)
Bring your textbook and workbook every day starting Thur/Friday.
You have to be able to correctly spell the following:

May (Can) I go to the bathroom?

Puis-je aller aux toilettes?

I would like (to)...

Je voudrais...
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)
2. Skits
3. Teacher classroom phrases
4. Textbook

Have you purchased or checked out your workbook? Remember, it's $17 and you'll need to give the bookkeeper a check made out to SSHS. Or you can check out a copy from the library, if you prefer.

You need to bring your French Class Notebook (Cahier de la Classe) every day.
*Note: Every day it is your responsibility to do the following:
1. Write down all words that I put on the board, including words that are on the board from the other class (I write different words each day)
2. Try to sound out words that I say--even the ones I don't write on the board. 

Quiz Thur/Friday:
The first 9 terms from the French Classroom Phrases Quizlet deck, plus the following words:
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)
Bring your textbook and workbook every day starting Thur/Friday.
You have to be able to correctly spell the following:

May (Can) I go to the bathroom?

Puis-je aller aux toilettes?

I would like (to)...

Je voudrais...
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)

If we have time: French song "Je sais" 

VERBS from the dictionary at the back of the book:
Deviner-to guess
Apporter-to bring
Discuter-to discuss
manger un bifteck de tortue- to eat a turtle steak
essayer-to try on
melanger-to mix, stir

Monday, September 12, 2016

We are nominating for homecoming court today and students can vote using their phone or computer anytime today between 6:30 am and 4 pm.  

Skits: show me your script. Let's do the skits next time when we have a longer period, ok?

Have you purchased or checked out your workbook? Remember, it's $17 and you'll need to give the bookkeeper a check made out to SSHS. Or you can check out a copy from the library, if you prefer.

You need to bring your French Class Notebook (Cahier de la Classe) every day.
*Note: Every day it is your responsibility to do the following:
1. Write down all words that I put on the board, including words that are on the board from the other class (I write different words each day)
2. Try to sound out words that I say--even the ones I don't write on the board. 

Quiz Thur/Friday:
The first 9 terms from the French Classroom Phrases Quizlet deck, plus the following words:
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)
Bring your textbook and workbook every day starting Thur/Friday.
You have to be able to correctly spell the following:

May (Can) I go to the bathroom?

Puis-je aller aux toilettes?

I would like (to)...

Je voudrais...
Merci (thank you), s'il vous plaît (if it you pleases), and ça (that)