Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Quiz/Interro LUNDI

Verb conjugations and all vocab for lesson 13
(les conjugaisons des verbes et tout le vocabulaire, leçon 13)
Parler, penser, demander (all -er verbs are the same)
être (84), avoir (152), aller (206)
vocab. 197, 199, 200

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


1. Parler en groupes de trois personnes: "Comment est Salem?"
  Tu peux (vous pouvez) regarder les lettres/correspondences/courrier que tu as écrit (wrote)
2. Donnez-moi les devoirs/les lettres  20 points
3. Montrez-moi les devoirs dans le cahier, les pages 120, 121
4. Le Vocabulaire, leçons 13, 14
5. *Interro/quiz la page 197*
5.  Chanson pour le Crédit Supplementaire/Extra Credit
Je Sais--par Shy'm    Paroles/Lyrics    YouTube video Je sais by Shy’m
6. Cahier, 117-119
7. Regarder
If you haven't written the letter about Salem yet, here's the assignment:
20 points: DEVOIRS!
Write a letter to an imaginary (or real!) penpal telling her or him about your town. Remember, whenever you express yourself the goal is to express yourself fully and fluidly. To help  you do this, I'm requiring  you to write one sentence of at least 15 words and another of at least 9. Here are all of the requirements:
1. 1 word from page 196
2. 4 places on page 197
3. 15 word sentence
4.  9 word sentence
5. 1 word from page 89
6. 1 word from page 100
7. 2 words from page 106
8. NOTE: Any time you write anything in French (especially for a class), you want to show that you understand difficult concepts that we have studied. This is what you  have to do to receive an "A." Difficult concepts you should consider using are found throughout the book, but a few from Unité 4 are on the following pages: 155, 156, 158, 159, 177, 178
9. Be sure to proofread what you write!! You will be SEVERELY marked down for errors found on the following pages:
98--verb endings for -er verbs   Ma mère et mon père parlent anglais mais ils aiment parler français.
152--avoir (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Elles ont . . .
84--être (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Vous êtes chouettes!
110--faire (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Nous faisons une promenade.
Note: for this exercise I WILL allow you to use vocabulary that we haven't studied for this assignment. Don't go bonkers, though. But be sure that you use it correctly! Google translate is highly risky because it gives you all sorts of grammatical errors, and  I mark down 1 point every time you have a grammatical error.
Remember, the words on page 106 can be used in the middle of long sentences in addition to the beginning of the sentence, as most people do. This is the easiest way to write long sentences.
En été (juillet et août) je nage à la piscine  mon frère travaille le samedi. (16 words)
In the summer(July and August), I swim at the pool where my brother works on Saturday(s).
Nous dînons à Bombay Cricket Club (un très bon restaurant indien à Portland)quand nous avons beaucoup d'argent [money];nous mangeons rarement là! (26 words)
We eat dinner at Bombay Cricket Club (a very good Indian restaurant in Portland) when we have a lot of money. It is rare that we eat there!
Parce que ma soeur ne sait [know] pas comment faire une pizza, ma mère aide toujours, mais j'aime ça parce que ma mère fait une pizza vâchement bonne ! (28 words)
Because my sister does not know how to make a pizza, my mom always helps, but I like that because my mom makes a very good pizza!
[sait is sais/to know for il/elle]
Jean Paul, je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es très bête, mais arrête [stop] maintenant ou je casse ta gueule!
Jean Paul, I don't know why you are very stupid, but stop now or I break your face!
Mon frère et moi, nous parlons français parce que nous voyageons souvent en France et nageons à a plage.
My brother and me, we speak French because we travel to France often.
Tu parles avec qui à la boum?
You talk with whom at the party?
Other requirements include:
Resources for finding French-speaking (francophone) penpals:
Before you go to any of these sites, I want you to check with your parents to make sure that they feel ok with you doing so and always remember to never give out any personal information there. You all know that people lie about their age and there are predators out there. If anyone asks for private information (phone number, address), do NOT give it to them.

