Thursday, January 29, 2015

Parlons en français

Phrases pour la salle de classe--Quizlet--Classroom Phrases
Classroom Objects--une feuille de papier, un stylo, un cahier . . .
Où est le _________
Donne-moi le_________
Apporte-moi le ___________
Montre-moi un __________

French 1 Discussion Topics
1st Semester
#  Topic
2 Pour Communiquer,
Introductions--pages 27, 35

3 Bon  Appétit—tu as faim?
Pages 45, 49

4 Ça fait combine?—l’argent
Page 53

5 L’heure, le jour, la date
Page 58, 61

6 Le temps
Page 65

7 Mes Activités
Page 74,
Invitations 78 (je veux)

8 Mots Utiles (useful words)
—avec, mais, pour
Page 89

9 New Verbs
Page 95

10 Verb conjugations other than “je” and “tu”
Page 98

Jack  Mots Utiles (useful words)
--beaucoup, toujours
Page 100

Queen  Les Questions—Expressions Interrogatives
Page 106

King  Expressions avec Qui
Page 108

Ace  Faire—what people do
Page 110, 112

Phrases pour la salle de classe--Quizlet--Classroom Phrases
Classroom Objects--une feuille de papier, un stylo, un cahier . . .
Où est le _________
Donne-moi le_________
Apporte-moi le ___________
Montre-moi un __________

Chansons du jour:
Sur Ma Route

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mercredi, le vingt-huit janvier

To earn participation points this semester you will need to do the following:
  • Listen, which includes not talking to your neighbor.
  • Do your best to answer questions. 
  • Respond in complete sentences. To do this, listen closely so that you can repeat the same words and simply change the pronouns from "tu" to "je" or "vous" to "nous" and use the correct verb endings. We will practice
  • When you don't understand, you can still earn points. Simply say, "Pardon. Répétez, SVP (s'il vous plaît)." If that doesn't work, add ". . . plus lentement." Then add . . .
  • Que veut dire _________ ("What does _________ mean?") To earn lots of points, repeat as many of the words as you could hear. 
  • For example:
  • Je voudrais que tu ferme la fenêtre, STP (s'il te plaît).
--Pardon. Que veut dire je voudrais que tu ferme les fanturettes (not a word. Just an attempt to repeat what you heard)
Fenêtre. Fenêtre veut dire "window" en anglais.
--Merci! Je comprends

Classroom phrases that you must master. 
Quizlet Basic classroom phrases Phrases pour la salle de classe--23 terms

Memorize last 11 phrases for Friday's quiz.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bienvenue au semestre numéro deux!

Bonjour, classe! Aujourd'hui nous étudions la famille.
Watch the following French in Action episode on families and see how many words and phrases you can learn.
Your assignment is to write down all new words that are taught to you in the video (they are written on the "chalkboard")
and write what you think is the English meaning of the word.
Hand in at the end of the period.
Have fun!

French in Action, Episode 5--Families

Essential Classroom Phrases--68 terms

Classroom objects: Objets dans la salle de classe (not required until next week)

To earn participation points this semester you will need to do the following:

  • Listen, which includes not talking to your neighbor.
  • Do your best to answer questions. 
  • Respond in complete sentences. To do this, listen closely so that you can repeat the same words and simply change the pronouns from "tu" to "je" or "vous" to "nous" and use the correct verb endings. We will practice
  • When you don't understand, you can still earn points. Simply say, "Pardon. Répétez, SVP (s'il vous plaît)." If that doesn't work, add ". . . plus lentement." Then add . . .
  • Que veut dire _________ ("What does _________ mean?") To earn lots of points, repeat as many of the words as you could hear. 
  • For example:
  • Je voudrais que tu ferme la fenêtre, STP (s'il te plaît).
--Pardon. Que veut dire je voudrais que tu ferme les fanturettes (not a word. Just an attempt to repeat what you heard)
Fenêtre. Fenêtre veut dire "window" en anglais.
--Merci! Je comprends

Classroom phrases that you must master. 
Quizlet Basic classroom phrases Phrases pour la salle de classe--23 terms
Memorize last 11 phrases for Friday's quiz.