In summer, I swim at the beach.
1 En été, nous nageons à la plage. (1)
There are lots of books at the library.
2 Il y a beaucoup de livres à la bibliothèque. (1)
I visit the art museum in Portland because I like look at the art of Rodin and Monet.
3 Je visite le musée d'art à Portland . . . (1)
Do they prefer the theater or the movie theater to the left of the hospital?
4. Est-ce qu'ils préfèrent le théâtre ou le cinéma . . . (2)
Préfèrent-ils le théâtre ou le cinéma . . .
In my neighborhood there is a school.
5. Dans mon quartier il y a une école. (1)
On my street there isn't a store but there is a cafe which is called French Press.
6. Dans ma rue il n'y a pas de magasin mais il y a un café (2)

Friday, April 15, 2016


Note/"attention": Letter writing assignment is below

1. Parler en groupes de trois personnes: "Comment est Salem?"
  Tu peux (vous pouvez) regarder les lettres/correspondences/courrier que tu as écrit (wrote)
2. Donnez-moi les devoirs/les lettres  20 points
3. Montrez-moi les devoirs dans le cahier, les pages 120, 121
4. Le Vocabulaire, leçons 13, 14
5.  Chanson pour le Crédit Supplementaire/Extra Credit
Je Sais--par Shy'm    Paroles/Lyrics    YouTube video Je sais by Shy’m

20 points: DEVOIRS!
Write a letter to an imaginary (or real!) penpal telling her or him about your town. Remember, whenever you express yourself the goal is to express yourself fully and fluidly. To help  you do this, I'm requiring  you to write one sentence of at least 15 words and another of at least 9. Here are all of the requirements:
1. 1 word from page 196
2. 4 places on page 197
3. 15 word sentence
4.  9 word sentence
5. 1 word from page 89
6. 1 word from page 100
7. 2 words from page 106
8. NOTE: Any time you write anything in French (especially for a class), you want to show that you understand difficult concepts that we have studied. This is what you  have to do to receive an "A." Difficult concepts you should consider using are found throughout the book, but a few from Unité 4 are on the following pages: 155, 156, 158, 159, 177, 178
9. Be sure to proofread what you write!! You will be SEVERELY marked down for errors found on the following pages:
98--verb endings for -er verbs   Ma mère et mon père parlent anglais mais ils aiment parler français.
152--avoir (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Elles ont . . .
84--être (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Vous êtes chouettes!
110--faire (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Nous faisons une promenade.
Note: for this exercise I WILL allow you to use vocabulary that we haven't studied for this assignment. Don't go bonkers, though. But be sure that you use it correctly! Google translate is highly risky because it gives you all sorts of grammatical errors, and  I mark down 1 point every time you have a grammatical error.
Remember, the words on page 106 can be used in the middle of long sentences in addition to the beginning of the sentence, as most people do. This is the easiest way to write long sentences.
En été (juillet et août) je nage à la piscine  mon frère travaille le samedi. (16 words)
In the summer(July and August), I swim at the pool where my brother works on Saturday(s).
Nous dînons à Bombay Cricket Club (un très bon restaurant indien à Portland)quand nous avons beaucoup d'argent [money];nous mangeons rarement là! (26 words)
We eat dinner at Bombay Cricket Club (a very good Indian restaurant in Portland) when we have a lot of money. It is rare that we eat there!
Parce que ma soeur ne sait [know] pas comment faire une pizza, ma mère aide toujours, mais j'aime ça parce que ma mère fait une pizza vâchement bonne ! (28 words)
Because my sister does not know how to make a pizza, my mom always helps, but I like that because my mom makes a very good pizza!
[sait is sais/to know for il/elle]
Jean Paul, je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es très bête, mais arrête [stop] maintenant ou je casse ta gueule!
Jean Paul, I don't know why you are very stupid, but stop now or I break your face!
Mon frère et moi, nous parlons français parce que nous voyageons souvent en France et nageons à a plage.
My brother and me, we speak French because we travel to France often.
Tu parles avec qui à la boum?
You talk with whom at the party?
Other requirements include:
Resources for finding French-speaking (francophone) penpals:
Before you go to any of these sites, I want you to check with your parents to make sure that they feel ok with you doing so and always remember to never give out any personal information there. You all know that people lie about their age and there are predators out there. If anyone asks for private information (phone number, address), do NOT give it to them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016



20 points: DEVOIRS!
Write a letter to an imaginary (or real!) penpal telling her or him about your town. Remember, whenever you express yourself the goal is to express yourself fully and fluidly. To help  you do this, I'm requiring  you to write one sentence of at least 15 words and another of at least 9. Here are all of the requirements:
1. 1 word from page 196
2. 4 places on page 197
3. 15 word sentence
4.  9 word sentence
5. 1 word from page 89
6. 1 word from page 100
7. 2 words from page 106
8. NOTE: Any time you write anything in French (especially for a class), you want to show that you understand difficult concepts that we have studied. This is what you  have to do to receive an "A." Difficult concepts you should consider using are found throughout the book, but a few from Unité 4 are on the following pages: 155, 156, 158, 159, 177, 178
9. Be sure to proofread what you write!! You will be SEVERELY marked down for errors found on the following pages:
98--verb endings for -er verbs   Ma mère et mon père parlent anglais mais ils aiment parler français.
152--avoir (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Elles ont . . .
84--être (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Vous êtes chouettes!
110--faire (try to use forms other than just "Je" for good scores)  Nous faisons une promenade.
Note: for this exercise I WILL allow you to use vocabulary that we haven't studied for this assignment. Don't go bonkers, though. But be sure that you use it correctly! Google translate is highly risky because it gives you all sorts of grammatical errors, and  I mark down 1 point every time you have a grammatical error.
Remember, the words on page 106 can be used in the middle of long sentences in addition to the beginning of the sentence, as most people do. This is the easiest way to write long sentences.
En été (juillet et août) je nage à la piscine mon frère travaille le samedi. (16 words)
In the summer(July and August), I swim at the pool where my brother works on Saturday(s).
Nous dînons à Bombay Cricket Club (un très bon restaurant indien à Portland) quand nous avons beaucoup d'argent [money];nous mangeons rarement là! (26 words)
We eat dinner at Bombay Cricket Club (a very good Indian restaurant in Portland) when we have a lot of money. It is rare that we eat there!
Parce que ma soeur ne sait [know] pas comment faire une pizza, ma mère aide toujours, mais j'aime ça parce que ma mère fait une pizza vâchement bonne ! (28 words)
Because my sister does not know how to make a pizza, my mom always helps, but I like that because my mom makes a very good pizza!
[sait is sais/to know for il/elle]
Jean Paul, je ne sais pas pourquoi tu es très bête, mais arrête [stop] maintenant ou je casse ta gueule!
Jean Paul, I don't know why you are very stupid, but stop now or I break your face!
Mon frère et moi, nous parlons français parce que nous voyageons souvent en France et nageons à a plage.
My brother and me, we speak French because we travel to France often.
Tu parles avec qui à la boum?
You talk with whom at the party?
Other requirements include:
Resources for finding French-speaking (francophone) penpals:
Before you go to any of these sites, I want you to check with your parents to make sure that they feel ok with you doing so and always remember to never give out any personal information there. You all know that people lie about their age and there are predators out there. If anyone asks for private information (phone number, address), do NOT give it to them.

Quizlet--leçon 9
Quizlet--leçon 10
Quizlet--leçon 11
Quizlet--leçon 12
Grammar concepts --all green pages
Le grammaire. Toutes les pages vertes

Torde-langues (tongue twisters)

1. Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien.

I've also heard: 

Un chasseur sachant chasser sais chasser sans son chien

A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog.

2. Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis ?

I am what I am, and if I am what I am, what am I ?
Torde-langues (tongue twisters)

Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien.

I've also heard: 

Un chasseur sachant chasser sais chasser sans son chien

A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog.



Refais l'examen pour unite 4 vendredi
Quizlet--leçon 9
Quizlet--leçon 10
Quizlet--leçon 11
Quizlet--leçon 12
Grammar concepts --all green pages
Le grammaire. Toutes les pages vertes

Torde-langues (tongue twisters)

1. Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien.

I've also heard: 

Un chasseur sachant chasser sais chasser sans son chien

A hunter who knows how to hunt hunts without his dog.

2. Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis ?

I am what I am, and if I am what I am, what am I ?