French in Action  episode 4, La Famille
French in Action, Episode 6--physical descriptions
French in Action, Episode 7--physical descriptions 2
French in Action Episode Guide
French in Action  episode 4, La Famille

Thursday, January 15, 2015


    JE SUIS 


Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Without freedom of speech there is no modern world, 
just a barbaric one--Ali Weiwei

Je désapprouve ce que vous dites, 
mais je me battrai jusqu'à la mort
 pour que vous ayez le droit de le dire. 
(I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend
 to the death your right to say it)--Voltaire

Washing ones hands between the powerful
 and the powerless means to side with the powerful, 
not to be neutral--Paulo Freire

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lundi, le douze janvier

Homework, due Tuesday
Les devoirs pour mardi
Workbook, 77-84

Etre Conjugations--Quizlet Etre
Avec qui, à qui--Interrogative Expressions Quizlet
Faire--Faire Conjugations
Useful expressons--Mots Utiles (useful words)
The six conjugations of Parler
Quizlet -er Verb Conjugations in Present Tense
Unit 3 -er Verbs
Basic Adverbs
Adverbs which modify
Vouloir conjugations
Vouloir Expressions
Review numbers, pouvoir and vouloir
Etre conjugations
Expressions with être
Advanced expressions with être, including some hilarious idiomatic expressions!

Alice dîne.
--Ah bon? Avec qui est-ce qu'elle dîne?
Elle dîne avec une copine.

1. Jean-Pierre téléphone.
--Ah bon? Avec qui est-ce qu'il téléphone?
Il téléphone à Sylie.
2. Frédéric étudie.
--Ah bon? Avec qui est-ce qu'il étudie?
Il étudie avec un copain.
3. Madame Masson parle.
--Ah bon? à qui est-ce que madame masson parle?
elle parle à madame bonnot.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Update--Charlie Hebdo and other terrorist attacks

BBC Update on Charlie 
New York Times Terror Attack on Charlie  Hebdo Newspaper in Paris Kills 12
Witness video of Shooting
BBC News The provocative cartoon
He Drew First
Write one strong paragraph explaining the point being made in the following cartoon:
Cartoon: Pencil pointing toward gun


1/2 page, in English 10 points

At vigils around the world people are taking up the saying "Je suis Charlie Hebdo" (I am Charlie Hebdo). What does this saying mean to you? Perhaps it resonates with you personally, or perhaps you would like to discuss an idea of yours concerning what it means that the people of the world are moved by the massacre. There are other possibilities. Be sure to focus on one idea. This is a paragraph, after all, and you need to elaborate upon your idea before you move on to a second or third idea, which would be dealt with if you were to write two or three pages, which you are not.

Memorize words on 106
Write exercise 2 on page 107. Then we will speak it in pairs.
Ex. Où est-ce que tu habites? J'habite à Quebec.
1. Où est-ce que tu étudies? J'étudie à Montréal

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Paris: 12 killed by Islamist extremists

Refer to page 98 we see the six conjugations for the  verb "parler." Be sure that you understand which endings go with various subject pronouns (I, you, he, they, we you (formal))

Exercise 4. I would like you to take out a sheet of paper and translate the entire letter into English :)
Catherine(she) téléphon
Mon frère et Eric(they) écoutent la radio
Nous mangeons
Mes parents (they) regardent la télévison
Moi, j'étudie
Nous n'étudions pas
Je(I) nage
Eric et Catherine jouent au tennis
Mes parents dînent

Translate the following into French on the same sheet of paper
Refer to page 98
Refer to page 100

I often listen to the radio                                       J'écoute souvent la radio                        
They eat a lot                                                      Ils mangent beaucoup
Eric and Stephanie always watch TV       éric et Stephanie regardent toujours la télé
We telephone our (nos) friends, too        
You (formal) study rarely                        
You (your friend) are eating/eat at a restaurant now
He plays tennis with Amélie                    
Y'all speak French very well                    

New York Times Terror Attack on Charlie  Hebdo Newspaper in Paris Kills 12
French Humor Turns to Tragedy
Witness video of Shooting
BBC News The provocative cartoon
He Drew First
Cartoon: Pencil pointing toward gun
The importance of free speech
France as leader in exploring issues
Does free speech go too far, sometimes?
Do we have a responsibility to speak up? When? Why don't we?
What issues could we fight for, and what could we do to effectively fight for them?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Noël est passé; étudions pour l'examen final

Unité 3.
Memorize all words and phrases found on page 116

Petit examen phrases pour le dîner
Extra Credit--qui? Une photographie avec ta famille?

Page 100
12. Ecrire et parler

all words on page 100--beaucoup, aussi, etc.