Monday, April 11, 2016

DEVOIRS: CAHIER, les pages 120, 121
I believe that you can do the homework for leçon 13 on your own.
To do exercise 1 on page 120, turn to page 197 in the textbook. Then look at the pictures on 120 and try to figure out what places they represent. For example, the picture of the person swimming obviously refers to either a swimming pool or the beach.
Exercise 2 refers to page 197 in the text, also.
Exercise 3 requires information from both page 199 and 200.
The word for "up" is "en haut" (think: "up high")
Exercise 4 uses the words from page 200.
I would also like you to memorize the 8 or so words on page 199, which you already learned when we played the hide and seek game.
Bonne chance!! (good luck)

There is a fair amount of vocabulary for this lesson and you will just have to be diligent and memorize it and the spelling of all of the words. I think we're about due for a spelling bee. What do you say?!
Spend about 10 minutes per day working on these words and you will be fine. I've included the vocabulary from lesson 14 as well and I think you know that I  have quizlet decks for all vocabulary for the entire book and that they can be accessed under the resources tab :^)
Quizlet--leçon 13
Quizlet--leçon 14 vocabulaire

Friday, April 8, 2016


Translate the follow sentences:

I'm talking with friends. (155)
Je parle avec des amis/ des copains.
There aren't any bikes in my garage (same word) (156)

Il n'y a pas de vélos dans mon garage
Je n'ai pas d'amis
I like soccer a lot. (158) (In French, nouns can't just "sit" by themselves. You have to say "a" or "the")
Jaime beoucoup le foot
Saturdays, when it's nice, I go for a walk with my family. (110) (159)
le samedi, quand il fait beau, je fais une promenade avec ma famille.
Julien isn't your friend?! Yes, he is my good friend. (175)

--He's funny
Yes, he's a nice boy.(177)

On Monday we will finish the test.
142, 144, 165,

I'm talking with friends. (155)
Je parle avec des (some) copains. (In French, nouns can't just "sit" by themselves. You have to say "a" or "the" or "some")
There aren't any bikes in my garage (same word) (156)
Il n'y a pas de vélos dans mon garage. Mais il y a une moto.
I like soccer a lot. (158) (In French, nouns can't just "sit" by themselves. You have to say "a" or "the")
J'aime beaucoup le foot.
Saturdays, when it's nice, I go for a walk with my family. (110) (159)
Le samedi, quand il fait beau, je fais une promenade avec ma famille.
Julien isn't your friend?! Yes, he is my good friend. (175)
Julien n'est pas ton ami?! Si, c'est un bon ami.
--He's funny
Il est amusant
Yes, he's a nice boy.(177)
Oui, c'est un sympathique garçon (what's the error??)
Oui, c'est un  garçon sympathique
Oui, ce sont des garçons sympathiques

Tuesday, April 5, 2016



Periode 6 regarde l'assemblée de Holocaust et Periode 5 fait autres choses.

Regardons French in Action, episode 9
French in Action 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Ecrivez 15  nouveaux mots    Amusez-vous bien!!

Expressions Idiomatiques des Animaux et Partis du Corps Humain
Ecrivez 5 phrases
Est-ce que tu m'aimes--Maitre Gims

Quizlet--leçon 13
Quizlet--leçon 14 vocabulaire
Quizlet--leçon 15
Quizlet--leçon 16

Monday, April 4, 2016


10 min: finalize skits and show me that you used all required vocabulary
20 min: perform skits
5 min: review for test
Prepare for test.
Go over these flash cards four times, memorizing
Skit to perform in front of the class. You may choose your own groups of 2-4 students :)     
25 min: Write skit. 60 words minimum. The skit will be graded out of 15 points. 5 for using the required words, 5 for grammar, and 5 for presentation (how entertaining it is and pronunciation)
You will perform skits on Monday. I recommend setting up a Google Doc with the members of your group so that you can work together over the weekend without actually meeting up.
Do not use Google Translate. I love it when you use Word Reference, though. Just don't use verb tenses or vocabulary that we don't know yet.
Extra Credit to groups that film the skit. 5-10 points will be added to your Unit 4 test.
Groups that film the skit will be allowed to use vocabulary that we haven't learned yet IF they include subtitles.
*Must include at least one word or concept from each of the following pages:
138 (personne),140 Regarde ça), 144 top (il y a) and bottom (sous), 152 (avoir), 165 (3 adj. méchant), 175 (BAGS-petit), 178 (pénible, génial)
In the handwritten script, underline.
Start learning vocabulary from the next lesson and following lessons. All vocabulary is found under resources, by the way.
Quizlet--leçon 13

Quizlet--leçon 14 vocabulaire
Quizlet--leçon 15
Quizlet--leçon 16